Vztah scénického pohledu a hodnoty rezidenční výstavby
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Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka
Autoři se při svém zkoumání vztahu mezi vybranými vlivy a cenami nemovitostí, konkrétně rezidenčními stavbami (tj. rodinnými domy a byty), inspirovali poznatky a výsledky ze zpracovaných rešerší. Šlo o takové charakteristiky, jejichž působení na ceny nemovitostí bylo prokázáno i jinde ve světě. Jako referenční lokalita bylo pro tento výzkum zvoleno Brno. V první fázi byly fotografovány různé rezidenční stavby, v další byl proveden výběr těchto fotografií, přičemž důraz byl kladen na takové nemovitosti, u kterých byly posuzované vlastnosti nejvýraznější. Následně, v souladu s postupy metody Fuzzy Delphi, byl vytvořen dotazník s konkrétními otázkami a určen okruh posuzovatelů, jimž byl tento dotazník zaslán. Konkrétně se jednalo o odborníky, působící v odvětvích ekonomiky, stavebnictví, architektury a realit, kteří pak své individuálně vyplněné dotazníky odeslali zpět. Následně proběhla fáze vyhodnocení názorů získaných z jednotlivých dotazníků.
The authors during the research of the relationship between certain impacts and housing prices were inspired by the knowledge and results of processed literature. Concretely by the characteristics which had an affect on housing prices throughout the World. The city of Brno was chosen as a suitable place of research. Firstly, photographs of various residential buildings were made. Secondly, those photographs were filtered. The buildings, which have shown certain significant abilities, were chosen. Subsequently, together with Delphi method, a questionnaire with concrete questions was made. Also a circuit of experts was determined and the questionnaire was sent to them. These experts work either in the branch of economy, building industry and real estate or in an uncategorized branch. Addressed experts filled the questionnaires and sent them back. Subsequently, an opinion exchanging phase of evaluation from each questionnaire took place.
The authors during the research of the relationship between certain impacts and housing prices were inspired by the knowledge and results of processed literature. Concretely by the characteristics which had an affect on housing prices throughout the World. The city of Brno was chosen as a suitable place of research. Firstly, photographs of various residential buildings were made. Secondly, those photographs were filtered. The buildings, which have shown certain significant abilities, were chosen. Subsequently, together with Delphi method, a questionnaire with concrete questions was made. Also a circuit of experts was determined and the questionnaire was sent to them. These experts work either in the branch of economy, building industry and real estate or in an uncategorized branch. Addressed experts filled the questionnaires and sent them back. Subsequently, an opinion exchanging phase of evaluation from each questionnaire took place.
Vodohospodářské technicko-ekonomické informace. 2021, vol. 63, issue 6, p. 42-45.
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International