Příprava a využití nanočástic a nanovláken s přírodními UV filtry
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Predložená diplomová práca je zameraná na prípravu nanočastíc a nanovlákien s prírodnými UV filtrami. V práci boli pripravené lipozómové častice, do ktorých boli enkapsulované vodné, etanolové a olejové extrakty. Ďalej boli vytvorené nanovlákna z PHB s obsahom olejových extraktov. V práci bola spracovaná rešerš zameraná na prírodné materiály s potenciálnym účinkom UV filtrov. Teoretická časť popisuje nanočastice, nanovlákna a metódy ich prípravy a charakterizácie. V experimentálnej časti práce boli pripravené vodné, etanolové a olejové extrakty z praženej kávy, zelenej kávy a cascary. Extrakty boli spektrofotometricky charakterizované na obsah polyfenolov, flavonoidov, antioxidantov, tanínov a bolo stanovené ich SPF. Z extraktov boli pripravené častice, u ktorých bola stanovená enkapsulačná účinnosť, krátkodobá stabilita, dlhodobá stabilita a SPF. Pomocou metódy DLS bola stanovená veľkosť častíc, polydisperzitný faktor a koloidná stabilita. Pomocou elektrospinningu a forcespinngu boli vytvorené vlákna z PHB s obsahom olejových extraktov. Pripravené vlákna boli analyzované FTIR–ATR, testom antioxidačnej aktivity a bolo vykonané stanovenie krátkodobej a dlhodobej stability. Z vybraných druhov častíc boli pripravené emulzie a gély a bolo stanovené ich SPF. Z emulzií boli vybrané 3 typy, ktoré boli testované na dobrovoľníkoch a bola stanovená ich stabilita pomocou analytickej centrifúgy. Na záver práce bola stanovená cytotoxicita vybraných druhov častíc a vlákien na keratinocytoch.
The presented diploma thesis is focused on preparation of nanoparticles and nanofibres with natural UV filters. Liposomes with encapsulated aqueous, ethanol and lipid extracts were prepared. Nanofibers from PHB containing lipid extract were prepared too. As a part of this work, an overview of natural sources with potential effects as UV filters were introduced. Moreover, nanoparticles and nanofibers and methods of their characterization were described. Size, polydisperse index and colloid stability of prepared nanoparticles were characterized via DLS. In experimental part aqueous, ethanol and lipid extracts were prepared from roasted coffee, green coffee and cascara. These extracts were spectrophotometrically characterized for the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidant activity, tannins and their SPF. Liposomes and liposomes containing PHB with these extracts were prepared and the encapsulation effectivity, short–term and long–term stability as well as SPF of nanoparticles were determined. Nanofibers from PHB containing lipid extracts were prepared via electrospinning and forcespinning methods. Prepared nanofibers were examined via FTIR–ATR. Antioxidant activity, short–term and long–term stability were determined spectrophotometrically. From selected nanoparticles, emulsions and gels were prepared and their SPF was also determined. Three types of emulsions with the best SPF were selected and tested on volunteers. Sedimentation stability of emulsions was tested by analytical centrifuge. Finally, cytotoxicity of selected nanoparticles and nanofibers was tested via MTT assay using human keratinocytes.
The presented diploma thesis is focused on preparation of nanoparticles and nanofibres with natural UV filters. Liposomes with encapsulated aqueous, ethanol and lipid extracts were prepared. Nanofibers from PHB containing lipid extract were prepared too. As a part of this work, an overview of natural sources with potential effects as UV filters were introduced. Moreover, nanoparticles and nanofibers and methods of their characterization were described. Size, polydisperse index and colloid stability of prepared nanoparticles were characterized via DLS. In experimental part aqueous, ethanol and lipid extracts were prepared from roasted coffee, green coffee and cascara. These extracts were spectrophotometrically characterized for the content of polyphenols, flavonoids, antioxidant activity, tannins and their SPF. Liposomes and liposomes containing PHB with these extracts were prepared and the encapsulation effectivity, short–term and long–term stability as well as SPF of nanoparticles were determined. Nanofibers from PHB containing lipid extracts were prepared via electrospinning and forcespinning methods. Prepared nanofibers were examined via FTIR–ATR. Antioxidant activity, short–term and long–term stability were determined spectrophotometrically. From selected nanoparticles, emulsions and gels were prepared and their SPF was also determined. Three types of emulsions with the best SPF were selected and tested on volunteers. Sedimentation stability of emulsions was tested by analytical centrifuge. Finally, cytotoxicity of selected nanoparticles and nanofibers was tested via MTT assay using human keratinocytes.
PLACHÁ, M. Příprava a využití nanočástic a nanovláken s přírodními UV filtry [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2018.
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Document version
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Study field
Chemie pro medicínské aplikace
prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc. (předseda)
prof. RNDr. Ivana Márová, CSc. (místopředseda)
doc. Ing. Pavel Diviš, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Petr Dzik, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Stanislav Obruča, Ph.D. (člen)
prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Zdráhal, Dr. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Dzik: Prosím vysvětlete způsob stanovení SPF faktoru. Jak by
Diviš: Při studiu antioxidační aktivity byly výsledky vyjádřeny zvláštním způsobem – jaký standard byl použitý pro alibraci?
Pekař: Z čeho byla vyrobena nanovlákna? Jakým způsobem geluje carbomer?
Obruča: Extrakce byly provedeny do 40% ethanolu – nevadil při následné enkapsulaci?
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení