Číslo 12 (Speciální), ročník VI
Recent Submissions
- ItemFuzzy model investic do High - Tech projektů(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012) Kubíčková, Alžběta; Pavlíček, MichalPurpose of the article: Relations among parameters of High-tech projects are very complex, vague, partially inconsistent and multidimensional. Optimal decisions to invest into High-tech companies require top field experts and knowledgeable investors. Therefore the conventional methods of investments analysis are not relevant. Therefore fuzzy logic is introduced. Methodology/methods: A fuzzy knowledge base is a flexible framework for acquisition of vague inconsistent knowledge items which are typical for knowledge economics and consequently for High-tech projects. The pooling of the records and / or observations represents a trade-off between minimal modification of the original data and elimination of inconsistencies among available sets of data. Scientific aim: The paper presents a detailed description of fuzzy model of investment decision making into High-tech firm’s projects. A set of conditional statements was used to formalize the effects of selected variables on investment feasibility of High-tech projects. The main aim is to quantify feasibilities of High-tech projects risk investors make good /not bad decisions. Findings: A set of 50 observations of High-tech companies was transformed into a set of 50 conditional statements using 14 variables. The result is the fuzzy model, which can be used to answer investors’ queries. Two queries are answered and presented in details as an example and as a nucleus of a fuzzy dialogue investor – computer. Conclusions: The main problem is the sparseness of the fuzzy model. Many fuzzy similarities are relatively low and the decision process is therefore often problematic. A much more complex set of variables must be applied to specify the fuzzy model to increase reliability of predictions and decisions.
- ItemSpolutvorba při rozvoji image v automobilovém odvětví: Možnosti a omezení(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012) Mráček, Pavel; Veselá, Jitka; Zich, RobertPurpose of the article The image, as a part of value for customer, represents a potentially important competitive advantage. A crucial problem is the way how it is developed. Value co-creation concept is an approach showing a new possible way of advantage building. Car industry is in the stage in which any new possibility of competitiveness development should be considered. This article shows how the problem of cooperation between company and its customers in developing image can be solved. Methodology/methods: Fundamental accent has been put on qualitative approaches based on the case study research. Several techniques combining primary and secondary data have been used in this context – focus group and group discussion combined with respondent’s preparation and recalling technique, deep structured interview, analysis of independent evaluation of selected product and questionnaire testing. Scientific aim: The aim of the paper is to define the key points of model of image co-creation based on the specific approaches of image, strategy and competition and to present results of qualitative research of customers and companies views of image-type problems of concrete brands. Findings: Results, which were gained in this part of the research, show that changes in the image development connected with changes of competition understanding and strategy implementation are necessary. Complex approach, which solves the development of all levels of image through co-creation, is complicated but possible. Image, built entirely by company activity, is not a sustainable concept because customers have growing share on its creation. Insufficient development of image as a part of customer value decreases any progress in evaluation of general value. Conclusions: Although an application of the co-creation concept has significant potential, there exists many theoretical and practical limits of its application to be solved. Not only basic principles should be defined, but also changes in the approach to strategic management should be considered.
- ItemTeorie prospektu a teorie očekávaného užitku: Aplikace na podmínky České republiky(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012) Fojtů, Kateřina; Škapa, StanislavPurpose of the article: Classical and neo-classical economic theories consider a human as a rational individual making logical decisions and maximizing his profit. But what if it is not the case? People making decisions in the real world will never be perfectly informed about product or service they want to purchase. The economic theories propose that people make their decisions rationally, practically avoiding the risk. Nevertheless, where could be then ranked gamblers, bookmakers and similar people? They are not just a negligible statistical deviation. On the contrary, there are many of them among us. This paper presents some of demonstrations that are different view on making decisions. Methodology/methods: In this paper was applied primary and secondary research. The secondary research was based on analysis of papers and literature published about prospect theory and expected utility theory. This research was used to support a critical analyse of how individuals choose among risky alternatives. The primary research was conducted using the questionnaire. Scientific aim: The aim of this paper is critically describe differences between expected utility theory and prospect theory a differences between decision making in original research applied by Kahneman and Tversky and research applied in this paper. Findings: This survey discovered, that decisions of people making decision under risk, don’t respond expected utility theory but prospect theory is valid. There are no differences when we compared original Kahmenam and Tversky survey with this paper Conclusions: In situations where people making decision under risk, it is better to apply prospect theory then expected utility theory.
- ItemPoužívat jeden nebo dva výkazy výsledovky v českých podnicích?(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012) Gazzola, Patrizia; Amelio, StefanoPurpose of the article: The article examines the IAS 1 revised that allows the company to choose between a reclassification of items by nature or by function (destination), it also provides two alternative presentations of the income statement: a single statement of comprehensive income or two statements, the first containing the components of net income, and the second that, starting from net income, shows the other components of expanded income. Methodology/methods: First we outline the principal theories of the statement of comprehensive income, secondly we concentrate the research to obtain the empirical data. The research is developed in the following steps: selection of the companies surveyed; selection of the documents to be analysed; election of the empirical aspects to be studied. Scientific aim: The aim of the research is to define which format has been adopted by companies listed on the Czech Republic Stock Exchange for the new Income Statement to be prepared according to the International Accounting Standards – IAS 1 revised in 2007. In particular, we examine the Consolidated Financial Statements 2010 published online. Findings: This article illustrates the two choices that have the companies to present items of net income, items of other comprehensive income and total comprehensive income: they can create one continuous statement of comprehensive income or two separate consecutive statements. Conclusions: The results show that the Czech financial statements have not a firms’ propensity to separate the section of the income statement in two statements rather than to integrate it into a single one, while the reclassification of the income statements privileges the reclassification by nature.
- ItemPřístupy určení efektivity institucí v inovačním prostředí(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012) Islamutdinov, VadimPurpose of the research: to study the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative environment institutions, and to define the possible approaches to build a methodology for assessing the effectiveness. Methods: Basing on the analysis of the basic purpose and usefulness of economic institutions, we identified three main components of the effectiveness of institutions: reduction of the uncertainty factor, gain in time, direct gain in money. The performance of an innovative project is proposed to be split into two groups: input, that is, showing during the development and the implementation of the project and output, that shows at the stage of making a profit. In addition, for the equal consideration of all the three components of the institutions effectiveness we suggest that the parameters of the transaction should be expressed in a three-dimensional coordinate system, where one axis u – is the uncertainty, the second axis t – the time and the third axis m – the cash flow. Findings: The calculations revealed that for an implementation of an innovative project, a start-up firm requires either a long-term loan or a venture capital funding or a placement in a technopark. For large and medium-sized firms the project is more attractive to a medium-sized company, because on the background of its performance indicators the effect is not blurred, as against the profits of a large firm. This confirms the effect of short-sightedness of large firms. Conclusions: Carrying out such a comparative assessment of the effectiveness helps to explain the seemingly strange unpopularity of certain innovative environment institutions in the Russian context. Also, on the basis of this method we can try to predict the demand for some kinds of institutions being imported from a foreign practice or implemented in a process of designing the institutes.
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