Typologie (n)ostalgie – Věda ve výstavbě
Recent Submissions
- ItemBiela(Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2013) Rosinová, LianaThe identity of modern architecture seems inseparable from the whiteness of its surfaces. But why white? Why do we surround ourselves with white walls? The doctoral thesis deals with the phenomenon of white as a framework for portraying the social and cultural development of whiteness throughout history. It outlines a new critical interpretation of the privileging of the colour white in architecture, which distorts the image of white as the peak of purity, morality, evolution, sublime, silence, etc. The main body of the text is devoted to the ideas and performances of selected historical facts and figures like asceticism of J. J. Winckelmann, Le Corbusier´s Law of Ripolin, elimination of ornament of A. Loos, white supremacy of A. Ozenfant, or B. Mussolini´s bleached Rome that address the issue of white. The task continues on the academic research which examines the social construction of the „white race“ as possessing a privileged social status in reference to race, gender, sexual orientation, class, and to a fact, that modern architecture was never simply white. Overleaf, white is somewhere between. It is connected to birth and death at the same time. White looks like the deadlock after erasing of all degenerated, and sometimes as a stimulus for imagination and more sensitive perception. In such a dichotomy of white we have created a presumption of looking at the white from assertoric or aletheic gaze. It means the narrow, intolerant, and dogmatic attitude on the one hand, and contextual, incorporated, and democratic on the other hand. The text also takes some viewpoints on the topic of whiteness to gauge the current understanding of white. The aim is to explore cultural-historical-social preference of white, and depending on the results of research to formulate the meaning of white.
- ItemTrend vývoja železničných staníc(Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2013) Dubeňová, ĽubicaDating back to the 1830s, railways were developed in Britain. The history of railway stations began with a transit station in which the reception area and the hall were separate buildings. This division of stations into two buildings, of which one is primarily representative and the other serves for engineering purposes remained the only architectural option for a long time and has not disappeared to this day. Soon after, they became a major mode of public transportation in many places across the world and served communities. Passenger stations became a new building type and gateways to rail lines connecting cities. Railway stations entered a new age again in the late 20th century after the introduction of high-speed trains. As evident mostly in Europe (and of course China), many new stations were built, and the old ones were renovated to efficiently serve the system. Once different transportation modes were unconnected, but today the trend is towards an integrated system. Many railway stations form an interchange between modes of transportation that may include buses, air services, metros, taxi, private cars, and so forth. Therefore the intermodal concept reflects a new form of service. In addition to serving intercity rail lines, the concept emphasizes linkages to other transportation systems, the expansion of service across borders, and rail networks linking cities and their suburbs. As a consequence, new forms of station type are required. International, airport, and metro or light rail stations represent different types emerging as distinctive building patterns for railway stations impacted by the intermodal concept.
- ItemLidé, moc a architektonické ideologie(Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2013) Kristek, JanText analyzuje a klasifikuje některé současné myšlenkové proudy v architektuře a uvažování o veřejném prostoru a jejich genealogii cirka od 60. let minulého století.
- ItemKomunikativní přístup k plánování ve vybraných textech teoretiků 2. poloviny 20. století(Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2013) Macoun, MilanTento text chce upozornit na význam Habemasovi komunikativní teorie, který v textech několika plánovačů 2. poloviny 20. století zanechal přímou odezvu či se nepřímo objevuje i v dalších. Forester v procesu komunikace vyzdvihuje důležitost informací, Healey dále rozvíjí otázky kooperace občanů a veřejné správy a problém budování její kapacity. Fainstein a Sandercock zpracovaly souhrnné texty, přičemž Fainstein vystavuje komunikativní model dílčí kritice, zatímco Sandercock ho zasazuje do širšího kontextu obhájcovského a radikálního urbanismu. V závěru se propracovávám až k paradigmu sociálního učení, které je dalším svébytným teoretickým směrem. Konstatuji, že možnosti kvalitní komunikace nebyly v českém prostředí ještě zcela vyčerpány.
- ItemFenomén loftu vo filme(Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2013) Peťovský, MarekThe aim of the text is to present my research, summary and analysis of selected loft spaces. This task raises an effort to characterize the loft space, presenting its airiness, excitement or a new metaphysical side. This thesis is showing various ways, in which space functions in movies, such as the relationship with time and space, or just focusing on the loft space itself. The aim of this thesis is to discover the role of the architecture in a movie and how space can influence its characters. The thesis itself is devoted to the discussion on architecture, on how our houses and cities and landscapes are to be formed, it is closely bound up with reflections on how we want to live. In short, one’s view of architecture is one’s view of society. Architecture is not an isolated field; it relates to the surrounding society and our way of thinking and living. In this sense, architecture expresses both our capacity for civilization and our cultural identity. On this basis I consider to focus on the small scale, from the perspective of specific people’s lives. People who decided to live in a loft, which is not the same as losing sight of the big issues. When it comes to our dreams about our dwellings, we are all experts. Dwelling is a human relationship with the world. Before we can build we must be able to dwell, which means we must reflect over our being in the world. Dwelling is about space in the world. Space can be possessed, made and taken. It can be used, exploited, shared and transferred. A person without space is not present, not living anywhere, has no connection. Dwelling introduces something you can be a part of and manifest yourself in. To sum up, we believe that architecture, design and movies influence each other more than we can imagine.