Hliněné podlahy v architektuře minulé i současné
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury
S použitím hlíny ve stavebnictví se dnes nejčastěji setkáme ve svislých konstrukcích - ve stěnách a na jejich povrchu. Co se týká užití hlíny do podlah, můžeme se setkat s jistými předsudky, které plynou z ustálené představy o její nižší pevnosti a vyšší náročnosti na údržbu, jak tomu bylo v historii. Příspěvek poukazuje na to, že hliněné podlahy jsou dnes zpracovávány odlišnými způsoby, dosahují mnohem vyšší kvality a tím se stávají konkurenceschopnou alternativou konstrukcí podlah.
Talking about earth in architecture we can notice its usage mostly in vertical constructions. But we can meet some prejudices as regards horizontal constructions, floors. They are caused by not so good qualities that they had in history. But today we use different techniques, which lead to better qualities and that is why this type of floor can be considered as a full-value alternative to common types of floors. The text is devided to parts about historical techniques and contemporary ones. The authoress focuses on some well-known experts and their working methods – on particular parts of floors, their protection etc. She also underlines that it is very important to have examples of successfully finished earthen floors for other potential clients – investors and consecutively for development of this branche in the Czech Republic.
Talking about earth in architecture we can notice its usage mostly in vertical constructions. But we can meet some prejudices as regards horizontal constructions, floors. They are caused by not so good qualities that they had in history. But today we use different techniques, which lead to better qualities and that is why this type of floor can be considered as a full-value alternative to common types of floors. The text is devided to parts about historical techniques and contemporary ones. The authoress focuses on some well-known experts and their working methods – on particular parts of floors, their protection etc. She also underlines that it is very important to have examples of successfully finished earthen floors for other potential clients – investors and consecutively for development of this branche in the Czech Republic.
XV. Vědecká konference doktorandů. 2011 s. 105-110. ISBN 978-80-214-4266-5
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© Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury