Recent Submissions
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- ItemSingle-fed Patch Antenna with Reconfigurable Orbit Angular Momentum Order(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2021-04) Zhang, Liangcai; Jiang, Jianbo; Liu, Yongcong; Li, WeiwenOrder reconfiguration of orbital angular momentum (OAM) is the foundation for wireless communications based on OAM state multiplexing. As the symmetry of a circular patch is disturbed by an arc segment, two degenerate modes can be synthesized under the single-fed condition to generate OAM waves. Due to arc segment independent of the radiation patch, its effective length is controlled by a switching diode to select different order degenerate modes for synthesis. Based on this idea, a reconfiguration of first-order and second-order OAM modes is achieved. In comparison, the performance of low-order OAM mode is better than that of high-order mode.
- ItemA Compact Bow-tie Shaped Wide-band Microstrip Patch Antenna for Future 5G Communication Networks(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2021-04) Patanvariya, Deven G.; Chatterjee, AnirbanIn this paper, a novel compact bow-tie shaped microstrip patch antenna for wide-band application is presented. The proposed geometry consists of a modified bow-tie structure at the top of the Rogers RT-5880 substrate with a 50 Ω feed-line and 8 × 8 mm2 full ground plane. The diagonal slots inside the geometry have been implemented for exact resonating. The circuit analysis and various parametric analyses of the proposed geometry have been studied. The prototype of the antenna resonates at 27.77 GHz. The antenna has a fractional bandwidth of 6.77% (26.81–28.69 GHz) in simulation and 6.30% (26.89–28.64 GHz) in measurement respectively. The measured linear gain and radiation efficiency of the antenna are 7.00 dBi and 74% respectively. Also, it has a low sidelobe-level and cross-polarization level over the entire-space. The proposed wide-band antenna gives good time-domain characteristics as well as provides an acceptable FBR and impedance matching over the resonating band. All the properties suggest that the proposed antenna suits well for 5G communication along with various wireless systems.
- ItemCylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna Offering Low Cross-Polarization for Point-to-Point Communication Systems(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2021-04) Reddy, P. Soni; Mondal, Rahul; Sarkar, Partha PratimIn this paper, a cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (CDRA) offering low cross-polarization (XP) for point-to-point communication systems is presented. Three linear arrays of air vias (LAAV) are incorporated along the H-plane of a conventionalCDRAin order toweaken the undesired XP generating fields due to the orthogonally resonating HEM21X mode. A set of parametric studies are conducted on the design parameters of the 3-LAAV in CDRA to understand the sensitivity of boresight XPD on the 3-LAAV design parameters. Field distributions in CDRA before and after the incorporation of LAAV are extensively studied to draw a conclusive inference. The 3-LAAV loaded CDRA offers 39 dB higher boresight XP suppression in comparison to the conventional CDRA. The proposed technique is experimentally validated. The measured result shows an XP isolation of 56 dB at the boresight, 55 dB and 38 dB over ±15 % of half-power beamwidth (HPBW) in the E-plane and H-plane of radiation, respectively. This result is well above the minimum cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) requirements for the satellite earth station antennas.
- ItemWB Notch Anxtennas in MIMO System with High Isolation Performance(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2021-04) Nazif, Donya Z.; Mohamed, Ibrahim S.; Gaafar, Abdelhamid A.; Abdalla, Mahmoud A.This article presents a detailed analysis and design of an ultra-wideband (3.1 GHz – 10.6 GHz) notch antennas in a two-element MIMO system with high isolation performance. The wideband spectrum is notched at the WiMAX band at 5.8 GHz centre frequency using a highly selective electromagnetic bandgap structure coupled to the antenna feeding lines. An array of electromagnetic bandgap structure is used to achieve wideband isolation between the two elements. The two antenna elements achieve wideband reflection coefficient for good matching below -10 dB, except the notch where it becomes higher than – 2 dB. On the other hand, the antenna elements have a minimum of 20 dB isolation. Thanks to the achieved results, the antenna MIMO elements have small envelop correlation (less than 0.05) and also small channel capacity loss (less than 0.2 bit/s/Hz). The obtained results are verified using experimental measurements and all circuit/ EM needed simulations.
- ItemDesign of HIS-backed Miniaturized Cross Slotted Antenna for Circular Polarization Using Modal Analysis: A Novel Approach(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2021-04) Bhattacharyya, Arka; Patra, Kaushik; Gupta, BhaskarThis work presents a novel design technique of a circularly polarized miniaturized cross slotted antenna backed by a High Impedance Surface using substructure based Characteristic Mode analysis. The electromagnetic behavior of the antenna and the HIS is studied while the two structures are in close vicinity, with no air gap isolation between them. Such problem of proximity induced near field interaction of the finite HIS with the antenna has rarely been systematically attempted in literature. The chosen operating frequency of the cross slotted antenna is synchronized with the frequency of high impedance operation of the HIS by analysing the structure. This work explains how the characteristics of HIS can be determined when placed at the near electromagnetic field of an antenna. Circularly polarized radiation is obtained at 2.45 GHz with a 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth close to 1.46% with a 10-dB impedance bandwidth of 4.4%. The overall size of the designed antenna is 0.23 Llambda_0 x 0.23 lamba_0 x 0.039 lambda_0 including the substrate dimensions at 2.45 GHz (lambda_0 is the free space wavelength). The area reduction of the complete antenna and only the slotted patch is achieved as 78% and 88% respectively, as compared to the fundamental mode half wavelength antenna at this frequency.