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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
B+B Barcelona – Gymnázium Barcelona – Vallcarca Vallcarca je čtvrť s velmi specifickým charakterem, členitou topografií, sociální strukturou, zástavbou dvojího měřítka, důležitým pěším tahem a místem, před kterým jsou velké změny. Kromě gymnázia je třeba na pozemku vytvořit kvalitní veřejný prostor pro studenty i pro Vallcarcu a pokud možno využít budovu staré školy. Tento plácek je obklopen budovami gymnázia přístupnými veřejností, vede na něj nový veřejný průchod v logice spojení parku Güell s dalšími velkými parky. Škola je navržena jako spojení 4 pavilonů s nestejnou výškou, propojených vnitřními dvory nebo uličkou. Studenti oživují svým nutným pohybem veřejnou plochu. Nástupní místo je naproti budovy staré školy, jedná se o venkovní vestibul, ovšem krytý pergolou. Výška budov reaguje na charakter terénu a velikost okolní zástavby. Pavilony jsou dvojtraktem s dvojicí schodišť a pavlačí v kontaktu s dvorem. V každém pavilonu je vnitřní přestávková hala pro studenty. V zadní části je součástí haly stávající lom. Druhé straně ulice je stará škola využita jako jídelna s přístavbou příslušenství. Z jihu plácek vymezuje novostavba knihovny a vedení školy, na severní straně je hřiště. Měřítkem, konstrukcí a materiály budova odkazuje na přítomnost lomu. Je to skelet, s pohledovým betonem na fasádě, s povrchovou úpravou, která zdůrazňuje vrstvený charakter okolí.
Barcelona – Highschool Barcelona – Vallcarca Vallcarca is a city district with very special character, rugged topography, heterogenous social structure and two different scales of constructions. It is also an important pedestrian connection between park Güell and other city parks. Soon, its probable, that considerable changes will happen here. Except the highschool, the objective was to create on our land a quality public space for students and also for Vallcarca and if possible to reuse the building of the old school. The public square is surrounded by highschool building, used by Vallcarca inhabitants. New public passage between two levels is planned, for better connection between Güell and other parks. The hisgh school is planned as four pavillions with different height, connected between them by private courtyards or public street. Students animate the public space, walking among the school functions. The principal entrance is against the old school building, its an open-air vestibule, coverred by pergola. The height of pavillions reacts on the landscape and the scale of surrounding buildings. Inside, the pavillions are composed of two tracts – the classes and the gallery. Every pavillion has two stairs and the gallery is in contact with the courtyard. At the ends of gallerie are student loggias, used as entertainment space. The same purpose has the hall in the ancient stone mine. On the other side of the street, the old school building is used as restaurant, with its facilities in the new extension. The public space is limited on the south side by new construction of the library.
Barcelona – Highschool Barcelona – Vallcarca Vallcarca is a city district with very special character, rugged topography, heterogenous social structure and two different scales of constructions. It is also an important pedestrian connection between park Güell and other city parks. Soon, its probable, that considerable changes will happen here. Except the highschool, the objective was to create on our land a quality public space for students and also for Vallcarca and if possible to reuse the building of the old school. The public square is surrounded by highschool building, used by Vallcarca inhabitants. New public passage between two levels is planned, for better connection between Güell and other parks. The hisgh school is planned as four pavillions with different height, connected between them by private courtyards or public street. Students animate the public space, walking among the school functions. The principal entrance is against the old school building, its an open-air vestibule, coverred by pergola. The height of pavillions reacts on the landscape and the scale of surrounding buildings. Inside, the pavillions are composed of two tracts – the classes and the gallery. Every pavillion has two stairs and the gallery is in contact with the courtyard. At the ends of gallerie are student loggias, used as entertainment space. The same purpose has the hall in the ancient stone mine. On the other side of the street, the old school building is used as restaurant, with its facilities in the new extension. The public space is limited on the south side by new construction of the library.
RŮŽIČKA, T. B + B BARCELONA [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2010.
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Ing. arch. Marek Štěpán (předseda)
prof. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc. (člen)
Ing. arch. Pavel Jura (člen)
Ing. arch. Gustav Křivinka (člen)
prof. Ing. arch. Ivan Ruller (člen)
prof. Ing. arch. Jiří Suchomel (člen)
Date of acceptance
Student odprezentoval projekt a reagoval na připomínky oponenta, vedoucího práce a členů komise.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení