Recent Submissions
- ItemTime-of-Flight Based Calibration of an Ultrasonic Computed Tomography System(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2012-04) Filipik, Adam; Jan, Jiri; Peterlik, IgorThe paper presents a novel method for calibration of measuring geometry and of individual signal delays of transducers in ultrasonic computed tomography (USCT) systems via computational processing of multiple time-of-flight measurements of ultrasonic (US) impulses. The positions and time-delay parameters of thousands of ultrasonic transducers inside the USCT tank are calibrated by this approach with a high precision required for the tomographic reconstruction; such accuracy cannot be provided by any other known method. Although utilising similar basic principles as the global positioning system (GPS), the method is importantly generalised in treating all transducer parameters as the to-be calibrated (floating) unknowns, without any a-priori known positions and delays. The calibration is formulated as a non-linear least-squares problem, minimizing the differences between the calculated and measured time-of-arrivals of ultrasonic pulses. The paper provides detailed derivation of the method, and compares two implemented approaches (earlier calibration of individual transducers with the new approach calibrating rigid transducer arrays) via detailed simulations, aimed at testing the convergence properties and noise robustness of both approaches. Calibration using real US signals is described and, as an illustration of the utility of the presented method, a comparison is shown of two image reconstructions using the tomographic US data from a concrete experimental USCT system measuring a 3D phantom, without and after the calibration.
- ItemDesign of Compact Planar Diplexer Based on Novel Spiral-Based Resonators(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2012-04) Lu, Ke; Wang, Guang-Ming; Xu, Hai-yang; Yin, XiongA miniaturized planar diplexer utilizing the novel spiral-based resonators is proposed. The given cell which is initially proposed in this article is composed of two separated rectangular spirals which are asymmetrical to each other and thus, it is called as ‘asymmetrical separated spirals resonator’ (ASSR). ASSR has more superior transmission property than the previous prototype and extremely compact dimension is also achieved. It is demonstrated that ASSR can exhibit bandpass performance with high frequency selectivity and good transmission property within the relatively low frequency band. Based on the given characteristic, one planar diplexer composed of T-junction and two ASSRs is synthesized and the fabricated prototype with compact dimension is achieved, thanks to ASSRs explored. Simultaneously, the transversal dimension of each channel is extremely compact because ASSRs are completely embedded in the feed lines. Both the simulated and measured results indicate that satisfactory impedance matching and high isolation between two channels are achieved. Furthermore, the proposed diplexer is uniplanar and no defected ground structure is introduced.
- ItemEffects of Length and Diameter of Open-Ended Coaxial Sensor on its Reflection Coefficient(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2012-04) You, K. Y.; Salleh, J.; Abbas, Z.This paper presents a calibration technique for a coaxial sensor using a transmission signal approach. The sensor was fabricated from commercially available RG402/U and RG405/U semi-rigid coaxial cable. The length of the coaxial sensor was correlated with the attenuation and standing wave inside the coaxial line. The functions of multiple reflection amplitude and tolerance length with respect to the actual length of coaxial line were empirically formulated using regression analysis. The tolerances and the undesired standing wave which occurs along the coaxial line were analyzed in detail
- ItemNovel Compact and High Selectivity Dual-band BPF with Wide Stopband(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2012-04) Wang, Lei; Guan, Bo-RanA novel type of compact and high selectivity dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) incorporating a dual-mode defected ground structure resonator (DDGSR) and a dual-mode open-stub loaded stepped impedance resonator (DOLSIR) is proposed in this paper. Utilizing capacitive source-load coupling and the intrinsic characteristics of the two types of dual-mode resonators, compact dual-band BPF with multi transmission zeros near the passband edges as well as a wide stopband which can be used to achieve high selectivity is realized. An experimental dual-band BPF located at 2.4 and 3.2 GHz was designed and fabricated. The validity of the design approach is verified by good agreement between simulated and measurement results.
- ItemComments and Remarks over Classic Linear Loop-Gain Method for Oscillator Design and Analysis. New Proposed Method Based on NDF/RRT(Společnost pro radioelektronické inženýrství, 2012-04) Luis Jimenez-Martin, Jose; Gonzalez-Posadas, Vicente; Parra-Cerrada, Angel; Enrique Garcia-Munoz, Luis; Segovia-Vargas, DanielPresent paper describes a new method for designing oscillators based on the Normalized Determinant Function (NDF) and Return Relations (RRT ). First a review of the loop-gain method will be performed, showing pros, cons and including some examples for exploring wrong so- lutions provided by this method. Wrong solutions, because some conditions have to be previously fulfilled in order to obtain right ones, which will be described and finally, demonstrate that NDF analysis is necessary, including Return Relations (RRT ) usefulness, which in fact are related with the True Loop-Gain. Finally concluding this paper, steps for oscillator design and analysis, using the proposed NDF/RRT method will be presented, compared to wrong previous solutions pointing out new accuracy achieved on oscillation frequency and QL prediction. Also, more new examples, of plane reference oscillators (Z/Y/rho), will be added for which loop gain method application is clearly difficult or even impossible, solving them with the new proposed NDF/RRT method.