Verifikace závažnosti závad silničních záchytných systémů evidovaných v rámci BI PK
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Akademické nakladatelství CERM
Cílem článku je představit výstupy vědeckého úkolu, v rámci kterého je vyvíjen metodický postup pro zajištění stejného hodnocení závad týkajících se silničních záchytných systémů (svodidel). V současné době je míra závažnosti pro tyto závady hodnocena různými týmy auditorů bezpečnosti nejednotně. To značně ztěžuje práci správcům pozemních komunikací, kterým to neumožňuje se zaměřit na eliminaci nejrizikovějších závad, a tak efektivně využít ekonomické a lidské zdroje. Pro stanovení a následné ověření míry rizikovosti jednotlivých závad byl vytvořen matematický model fungující na principu klasifikace diskrétního modelu a jeho predikce. Stanovení závažnosti bylo realizováno porovnáním výsledků matematického modelu pro dva datové soubory. V prvním případě model vycházel z dat dopravních nehod korelovaných s evidovanými deficity svodidel. V druhém případě se pak jednalo o nehodové události se svodidly, kde v rámci bezpečnostní inspekce nebyla lokalizována žádná závada. Na základě porovnání výsledků modelu, resp. stanovených pravděpodobností pro jednotlivé expozice deficitů došlo k ověření a upřesnění stanovených rizik.
The main objective of this paper is to present the results of a scientific work, which aims to develop a methodological procedure that will achieve the same assessment of the defects related to road restraint systems. Currently, the level of severity for these defects is rated inconsistently by different teams of road safety auditors. As a result, this makes it very complicated for road managers, who are unable to focus on eliminating the riskiest defects and thus make efficient use of economic and human resources. A mathematical model was created to determine and subsequently verify the level of severity of individual safety system defects. It works on the principle of data classification by a discrete model and its prediction. The determination of severity was carried out by comparing the results of the mathematical model for the two different datasets. In the first case, the model was based on accident data correlated with recorded defects in road restraint systems. In the second case, the model was based on traffic accidents with road restraint systems where no defects were located within the road safety inspection. Based on the comparison of the results of the mathematical model and the established probabilities for each exposure of defects the individual risks were confirmed.
The main objective of this paper is to present the results of a scientific work, which aims to develop a methodological procedure that will achieve the same assessment of the defects related to road restraint systems. Currently, the level of severity for these defects is rated inconsistently by different teams of road safety auditors. As a result, this makes it very complicated for road managers, who are unable to focus on eliminating the riskiest defects and thus make efficient use of economic and human resources. A mathematical model was created to determine and subsequently verify the level of severity of individual safety system defects. It works on the principle of data classification by a discrete model and its prediction. The determination of severity was carried out by comparing the results of the mathematical model for the two different datasets. In the first case, the model was based on accident data correlated with recorded defects in road restraint systems. In the second case, the model was based on traffic accidents with road restraint systems where no defects were located within the road safety inspection. Based on the comparison of the results of the mathematical model and the established probabilities for each exposure of defects the individual risks were confirmed.
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© Akademické nakladatelství CERM