Trans silvam Bohemicam - úvaha nad prostupností bavorsko-českého pohraničí v minulosti a současnosti
Preusz, Michal
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební
Hornofalcký/Český les a Všerubská vrchovina, které byly latinsky nazývány silva Bohemica, představují přirozené přírodní horské bariéry s omezenou prostupností. Zdejší průsmyky v nejstarší minulosti překonávala Řezenská cesta, jež spojovala českou kotlinu s Podunajím. Patrně od 12. století ji doplnila a částečně nahradila Norimberská cesta, jež spojila Prahu s Norimberkem. Tyto historické cesty tvořily páteřní osy středoevropské komunikační sítě a nepochybně byly nejvýznamnějšími cestami středověkých a novověkých Čech. Přestože jejich historický význam byl z mnoha úhlů pohledu řešen a zdůrazňován, dosud neproběhl adekvátní Interdisciplinární výzkum, který by specifikoval materiální pozůstatky těchto cest, napomohl by definování dochovaných a cenných úseků, jež by měly být památkově chráněny, zároveň by poukázal na možnosti, jak využít tyto staré cesty ke zkvalitnění prostupnosti současnou krajinou a napomohl by ke zlepšení cestovního ruchu. Předložený článek je proto prvotní úvahou, o vývoji a významu robustní komunikační sítě a poukazuje, jak může historicko-archeologický výzkum minulých cest napomoci ke zkvalitnění životních podmínek v současném česko-bavorském pohraničí.
The Upper Palatinate/Bohemian Forest and the Všeruby highland, which were called silva Bohemica in Latin, represent natural mountain barriers with limited permeability. In the earliest past, the local passes were crossed by the road between Prague and Regensburg, which connected the Bohemian basin with the Danube. Probably from the 12th century, it was supplemented and partially replaced by the Nuremberg Road, which connected Prague with Nuremberg. These historical routes formed the backbone of the Central European communication network and were undoubtedly the most important routes of medieval and modern Bohemia. Although their historical importance has been addressed and emphasized from many points of view, there has not yet been adequate interdisciplinary research that would specify the material remains of these roads, help define the preserved and valuable sections that should be protected as monuments, and at the same time point out the possibilities of using these old roads to improve the accessibility of the current landscape and would help to improve tourism. The presented article is therefore an initial reflection on the development and importance of a robust communication network and points out how historical-archaeological research of past routes can help to improve living conditions in the current Czech-Bavarian border region.
The Upper Palatinate/Bohemian Forest and the Všeruby highland, which were called silva Bohemica in Latin, represent natural mountain barriers with limited permeability. In the earliest past, the local passes were crossed by the road between Prague and Regensburg, which connected the Bohemian basin with the Danube. Probably from the 12th century, it was supplemented and partially replaced by the Nuremberg Road, which connected Prague with Nuremberg. These historical routes formed the backbone of the Central European communication network and were undoubtedly the most important routes of medieval and modern Bohemia. Although their historical importance has been addressed and emphasized from many points of view, there has not yet been adequate interdisciplinary research that would specify the material remains of these roads, help define the preserved and valuable sections that should be protected as monuments, and at the same time point out the possibilities of using these old roads to improve the accessibility of the current landscape and would help to improve tourism. The presented article is therefore an initial reflection on the development and importance of a robust communication network and points out how historical-archaeological research of past routes can help to improve living conditions in the current Czech-Bavarian border region.
Prostor pro život: cesty. Sborník mezinárodní konference Krajina Sídla Památky 2024, s. 64-75. ISBN 978-80-214-6263-2.
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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License