Problematika hodnocení optimality a vyváženosti podnikových IS
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská
Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou hodnocení vyváženosti, optimality podnikových informačních systémů. Podnětem k tomuto zaměření je rostoucí důležitost, která je kladena na vnímání informačního systému z pohledu firmy. Do oblasti informačních systémů a technologií je ve firmách investováno stále více prostředků. Ne vždy je však již zpětně zjišťováno, zda se jedná o informační systém, který lze v současném stavu a popřípadě i do budoucna charakterizovat jako pro firmu vyvážený, optimální. Mnohdy je tomu tak právě proto, že neexistuje pro firmu dostupná a poměrně snadno aplikovatelná metoda jak informační systém ohodnotit. Jako jedno z hlavních východisek disertační práce jsem zvolil metodu HOS8, která byla publikována před 5-ti lety na naší fakultě. Nově navrhovaná metoda HOS2009 se snaží o odstranění slabých míst metody HOS8, které byly odhaleny jejím praktickým využíváním, a to zejména prostřednictvím zpětné vazby od aplikantů metody. V rámci disertační práce jsou zkoumány faktory ovlivňující úroveň jednotlivých oblastí informačního systému a vliv těchto oblastí na jeho celkovou vyváženost. S ohledem na posouzení vyváženosti, optimality informačního systému je v disertační práci také zkoumána problematika stanovení vyváženého, optimálního stavu informačního systému pro firmu v současnosti i v budoucnosti. Součástí výstupů metody jsou i grafy, které znázorňují celkový stav informačního systému, nevyváženost jednotlivých oblastí IS a vzájemnou vazbu mezi oblastmi hardware a software. Na základě zhodnocení stávajícího stavu a jeho porovnání s vyváženým, optimálním stavem stávajícím i budoucím, jsou pak navrhovány možné směry, strategie dalšího vývoje informačního systému ve firmě. Hlavní využití metody HOS2009 spatřuji v podpoře manažerského rozhodování v rámci: odhalení potencionálních problémů v rámci IS firmy, návrhu možného směru rozvoje prospěšného k jejich vyřešení i použití metody jako jednoduchého kontrolního mechanismu.
This doctoral thesis deals with the aspects of evaluation of balance and optimality of corporate information systems. The initiative for this specialization was given by the increasing importance that is being laid on the perception of information systems from the point of view of a business company. More and more resources are being invested in the domain of information systems, but afterwards, it is not always ascertained that the information system is such a system, one could characterize as balanced and optimal for the company today as well as in the future. Often this is because there does not exist for the company an available and easily applicable methodic how to evaluate the system. As one of the main starting points of this doctoral thesis I have chosen the methodic HOS8 that was published 5 years ago on our faculty. The newly proposed methodic HOS2009 is trying to clear up the weak points of the original HOS8 methodic that were discovered during its practical use. This is done mainly by using the information feedback from the applicants of the methodic. Within the scope of this thesis the factors influencing the level of the particular areas of the system and the influence of these areas on its general balance are being examined. With regard to the evaluation of the balance and optimality of the information system, in this thesis the problematic of determination of a balanced and optimal state of information system for a company nowadays as well in the future are being examined. As a part of the methods output the thesis presents also charts representing the general state of the system, the imbalance of the particular parts of the IS and the relationship between the areas of hardware and software. Based on the evaluation of the current state and its comparison to the balanced optimal state for the present day as well for the future, the new possible directions and strategies of further development of the IS in the company are being proposed. I see the best exploitation of the methodic HOS2009 in the company in the support of managerial decisions with impact on: the discovery of potentially problems within the scope of IS of the company, the design of a possible course of development useful for their solution, but also the usage of the methodic as a simple control mechanism.
This doctoral thesis deals with the aspects of evaluation of balance and optimality of corporate information systems. The initiative for this specialization was given by the increasing importance that is being laid on the perception of information systems from the point of view of a business company. More and more resources are being invested in the domain of information systems, but afterwards, it is not always ascertained that the information system is such a system, one could characterize as balanced and optimal for the company today as well as in the future. Often this is because there does not exist for the company an available and easily applicable methodic how to evaluate the system. As one of the main starting points of this doctoral thesis I have chosen the methodic HOS8 that was published 5 years ago on our faculty. The newly proposed methodic HOS2009 is trying to clear up the weak points of the original HOS8 methodic that were discovered during its practical use. This is done mainly by using the information feedback from the applicants of the methodic. Within the scope of this thesis the factors influencing the level of the particular areas of the system and the influence of these areas on its general balance are being examined. With regard to the evaluation of the balance and optimality of the information system, in this thesis the problematic of determination of a balanced and optimal state of information system for a company nowadays as well in the future are being examined. As a part of the methods output the thesis presents also charts representing the general state of the system, the imbalance of the particular parts of the IS and the relationship between the areas of hardware and software. Based on the evaluation of the current state and its comparison to the balanced optimal state for the present day as well for the future, the new possible directions and strategies of further development of the IS in the company are being proposed. I see the best exploitation of the methodic HOS2009 in the company in the support of managerial decisions with impact on: the discovery of potentially problems within the scope of IS of the company, the design of a possible course of development useful for their solution, but also the usage of the methodic as a simple control mechanism.
Informační systém, vyváženost, optimalita, efektivnost, efektivita, metoda, model, management IS, hardware, software, orgware, peopleware, dataware, security, customers, suppliers, management, Information system, balance, optimality, effectiveness, effectivity, efficiency, method, model, management IS, hardware, software, orgware, peopleware, dataware, security, customers, suppliers, management
NEUWIRTH, B. Problematika hodnocení optimality a vyváženosti podnikových IS [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská. 2009.
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Řízení a ekonomika podniku
prof. Ing. Mária Režňáková, CSc. (předseda)
prof. Ing. Zdeněk Mikoláš, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Josef Vaculík, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Vojtěch Koráb, Dr., MBA (člen)
doc. Ing. Jan Solař, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Jan Čapek, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Jiří Dvořák, DrSc. (člen)
Ing. Jan Novotný (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení