Ernst Wiesner, Otto Eisler, André Steiner, Sikmund Kerekes, Max Tintner Neznámé dílo moderních brněnských židovských architektů
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Abstrakt V nedávnej dobe sa podarilo objaviť v Izraeli stopu diela významných brnenských medzivojnových architektov Maxa Tintnera a Zikmunda Kerekesa, ktorí prežili II. svetovú vojnu, po ktorej sa do Izraela presídlili. Taktiež sa podarilo nadviazať spojenie s André Steinerom, žijúcim v Atlante, USA a nájsť stopu dokumentácie doposiaľ neznámeho diela Otta Eislera. Cieľom doktorandskej práce je dohľadať materiály vzťahujúce sa k dielu týchto vynikajúcich brnenských architektov a uskutočniť porovnanie ich architektonického diela.
Abstract The main sources has been found recently of the works of the greats architects Max Tintner and Zikmund Kerekes, II. w.w. survivors, architects who extablished their lives after II. w.w. in Israel. Also new information has been occurred in reconnection with architect André Steiner who spent his life in Atlanta, USA. Archives materials about unknown work made by Otto Eisler was also found. The main intention of the PhD thesis is to collect those unsorted materials and information of mentioned architects and to create comparison of their architectural works.
Abstract The main sources has been found recently of the works of the greats architects Max Tintner and Zikmund Kerekes, II. w.w. survivors, architects who extablished their lives after II. w.w. in Israel. Also new information has been occurred in reconnection with architect André Steiner who spent his life in Atlanta, USA. Archives materials about unknown work made by Otto Eisler was also found. The main intention of the PhD thesis is to collect those unsorted materials and information of mentioned architects and to create comparison of their architectural works.
UDŽAN, R. Ernst Wiesner, Otto Eisler, André Steiner, Sikmund Kerekes, Max Tintner Neznámé dílo moderních brněnských židovských architektů [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. .
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení