Recent Submissions
Now showing 1 - 5 of 8
- ItemTwo Synthesis Methods Based on Cepstral Parameterization(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2002-06) Pribil, J.; Madlova, A.The paper deals with two implementations of the speech synthesis based on the cepstral representation of the human vocal tract model. Both the approaches to speech modeling are evaluated in the frequency domain. The paper also compares computational complexity of these two methods.
- ItemAutocompensative System for Measurement of the Capacitances(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2002-06) Kollar, M.; Spany, V.; Gabas, T.A simple and successful design of an autocompensative system with flip-flop sensor for measurement of capacitances is presented. The analysis of the sensor is based on the state description with the vertical rise segments of the control pulse. The theoretical results are compared with measured data and good agreement is reported.
- ItemThermosensitive IC for Relative Temperature Determination(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2002-06) Gotra, O.; Kalita, W.; Slosarcik, S.; Pietrikova, A.; Saliga, J.The functioning algorithm and the scheme of the transducer unit applied in thermosensitive IC with relative temperature reading are proposed in this paper. The principal algorithm of functioning is in the formation of current with linear dependence on absolute temperature by additional transduction of current into differential signal with value determined by relative temperature scale.
- ItemSynthesis of Optimized Piecewise-Linear Systems Using Similarity Transformation. Part III: Higher-Order Systems(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2002-06) Pospisil, J.; Kolka, Zdeněk; Hanus, S.; Brzobohaty, J.State models of dynamical systems used as prototypes in their practical realization are optimized from the viewpoint of minimum eigenvalue sensitivities with respect to the change of the individual parameters. In the paper the previously published optimization design procedure for the second-order linear and piecewise-linear (PWL) autonomous dynamical systems [2] is extended also for the higher-order systems. Results obtained give the possibility to realize the third-order basic chaotic or the fourth-order hyper-chaotic oscillators.
- ItemRC Autonomous Circuits with Chaotic Behavior(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2002-06) Bernat, P.; Balaz, I.The paper presents obtained results with applying the "Semi-systematic procedure for producing the chaos from quasi-sinusoidal oscillators". We applied this procedure to RC autonomous circuit and obtained two new autonomous circuits with chaotic behaviour. The two obtained circuits are presented. The usage of various non-linear devices is examined.