Ústav chemie a technologie ochrany životního prostředí
Recent Submissions
- ItemQualitative and quantitative analysis of leachables from dental composites under different extraction conditions using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry(Wiley Periodicals, LLC., 2024-07-09) Fučík, Jan; Kejík, Pavel; Bystřický, Zdeněk; Amrichová, Anna; Hamplová, Marie; Mravcová, LudmilaDental caries is the most widespread form of disease, affecting over 90% of the global population. Amalgam fillings, which have been in use for nearly two centuries, will face an European Union ban by 2025. Although photocomposite fillings are a suitable alternative, health concerns persist because of potential substance release into the oral cavity. This study aimed to evaluate the release of photoinitiator substances and monomers from dental materials into various solvents at different temperatures over 30 days. Cylindrical specimens of the composite resins were submerged in different extraction solutions and incubated at 37°C and 50°C. The findings demonstrated that both the extraction solvent and extraction temperature significantly influenced the quantity of leachables (p<0.05). Furthermore, most leachables were released within the initial days, although some monomers continued to elute for over 30 days. The estimated daily intake was calculated for the worst-case scenario, confirming the biocompatibility of the composite fillings. The weight loss of dental materials ranged up to 3.5% after 30 days, regardless of the extraction conditions and dental material (p>0.05). In conclusion, this study contributes to filling several research gaps in the field by addressing the biocompatibility of various dental materials through quantitative and qualitative analyses supported by statistical evaluation.
- ItemFate of fluoroquinolones in field soil environment after incorporation of poultry litter from a farm with enrofloxacin administration via drinking water(Springer Nature, 2024-02-17) Fučík, Jan; Amrichová, Anna; Brabcová, Kristýna; Karpíšková, Renata; Koláčková, Ivana; Pokludová, Lucie; Poláková, Šárka; Mravcová, LudmilaThe practice of incorporating animal manure into soil is supported within the European Circular economy as a possible substitute for mineral fertilizers and will become crucial for the sustainability of agriculture. However, this practice may indirectly contribute to the dissemination of antibiotics, resistance bacteria, and resistance genes. In this study, medicated drinking water and poultry litter samples were obtained from a broiler-chick farm. The obtained poultry litter was incorporated into the soil at the experimental field site. The objectives of this research project were first to develop analytical methods able to quantify fluoroquinolones (FQs) in medicated drinking water, poultry litter, and soil samples by LC–MS; second to study the fate of these FQs in the soil environment after incorporation of poultry litter from flock medicated by enrofloxacin (ENR); and third to screen the occurrence of selected fluoroquinolone resistance encoding genes in poultry litter and soil samples (PCR analysis). FQs were quantified in the broiler farm’s medicated drinking water (41.0±0.3 mgL1 of ENR) and poultry litter (up to 70 mgkg1 of FQs). The persistence of FQs in the soil environment over 112 days was monitored and evaluated (ENR concentrations ranged from 36 gkg1 to 9 gkg1 after 100 days). The presence of resistance genes was confirmed in both poultry litter and soil samples, in agreement with the risk assessment for the selection of AMR in soil based on ENR concentrations. This work provides a new, comprehensive perspective on the entry and long-term fate of antimicrobials in the terrestrial environment and their consequences after the incorporation of poultry litter into agricultural fields.
- ItemNovel Riboflavin-Inspired Conjugated Bio-Organic Semiconductors(MDPI, 2018-09-05) Richtár, Jan; Heinrichová, Patricie; Apaydin, Dogukan Hazar; Schmiedová, Veronika; Yumusak, Cigdem; Kovalenko, Alexander; Weiter, Martin; Sariciftci, N.S.; Krajčovič, JozefFlavins are known to be extremely versatile, thus enabling routes to innumerable modifications in order to obtain desired properties. Thus, in the present paper, the group of bio-inspired conjugated materials based on the alloxazine core is synthetized using two efficient novel synthetic approaches providing relatively high reaction yields. The comprehensive characterization of the materials, in order to evaluate the properties and application potential, has shown that the modification of the initial alloxazine core with aromatic substituents allows fine tuning of the optical bandgap, position of electronic orbitals, absorption and emission properties. Interestingly, the compounds possess multichromophoric behavior, which is assumed to be the results of an intramolecular proton transfer.
- ItemPotential Ecological Risk and Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in Industrial Affected Soils by Coal Mining and Metallurgy in Ostrava, Czech Republic(MDPI, 2019-11-14) Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena; Mihočová, Silvie; Chovanec, Petr; Pavlovský, JiříThe purpose of this detailed research was to determine the actual status of heavy metal pollution of soils and an assessment of heavy metal pollution in a highly industrialized city, Ostrava, with a history of long-term impacts from the metallurgy industry and mining. The ecological risks to the area was subsequently also assessed. The heavy metals Cd, Hg, Cu, Mn, Pb, V, Zn, Cr and Fe were determined in top-soils (0–20 cm) using atomic absorption spectrometry (F AAS, GF AAS) from three areas with different anthropogenic loads. The obtained data expressed as mean metal concentrations were very varied among the sampled soils and values of all analyzed metal concentrations were higher than its background levels. To identify the ecological risk and assessment of soil pollution, various pollution indices were calculated, such as single pollution indices (Igeo, CF, EF, PI) and total complex indices (IPI, PLI, PINemerow, Cdeg, mCdeg, Er and PERI). The identification of pollution sources was assessed using Pearson’s correlation analysis and multivariate methods (HCA, PCA/FA). The obtained results confirmed three major groups of metals (Fe–Cr, Pb–Cu and Mn–V). A human health risk was identified in the case of Pb, Cd and Cr, and the HI value of V for children also exceeded
- ItemThe Need to Improve Riparian Forests Management in Uranium Mining Areas Based on Assessment of Heavy Metal and Uranium Contamination(MDPI, 2020-08-31) Pecina, Václav; Juřička, David; Kynický, Jindřich; Baltazár, Tivadar; Komendová, Renata; Brtnický, MartinEnvironmental contamination caused by uranium mining is becoming a worldwide issuedue to its negative impact on the environment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the contaminationlevels of riparian forest stands and their interaction with pollutants on the example of two localitieswith long and short-term uranium mining closure. Notably high Cu content, which exceeded thelower range of the toxicity limit in 50–75% of the cases, was detected in the leaves. Increased U contentalso represents a potential risk. As both of the elements have a negative effect particularly on the rootsystem, it can be assumed that the soil-stabilizing and water erosion-reducing functions of the standsmay be reduced. Extremely high U content (51.8 mg/kg DA) in the leaves ofAesculus hippocastanumL. indicates its potential for phytoremediation. Significantly higher U content determined at thelocality with the long-term closure of mining was probably caused by the instauration of the shallowhydrogeological circulation after mine inundation. Strong correlation between U and Pb suggestsidentical trend of their uptake and accumulation by plants. A significant dependence of the level ofcontamination on the distance from its source was not demonstrated. Therefore, the management ofmining areas should focus on the protection of riparian forest, which can through its stabilizing anderosion-reducing functions and through suitable species composition effectively prevent spreadingof contamination.