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    BUT Digital library - introduction of institutional repository
    (Národní technická knihovna, 2016-12-05) Skůpa, Jan; Fasura, Martin; Bartoš, Vojtěch
    The Brno University of Technology (BUT) Digital Library is an institutional repository running of DSpace (version 5.3) initially created in 2007 as a repository for theses. The Digital Library‘s range of services is gradually growing and this paper deals specifically with repository services, the process for publishing theses, and support for open access. The repository enables authors to store the research results in open access mode. Full text is integrated into the national Czech systems for reporting publications (RIV).
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    Referencing in Scientific Practice: a Course for PhD. Students at BUT
    (2017-09-20) Janečková, Hana
    The Central Library at Brno University of Technology (BUT) has a wide range of information literacy courses, workshops and instructions for students and academic staff. In the last three years PhD. students have become the main focus of the library educational activities. Besides e-learning courses about scientific publishing we prepared a blended-learning course about different aspect of citations, referencing and publication ethics. The course also focuses on electronic information resources, critical thinking and Open Access. These topics are really important for the students, but they do not feel competent enough. As most of the PhD. students at BUT lead seminars for undergraduate students, the aim of the course is not just to equip the PhD. students with the necessary knowledge, but they should also learn how to explain these topics to their own students. The study materials are provided in Moodle e-learning system where there are discussion forums, tests and tasks readily available for the students all the time. In the face-to-face lectures we use different creative techniques of teaching and working with information. Students learn the subject not just by reading the study materials, but also through actively engaging in different games and tasks. The relaxed atmosphere also helps students to discuss and question what they have learned and fix their knowledge. For evaluation of the impact of the course and students satisfaction we used few different methods – pre-testing and post-testing, evaluation questionnaire, artefacts analysis and focus group. Those tools helped us to identify the gaps in the knowledge, the topics that should be covered in lectures for PhD. students and teaching techniques that are effective. Students generally find the course beneficial for both their publishing and teaching experience and indicate that they have already used some of the knowledge and teaching techniques in their own teaching. They appreciate good communication within the course, informal atmosphere and the inclusion of creative techniques and game elements into learning. Many have explicitly expressed that the lessons were form of relaxation for them, but also associated with the transmission of quality educational content. They considered meeting face to face associated with e-learning support as a convenient way of learning. They judged the e-learning part as exceptionally good, but personal contact is also important for them. In the best practice presentation we aim to share our experiences with teaching information literacy topics using non-formal activities and present the information we received from the evaluation methods we used.
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    Changes in the content of Information Literacy Course due to the Transition to Web-Scale Discovery
    (2014-10-22) Janečková, Hana
    The Central Library of Brno University of Technology in Brno (BUT) in the Czech Republic runs an e-learning course for first year students providing them with the basic information needed to improve their information literacy. The content of the course has changed by the installation of the web scale discovery Primo. Students are now briefed to use Primo for searching all the information content available on BUT. Because there is no further need to have individual chapters devoted to library catalogue and databases, it gives space to new issues that should be included in the information literacy course (e. g. presentation of information). With the new run of the course this semester we did the usability study of Primo that informed us about other changes that should be done.
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    Scientific Publishing from A to Z: an E-learning Course for Ph.D. Students at BUT
    Janečková, Hana; Dědičová, Petra
    The Central Library at Brno University of Technology (BUT) is developing an information literacy solution at the university. Besides an e-learning course for the first year students and live workshops, we also prepared an e-learning course which assists Ph.D. students and researchers with writing and publishing their scientific papers. The content from three separate courses were combined into a new replacement course. One of the previous courses specialized in referencing and different referencing styles, another focused on electronic information resources and the last one was devoted to scientific writing. The new course aims to provide guidance throughout the wholeprocess of preparing a scientific paper – starting with seeking for information resources and their legal use. Then the course continues with the scientific writing and choosing the proper journal for publishing. It ends with the basic information about the system of evaluation of scientific articles and the tools that might be used to promote the paper. The course is run in the learning management system Moodle and enjoyed a successful pilot year. Twenty three PhD. students were enrolled in the course and only two did not finish it successfully. Fourteen students are enrolled in the course this semester.
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    Propojení IS VUT s knihovními systémy Aleph a DSpace
    (EUNIS-CZ, 2018-05-21) Kreuzwieser, Tomáš; Skůpa, Jan; Vaishar, Antonín; Fasura, Martin
    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou zpřístupňování závěrečných prací (VŠKP) na VUT v Brně. Závěrečné práce jsou studenty odevzdávány do vlastního informačního systému. Zde jsou studenty vyplněny metadatové údaje a přiložen plný text práce. Po obhajobě a vložení posudků jsou metadata a plný text práce exportovány do institucionálního repozitáře Digitální knihovna VUT, který je provozovaný systémem DSpace. Data z IS jsou dále využívána pro zpřístupňování tištěných verzí VŠKP v knihovnách VUT, kdy jsou metadata importována do knihovního systému Aleph.