Síťování polysacharidových mikrovláken
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Všeobecne, cieľom tejto diplomovej práce bola príprava a charakterizácia sieťovaných hyaluronových mikrovláken, ktoré by boli stabilné vo vodnom prostredí s vhodnými mechanickými vlastnosťami. Vlákna pripravené technikou zvlákňovania z roztoku boli sieťované pomocou roztoku so sieťovacím činidlom 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimidom alebo roztoku s dvoma sieťovacími činidlami 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimidom a N-hydroxysuccinimidom, vedúcim k amidácii a tvorbe esterových väzieb. Charakterizácia pripravených vzoriek je hlavným cieľom experimentálnej časti práce. Charakteristiky botnání boli vykonané na určenie stability vláken v troch rôznych roztokoch (s pH 7.4, 3 a 11). Na určenie termickej stability bola využitá termogravimetrická analýza a na stanovenie esterifikácie a amidácie bola použitá infračervená spektroskopia s Fourierovou transformáciou. Mechanické vlastnosti vláken boli študované pomocou testovania závislosti stress-strain. Ďalej boli testované reologické vlastnosti ako aj mikroštruktúra a povrch vláken pomocou skenovacieho elektrónového mikroskopu. Vlákna pred chemickým sieťovaním vykazovali nižšiu stabilitu vo všetkých troch roztokoch, termálna stabilita bola taktiež nižšia ako stabilita zosieťovaných vláken. Pre vlákna chemicky nemodifikované so sieťujúcim činidlom, sa objavil iba jeden typ píku pre esterifikáciu. Infračervené spektrum chemicky zosieťovaných vláken ukázalo prítomnosť dvoch píkov pre esterifikáciu, čo je prejavom efektivity sieťovacieho činidla. Amidácia bola tiež výraznejšia pri zosieťovaných vláknach, špeciálne pre vlákna sieťované dlhú dobu a v roztoku s vyššou koncentráciou sieťujúceho činidla. Kvôli nerovnomerným vláknam, mechanické vlastnosti nevykazovali žiadnu závislosť na sieťovaní. Štúdium reológie ukázalo, že viskozita vlákna rozpusteného vo vode je menej závislá na šmykovej rýchlosti ako prášok hyaluronanu sodného rozpusteného vo vode. Napriek mnohým rôznym metódam charakterizácie vláken, ktoré boli použité v tejto práci, je stále veľa možností pre lepšiu charakterizáciu a bližšie pochopenie tohto biopolymérneho materiálu.
The general goal of the proposed diploma work was preparation and characterization of crosslinked hyaluronan microfibres, which would be stable in aqueous environment with proper mechanical properties. The fibres prepared by the wet spinning technique, were crosslinked with solution containing crosslinking reagent 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide or two crosslinking reagents, 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide, leading to amidation and formation of ester bonds. Characterization of prepared samples is the main goal of experimental part of the thesis. The swelling characteristics were carried out to determine the stability of fibres in three different solutions (with pH 7.4, 3 and 11). For determination of thermal stability was used thermogravimetrical analysis, and for determination of esterification and amidation was used infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transformation. Mechanical properties of fibres were studied by stress-strain tester. Additionally, the rheological properties were investigated, as well as the microstructure and surface of fibres by scanning electron microscopy. The fibres before chemical crosslinking had lower stability in all three types of solutions; the thermal stability was also lower, than the stability of crosslinked fibres. For not chemically modified fibres with crosslinking reagent, only one type of peak for esterification occurred. The infrared spectra of chemically crosslinked fibres showed the presence of two esterification peaks, which was the result of the effectiveness of the crosslinkig reagent. Amidation was also stronger for crosslinked fibres, especially for fibres crosslinked long time and in the solution with higher concentration of crosslinking reagent. Due to the heterogeneity of fibres, mechanical properties did not show evidence of any dependence on the crosslinking. The rheological study showed that the viscosity of fibre dissolved in water is less dependent on the shear rate than the powder of sodium hyaluronan dissolved in water. Despite more different methods of characterization of fibres which were used in this work, there are still many options for better characterization and closer understanding of this biopolymeric material.
The general goal of the proposed diploma work was preparation and characterization of crosslinked hyaluronan microfibres, which would be stable in aqueous environment with proper mechanical properties. The fibres prepared by the wet spinning technique, were crosslinked with solution containing crosslinking reagent 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide or two crosslinking reagents, 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide and N-hydroxysuccinimide, leading to amidation and formation of ester bonds. Characterization of prepared samples is the main goal of experimental part of the thesis. The swelling characteristics were carried out to determine the stability of fibres in three different solutions (with pH 7.4, 3 and 11). For determination of thermal stability was used thermogravimetrical analysis, and for determination of esterification and amidation was used infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transformation. Mechanical properties of fibres were studied by stress-strain tester. Additionally, the rheological properties were investigated, as well as the microstructure and surface of fibres by scanning electron microscopy. The fibres before chemical crosslinking had lower stability in all three types of solutions; the thermal stability was also lower, than the stability of crosslinked fibres. For not chemically modified fibres with crosslinking reagent, only one type of peak for esterification occurred. The infrared spectra of chemically crosslinked fibres showed the presence of two esterification peaks, which was the result of the effectiveness of the crosslinkig reagent. Amidation was also stronger for crosslinked fibres, especially for fibres crosslinked long time and in the solution with higher concentration of crosslinking reagent. Due to the heterogeneity of fibres, mechanical properties did not show evidence of any dependence on the crosslinking. The rheological study showed that the viscosity of fibre dissolved in water is less dependent on the shear rate than the powder of sodium hyaluronan dissolved in water. Despite more different methods of characterization of fibres which were used in this work, there are still many options for better characterization and closer understanding of this biopolymeric material.
SVIDROŇOVÁ, B. Síťování polysacharidových mikrovláken [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2014.
Document type
Document version
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Study field
Chemie, technologie a vlastnosti materiálů
prof. RNDr. Josef Jančář, CSc. (předseda)
prof. Ing. Jaromír Havlica, DrSc. (místopředseda)
prof. Ing. Ladislav Omelka, DrSc. (člen)
prof. Dr. Ing. Martin Palou (člen)
doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Petrůj, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Petr Ptáček, Ph.D. (člen)
prof. Ing. Tomáš Svěrák, CSc. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Diplomantka se ve své prezentaci zabývala velmi aktuálním tématem modifikace přírodních polymerů. Prezentace byla formálně provedena dobře, nicméně obsahově byla poněkud chaoticka. V diskuzi nebyla mnohdy diplomantka schopna objasnit problematické výsledky diplomové práce.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení