Multispektrální zpracování obrazu
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií
S rychlým rozvojem technologie multispektrálního zobrazování v posledních desetiletích obrázky získané zobrazovacími systémy obsahují nejen barevná pásma RGB v každodenním životě, ale také mají multispektrální barevná pásma a vysoké prostorové rozlišení v multispektrálních obrazových datech. Díky tomu obrázky obsahují bohaté informace o charakteristických cílových oblastech. Fúze obrazu je také důležitou větví v oblasti zpracování obrazu, kde je více obrázků ze stejné oblasti ve stejné výšce sloučeno do jednoho obrazu. Poté se zlepší korelace mezi spektrálními informacemi multispektrálních obrazů. Aby se informace na obrázku neztratily. Tato práce obsahuje popis návrhu a implementace multispektrálního obrazového systému, předzpracování multispektrálních obrazů, fúzi multispektrálních obrazů a analýzu hlavních komponent. Nakonec je představeno hodnocení celého systému.
With the rapid development of multispectral image imaging technology in recent decades, the images acquired by imaging systems not only contain the RGB color bands in daily life but also have multispectral color bands and high spatial resolution in multispectral image data. This makes the images contain rich information about the characteristic target regions. Image fusion is also an important branch in the field of image processing, where multiple images from the same region at the same height are fused into a single image. Then the correlation between the spectral information of the multispectral images is enhanced. So that the information in the image is not lost. This thesis contains a description of the design and implementation of a multispectral image system, preprocessing of multispectral images, the fusion of multispectral images, and principal component analysis. Finally, an evaluation of the whole system is presented.
With the rapid development of multispectral image imaging technology in recent decades, the images acquired by imaging systems not only contain the RGB color bands in daily life but also have multispectral color bands and high spatial resolution in multispectral image data. This makes the images contain rich information about the characteristic target regions. Image fusion is also an important branch in the field of image processing, where multiple images from the same region at the same height are fused into a single image. Then the correlation between the spectral information of the multispectral images is enhanced. So that the information in the image is not lost. This thesis contains a description of the design and implementation of a multispectral image system, preprocessing of multispectral images, the fusion of multispectral images, and principal component analysis. Finally, an evaluation of the whole system is presented.
LI, Y. Multispektrální zpracování obrazu [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií. 2021.
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Study field
Počítačová grafika a multimédia v angličtině
prof. Ing. Adam Herout, Ph.D. (předseda)
prof. Dr. Ing. Pavel Zemčík (místopředseda)
Ing. Michal Bidlo, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. František Grézl, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Mgr. Lukáš Holík, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Michal Hradiš, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
The student first presented the results achieved in her thesis. The committee then familiarized itself with the assessment of the supervisor and the review of the thesis. The student then answered the questions of the reviewer and other posed questions. The committee states, that despite the problems the implementation suffers from, the program is working and it provides the basic functionality. The text also suffers from errors, many of them have been caused by the language barrier. Despite these flaws, the text meets the required extent and structure of the diploma thesis. The committee appreciates the great amount of effort and the approach of the student which was notable from the text and from the defense. Based on these reasons, the committee decided to grade the final thesis with an E. Otázky u obhajoby: Did you try to process your dataset with IDCube and Epina ImageLab? What were the results? Explain what is a multispectral image and how is it represented in your algorithms. Explain how the PCA is applied to a multispectral image (e.g. with 10 spectral bands) and how would you display the result on screen. How many dimensions do you use for the multispectral image? Where did you get the example image, how it was created and why are you working with this image? How do you convert input to output values?
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení