Marketingový mix podniku a návrh na jeho zlepšení

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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská
KIRCHNER, J. Marketingový mix podniku a návrh na jeho zlepšení [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská. 2023.
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doc. Ing. Robert Zich, Ph.D. (předseda) Ing. František Milichovský, Ph.D., MBA, DiS. (člen) Ing. Veronika Bumberová, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. David Schüller, Ph.D. (člen) doc. Ing. Zdeňka Konečná, Ph.D. (místopředseda)
Date of acceptance
Supervisor´s questions - answered. Reviewer´s questions - answered. doc. Ing. Zdeňka Konečná, Ph.D. - How do you suggest the logistic process of your season based product? What about the freshness aspect? Answered. You have mentioned that the pricing will be dynamic. How they do the product calculation on daily-base? How often you will do recalculation? Partially answered. Ing. Veronika Bumberová, Ph.D. - Where is supporting information about raising prices of supply? This is part of SLEPT analysis, you should have some secondary data. It is based on your intuition? Partially answered. What is the goal of your analysis? Partially answered. What is the power of customer? Is it low or high the power of customers? Partially answered. What is the business strategy of the company? Partially answered. doc. Ing. Robert Zich, Ph.D. - Can you explain the opportunities in SWOT analysis? Partially answered. I can´t find any information about impact of pandemic. Where is it? Not answered. Your goal is Changing Marketing mix. Your proposals start with business model. Can you tell me the link between marketing mix and business model? Not answered. You used 7S model. Where is the output? Not answered. The committee voted on the grade and the committee agreed on an E.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení
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