Výskum a záchrana tradičného staviteľstva v súčasnosti
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební
Tradičné staviteľstvo patrí k najviditeľnejším a pritom najviac ohrozeným a najmenej preskúmaným prejavom tradičnej kultúry Slovenska, napriek tomu, že od začiatku 20. storočia bolo v teréne o ňom zozbierané obrovské množstvo informácií. Pri ich dnešnom vyhodnocovaní nachádzame medzery, ktoré sa snažíme vyplniť súčasným výskumom. Kontinuálny vývoj tradičného staviteľstva sa uzavrel okolo polovice 20. storočia, odvtedy existujúce stavby dožívajú, a postupne zanikajú. V blízkej budúcnosti dôjde nevyhnutne k stavu, keď tradičné staviteľstvo z urbanizmu sídiel a z krajiny definitívne zmizne. Výskum je preto najmä záchranný, s cieľom zaznamenať v teréne čo najviac informácií, realizujeme rozsiahlu meračskú a fotografickú dokumentáciu. Snažíme sa ale o komplexný prístup, okrem metód etnológie či pamiatkového výskumu k nemu majú blízko aj odbory ako dejiny architektúry, archívnictvo či archeológia. Náš výskum má najbližšie k etnológii, avšak v dobe, kedy jej bežné metódy získavania informácií prestávajú byť efektívne, používame aj metódy práce doteraz pre etnológiu netypické, napríklad deštruktívny výskum, experiment, osvojovanie remeselných techník a následná rekonštrukcia artefaktu a podobne. Výsledkom takto koncipovaného výskumu je teoretická aj praktická vedomosť, ktorá umožní nielen komplexne pochopiť a poznať zmysel, vývoj a funkciu tradičného domu, no aj s primeranou materiálovou a remeselnou kvalitou pristupovať k údržbe, rekonštrukciám či úpravám tradičných stavieb.
Traditional architecture belongs to the most visible and endangered and least explored manifestations of traditional culture of Slovakia, despite the fact that a large amount of information has been collected since the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays we find a gap in it, that we are trying to complement with current research. The continuous development of traditional construction has been concluded around the middle of the 20th century. Since then the lifespan of the existing buildings is coming to an end and they are slowly disappearing. Inevitably, in the near future it will come to the state, when traditional constructions disappear from the landscape. It is therefore mainly rescue research with the aim of documenting as much information as possible in the field. We conduct an extensive measuring and photographic documentation. We try to approach the topic comprehensively, in addition to the ethnological methods and methods of preservation, fields such as the history of architecture, archival science and archeology are also close to it. Our research is the closest to the field of ethnology, but at the time when its usual methods cease to be effective, we also use methods not typical for it, e.g. destructive research, experiment, mastering of craft techniques and subsequent reconstruction of arctefact, etc. The result of such conceived research is theoretical and practical knowledge, which allows us not only to understand the complexity and the knowledge behind the meaning, evolution and function of the traditional house, but also approach the maintenance, reconstruction, or changes to the traditional houses with adequate material and craftsmanship quality.
Traditional architecture belongs to the most visible and endangered and least explored manifestations of traditional culture of Slovakia, despite the fact that a large amount of information has been collected since the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays we find a gap in it, that we are trying to complement with current research. The continuous development of traditional construction has been concluded around the middle of the 20th century. Since then the lifespan of the existing buildings is coming to an end and they are slowly disappearing. Inevitably, in the near future it will come to the state, when traditional constructions disappear from the landscape. It is therefore mainly rescue research with the aim of documenting as much information as possible in the field. We conduct an extensive measuring and photographic documentation. We try to approach the topic comprehensively, in addition to the ethnological methods and methods of preservation, fields such as the history of architecture, archival science and archeology are also close to it. Our research is the closest to the field of ethnology, but at the time when its usual methods cease to be effective, we also use methods not typical for it, e.g. destructive research, experiment, mastering of craft techniques and subsequent reconstruction of arctefact, etc. The result of such conceived research is theoretical and practical knowledge, which allows us not only to understand the complexity and the knowledge behind the meaning, evolution and function of the traditional house, but also approach the maintenance, reconstruction, or changes to the traditional houses with adequate material and craftsmanship quality.
Prostor pro život: Sborník mezinárodní konference Krajina Sídla Památky 2023, s. 250-261. ISBN 978-80-214-6158-1.
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Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License