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Recent Submissions

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    How Should I Measure Vehicle Deformation Depth?
    (SCITEPRESS, 2024-05-03) Moravcová, Pavlína; Zůvala, Robert; Bucsuházy, Kateřina
    Determination of deformation energy is an integral part of the accident analysis. Deformation energy could be expressed by parameter EES, which could directly enter the calculation or serve as a control parameter. To determine the EES parameter, it is necessary to know the depth of plastic deformation. There is a lack of standardization in the process of deformation profile determination, because several mathematical models focus on the deformation profile according to established procedures, or the deformation depth is measured along the entire width of the deformation using evenly spaced points. Equal spacing of measurement points can be an unnecessary restriction when documenting traffic accident on accident scene. In the presented article, the differences between equal and non-equal spacing of measurement points and the subsequent influence on the EES calculation are analyzed. Statistical analysis confirmed that equal non-equal distribution of measurement points does not cause significant differences in the determined EES value, so equal spacing is not required. The non-equal spacing could better approximate the deformation profile including subsequent calculation of the EES value, when following certain rules.
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    Řízení rizik vybraných prvků kritické dopravní infrastruktury
    (Czech Technical University in Prague, 2022-09-22) Procházková, Danuše; Procházka, Jan; Martincová, Jana Victoria; Kertis, Tomáš
    Pro plnění základních funkcí státu je bezpečnost kritické infrastruktury zásadní, a proto ji musí být věnována pozornost. Dopravní infrastruktura patří do kritické infrastruktury. Její prvky: mosty; tunely; nádraží; letiště; a řízení jejich provozu, jsou zásadně důležité. Článek shrnuje zásady pro řízení rizik zmíněných prvků kritické dopravní infrastruktury založený na systémovém pojetí a respektující socio-kyberfyzickou povahu prvků a složitost systémů v dynamicky se vyvíjejícím světě.
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    Sustainability Levels in Comparison with Mechanical Properties and Durability of Pumice High-Performance Concrete
    (MDPI, 2021-05-28) Hrabová, Kristýna; Lehner, Petr; Ghosh, Pratanu; Konečný, Petr; Teplý, Břetislav
    In the production of cement and concrete, mechanical and durable properties are essential, along with reasonable cost and sustainability. This study aimed to apply an evaluation procedure of the level of sustainability of mixtures of high-performance concretes (HPC) with various eco-friendly supplementary cementitious materials (SCM). The major supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), namely, volcanic pumice pozzolan (VPP), Class C and F fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag of grade 120, silica fume, and metakaolin, were included. Twenty-seven concrete mixtures were analyzed using a previously presented comprehensive material sustainability indicator in a cost-effective variant. The results indicated that the rank of the concretes differed at 28, 56, and 91 days after concreting. In addition, the study showed no correlation of strength and diffusion parameters with sustainability indicators. Finally, this study will contribute to the optimal selection of mixtures of HPC with VPP in terms of sustainability, cost, and durability for future implementation in reinforced concrete bridge deck slabs and pavements. The values of sustainability indicators for pumice-based mixtures were compared with those for other SCMs, highlighting the sustainable performance of volcanic ash-based SCM.
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    Imaging margins of skin tumors using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and machine learning
    (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021-05-01) Kiss, Kateřina; Šindelářová, Anna; Krbal, Lukáš; Stejskal, Václav; Mrázová, Kristýna; Vrábel, Jakub; Kaška, Milan; Modlitbová, Pavlína; Pořízka, Pavel; Kaiser, Jozef
    Nowadays, laser-based techniques play a significant role in medicine, mainly in the ophthalmology, dermatology, and surgical fields. So far, they have presented mostly therapeutic applications, although they have considerable potential for diagnostic approaches. In our study, we focused on the application of laser-based spectroscopy in skin cancer assessment. Recently, lengthy and demanding pathological investigation has been improved with modern techniques of machine learning and analytical chemistry where elemental analysis provides further insight into the investigated phenomenon. This article deals with the complementarity of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) with standard histopathology. This includes discussion on sample preparation and feasibility to perform 3D imaging of a tumor. Typical skin tumors were selected for LIBS analysis, namely cutaneous malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and the most common skin tumor basal cell carcinoma, and a benign tumor was represented by hemangioma. The imaging of biotic elements (Mg, Ca, Na, and K) provides the elemental distribution within the tissue. The elemental images were correlated with the tumor progression and its margins, as well as with the difference between healthy and tumorous tissues and the results were compared with other studies covering this topic of interest. Finally, self-organizing maps were trained and used with a k-means algorithm to cluster various matrices within the tumorous tissue and to demonstrate the potential of machine learning for processing of LIBS data.
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    Risk identification of implementation of ITS to real traffic
    (Elsevier, 2020-03-20) Urbánek, Michal; Adamec, Vladimír; Popelová, Barbora; Kohoutek, Jiří
    Intelligent Transportation System is one of the concepts of modern sustainable transport in Smart Cities, which increases flow and safety of road traffic with use of information and communication technologies. The use of smart technologies such as Internet of Things, BigData, Artificial Intelligence and so on, requires strengthening or even creating a new communication infrastructure in the field of traffic. This paper discusses the risks of ITS implementation by analyzing the current state, identifying the key risk factors and showing possibilities in reduction of these risk using system methodology. It can be assumed that this transformation will be time-consuming, not only in policy and construction areas, but also in putting these systems into operation. In this meantime, when smart and non-smart systems will come in contact, there should be expected risk situations, that could cause difficulties for large-scale ITS to emerge, for example for large cities. An important part is also early awareness of the population which is affected by the situation of putting the system into operation, especially trainings for professional drivers. A participant in traffic, who are not affected by smart technologies as so-called “internet generation“ should be taken into account, as possible source of risk situations. Determining the potential risks on all the above-mentioned case is a current problem because of the rapid development and onset of ITS.