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Recent Submissions

Performance of Family Businesses in the Specific Conditions of CEE Countries: The Case of the Czech Republic
(SAV SR, 2024-08-23) Režňáková, Mária; Karas, Michal; Srbová, Pavla; Pěta, Jan; Michalíková, Eva
Many authors point out that family businesses in the CEE region due to a dif-ferent historical development might exhibit specific features and because of that deserve specific attention. The presented paper aims to contribute to this effort by exploring factors driving the performance of family businesses in the Czech Republic, in course of the research a panel of 7,995 businesses was analyzed by using the linear mixed effects model. The common problem of missing data, especially on micro-enterprises, was addressed by using CHAID methodology. We found that the factors driving family business performance differs between micro and SMEs segments of businesses, while the effect of families is most significant in terms of the model’s slope rather than constant.
Metodika pro převod strukturovaných znalostí z oboru dialektologie do strojového učení
(2025) Šimečková, Marta; Stupňánek, Bronislav; Karafiát, Martin; Voženílek, Vít; Vondráková, Alena; Nétek, Rostislav
Metodika zpracovává problematiku přípravy a využití nářečních dat v dialektologii prostřednictvím moderních technologií strojového učení. Zaměřuje se na procesy konsolidace, standardizace a strukturování audiálních a textových materiálů, které tvoří základ pro vývoj automatických nástrojů pro transkripci řeči. Středobodem je představení postupů uplatnitelných při digitalizaci a normalizaci textových dat, obsahuje rovněž podrobný popis audiální dokumentace nářečí v terénu se zaměřením na různé explorační metody, a to včetně digitální archivace a katalogizace nahrávek. Metodika propojuje teoretické poznatky o sběru a zpracování nářečního materiálu s praktickými postupy, které zahrnují nasazení strojového učení. Důraz je kladen na interdisciplinární přístup, který kombinuje lingvistické znalosti s technologickými nástroji pro automatizaci práce. Součástí metodiky jsou také postupy vizualizace dialektologických dat pomocí tematické kartografie, vedoucí k tvorbě interaktivních zvukových map či webových atlasů. Dokument slouží nejen jako praktický průvodce pro přípravu specifického jazykového materiálu, ale i jako inspirace pro další výzkumné týmy, a to jak v oblasti dialektologie, tak v rámci širšího zapojení strojového učení do humanitních věd.
Hydrothermal performance of wooden beam on solid masonry with capillary-active internal insulation.
(EDP Sciences, 2024-07-16) Sukop, Lukáš; Ostrý, Milan
With the increasing requirements for the energy performance of buildings, there is a demand for internal insulation systems in buildings where it is not possible to apply an external insulation system for legislative reasons. Currently, there has been an upsurge in the development of diffusion-open insulation materials whose properties can compensate for the risks of damage to solid masonry walls insulated with traditional diffusion-closed internal insulation systems. The properties of diffusion-open systems are already well known. This paper focuses on the simulation of the thermal moisture behaviour of a detail of a timber beam embedment in a wall with capillary active thermal insulation in cold climatic conditions of Central Europe.
How Should I Measure Vehicle Deformation Depth?
(SCITEPRESS, 2024-05-03) Moravcová, Pavlína; Zůvala, Robert; Bucsuházy, Kateřina
Determination of deformation energy is an integral part of the accident analysis. Deformation energy could be expressed by parameter EES, which could directly enter the calculation or serve as a control parameter. To determine the EES parameter, it is necessary to know the depth of plastic deformation. There is a lack of standardization in the process of deformation profile determination, because several mathematical models focus on the deformation profile according to established procedures, or the deformation depth is measured along the entire width of the deformation using evenly spaced points. Equal spacing of measurement points can be an unnecessary restriction when documenting traffic accident on accident scene. In the presented article, the differences between equal and non-equal spacing of measurement points and the subsequent influence on the EES calculation are analyzed. Statistical analysis confirmed that equal non-equal distribution of measurement points does not cause significant differences in the determined EES value, so equal spacing is not required. The non-equal spacing could better approximate the deformation profile including subsequent calculation of the EES value, when following certain rules.
What should I use to calculate vehicle EES?
(PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2024-02-08) Moravcová, Pavlína; Bucsuházy, Kateřina; Zůvala, Robert; Semela, Marek; Bradáč, Albert
Comprehensive crash analysis includes calculating impact speed, which requires the determination of kinetic energy expended on the deformation of the vehicle's structural elements at the point of contact during a collision. The accuracy of the input data affects the resulting analysis of the crash. Therefore, this article aims to analyse selected factors influencing the determination of Energy Equivalent Speed (EES) determination using the CRASH3 algorithm: the extent of damage using defined measurement points, deformation width, and also limit speed b0. The variables were varied depending on selected factors such as the extent of damage, the type of collision (overlap), and also vehicle type (vehicle category classification). The presented study concluded that using 2 equally spaced measurement points to define the deformation profile should not be recommended in forensic practice when using CRASH3 algorithm. Using 7 measurement points seems more appropriate in case of equal spacing, even though the differences in calculated EES are not high when using 5 or 6 measurement points, especially with respect to the inaccuracy/technically acceptable tolerance of the EES value determination. The resulting EES is significantly influenced by variation of the deformation width. The used b0 range had a significant effect on the resulting EES value only in the case of SUVs. These vehicles show higher stiffness, which supposes the use of lower b0 values should not be recommended.