Recent Submissions
- ItemSrovnání produkce dvou větrných elektráren(International Society for Science and Engineering, o.s., 2010-12-16) Mišák, Stanislav; Prokop, LukášAnalysis of two wind power plant production is presented in this paper.
- ItemSimulace umělého života(International Society for Science and Engineering, o.s., 2010-12-06) Janošek, MichalThis paper is aimed to basics of artificial life simulation. In the article there is detail description of artificial life simulation, its problems and several simulators are presented with their application area. Some simulator reaserch results are mentioned as well. So as examples of use and future development of these simulators.
- ItemPosouzení účinnosti hybridních napájecích systémů(International Society for Science and Engineering, o.s., 2010-12-15) Mišák, Stanislav; Prokop, LukášWe analyzed partial efficiency of hybrid power system with photovoltaic and wind power plant.
- ItemAnalýza větrné elektrárny s vertikální osou otáčení(International Society for Science and Engineering, o.s., 2010-12-16) Mišák, Stanislav; Kačor, Petr; Holčáková, Regina; Prokop, LukášResults from redesign of wind turbine are presented in this paper.
- ItemMetody pro analýzu kauzálních vztahů v EEG(International Society for Science and Engineering, o.s., 2010-12-20) Bořil, Tomáš; Sovka, PavelAnalysis of dynamic relations in brain is an important part of neurophysiology. It allows notonly the analysis of connections but also their directions. Granger causality and related methods basedon multivariate autoregressive models are used for analysis of direction of relations in multichanneldata. A new method based on different idea (Phase Slope Index) has been proposed recently. This worksummarize basic differences among chosen methods and shows their application and interpretation onmodel data.