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- ItemŘízení rizik vybraných prvků kritické dopravní infrastruktury(Czech Technical University in Prague, 2022-09-22) Procházková, Danuše; Procházka, Jan; Martincová, Jana Victoria; Kertis, TomášPro plnění základních funkcí státu je bezpečnost kritické infrastruktury zásadní, a proto ji musí být věnována pozornost. Dopravní infrastruktura patří do kritické infrastruktury. Její prvky: mosty; tunely; nádraží; letiště; a řízení jejich provozu, jsou zásadně důležité. Článek shrnuje zásady pro řízení rizik zmíněných prvků kritické dopravní infrastruktury založený na systémovém pojetí a respektující socio-kyberfyzickou povahu prvků a složitost systémů v dynamicky se vyvíjejícím světě.
- ItemStandardizace bezpečnosti komunikace vlak-řídící centrum(Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2020-11-27) Procházka, Jan; Novobilský, Petr; Procházková, DanušeŽelezniční infrastruktura je SoS (System of Systems) a skládá se z mnoha různých částí. Předmětné pod-systémy mají tendenci být propojeny jak fyzicky, tak prostřednictvím komunikačních technologií. Zajištění bezpečné komunikace mezi subsystémy je pak klíčovým úkolem pro předcházení rizikům spojeným s propojeními pod-systémů. Železnice má také status kritické infrastruktury. Ochrana kritických částí železniční infrastruktury je jedním ze základních cílů národní bezpečnosti. Národní železnice zahrnuje její konstrukční prvky a systém řízení, i organizaci železniční dopravy ve vztahu k evropské železniční síti. Při zabezpečení a zajišťování bezpečí železnice jako kyber-fyzického systému je potřeba nastavit minimum požadavků, které by měly spravovat všechny systémy. Důležité jsou také postupy, kterými lze dosáhnout minimálních požadavků, stejně jako zesílení bezpečnosti systému. K danému účelu slouží nejrůznější standardy pro všechny prvky železnice, stejně jako pro nastavení celého systému. Nově vzniká technická specifikace, která přenáší nejnovější poznatky v zabezpečení komunikací do potřeb železnice, prTS 50701.
- ItemFTIR Spectrometry with PLS Regression for Rapid TBN Determination of Worn Mineral Engine Oils(MDPI, 2020-12-05) Sejkorová, Marie; Šarkan, Branislav; Veselík, Petr; Hurtová, IvanaThe TBN (Total Base Number) parameter is generally recognized by both engine oil processors and engine manufacturers as a key factor of oil quality. This is especially true for lubricating oils used in diesel and gas engines, which are exposed to relatively high temperatures and, therefore, require more effective protection against degradation. The FTIR spectrometry method together with a multivariate statistical software helped to create a model for the determination of TBN of worn motor oil SAE 15W-40 ACEA: E5/E7, API: CI-4. The best results were provided using a model FTIR with Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression in an overall range of 4000–650 cm1 without the use of mathematical adjustments of the scanned spectra by derivation. Individual spectral information was condensed into nine principal components with linear combinations of the original absorbances at given wavenumbers that are mutually not correlated. A correlation coefficient (R) between values of TBN predicted by the FTIR-PLS model and values determined using a potentiometric titration in line with the CSN ISO 3771 standard reached a value of 0.93. The Root Mean Square Error of Calibration (RMSEC) was determined to be 0.171 mg KOH.g1, and the Root Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP) was determined to be 0.140 mg KOH.g1. The main advantage of the proposed FTIR-PLS model can be seen in a rapid determination and elimination of the necessity to work with dangerous chemicals. FTIR-PLS is used mainly in areas of oil analysis where the speed of analysis is often more important than high accuracy.
- ItemNanoparticle Number Concentration in the Air in Relation to the Time of the Year and Time of the Day(MDPI, 2020-05-19) Brzezina, Jáchym; Köbölová, Klaudia; Adamec, VladimírThe paper analyzes suspended particles number concentrations of 61 size fractions (184 nm to 17,165 nm) in the air at a traffic location. The average course of the individual fractions was analyzed at various intervals - daily, weekly, monthly and annually, in the period between 2017 and 2019. The data was then used to calculate the arithmetic mean for all the fractions (MS Excel, R) and then using a proprietary web application, heatmaps were constructed. The obtained results showed significant differences in both the annual and daily variation of number concentrations between the individual fractions differing in particle size. In the case of the annual variation, one can see a greater variability of smaller particles, which is most likely due to the source of the actual suspended particles. Meteorological and dispersion conditions are found as important factors for suspended particle concentrations. These can lead to significant differences from year to year. However, a comparison between 2018 and 2019 showed that even though the average absolute number concentrations can differ between years, the actual relative number concentrations, i.e., the ratios between the individual fractions remain very similar. In conclusion it can be said that the difference between the number concentration variation of the size fractions depends on both the actual pollution sources (especially in the long-term, i.e., the annual variation) and the actual size of the particles, which plays a role especially in the short-term (daily, weekly variation).
- ItemMethodology for decreasing the level of risk in workplaces with the occurrence of fine and ultrafine particles(Tanger, 2022-02-25) Köbölová, Klaudia; Adamec, Vladimír; Urbánek, Michal; Zeman, Tomáš; Drbohlavová, JanaWith the development of new technologies, the requirements for safety and health at workplaces are also increasing. One of these sectors are also industrial plants which process or use fine and ultrafine particles (<2.5 m) during their activities or where these particles are created unintentionally as a by-product of the production processes. In the case of risk assessment of these particles, it is not only a matter of health risks associated with direct exposure to these particles but can have negative effects on mental health of employees. This could lead to stress, increase mental discomfort, reduce attention, performance, and motivation to work. The aim of the methodology is to evaluate the health and safety management system, increase its level and efficiency in operations loaded with fine and ultrafine particles. The methodology includes both the assessment of risks associated with the exposure of workers and the rate of perception of risks by employees in the field of information about the risks associated with fine and ultrafine particles. It also includes perception of the adequacy of existing safety measures to reduce worker exposure to these particles. The proposal of basic measures to reduce exposure of workers is also an integral part of methodology. The proposed methodology is in line with OECD guidelines focused on nanosafety.