Boundary conditions for the operation of thermal energy distribution
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Bakalárska práca ,,Boundary conditions for the operation of thermal energy distribution,, je primárne zameraná na analýzu okrajových podmienok prevádzky balneoterapie v Slovenských liečebných kúpeľoch Piešťany, a. s.. Vzhľadom k jej obsiahlosti sa práca štrukturálne delí na analýzu vonkajších a vnútorných okrajových podmienok. V časti experimentálna analýza vnútorných okrajových podmienok bol odobratý inkrust nachádzajúcich v rozvodných potrubiach prírodne liečivej vody a následne podrobený chemickému rozboru a diferenčnej termickej analýze. Čiastkový záver tejto časti uvádza zoznam doporučených materiálov a postupov, vedúcich k eliminovaniu vzniku inkrustácie na povrchu materiálov z prírodne liečivej vody. Druhá časť je zameraná na rozbor teplotných polí v zemine v Slovenských liečebných kúpeľoch Piešťany, a. s. a možnosťami využitia energie zeme. Pre východiskový stav, boli na základe nameraných teplôt vo vrtoch a projektových dokumentácií, vytvorené 2D teplotné polia, pomocou ktorých je možné definovať oblasti s vyšším a nižším potenciálom využitia energie. Podklady slúžia pre návrh spôsobu využitia energie a pre experimentálne overenie aktuálneho stavu teplotných polí.
Bachelor thesis ,,Boundary conditions for the operation of thermal energy distribution” is primarily focused on the analysis of the boundary conditions of balneotherapy operation at Slovak Health Spa Piešťany, a. s.. Due to its content, thesis is structurally divided to the analysis of internal and external boundary conditions. In the part of experimental analysis of internal boundary conditions, the incrust was taken from distribution pipelines of natural healing water and subsequently subjected to chemical analysis and to differential thermal analysis. Partial conclusion of this part lists the recommended material list and procedures, leads to elimination of incrustation form on the surface of materials from natural healing water. The second part is focused on the analysis of thermal fields in the subsoil at Slovak Health Spa Piešťany, a. s. and on usage possibilities of ground energy. For initial state, based on measured temperatures in the drills and project documentations, 2D thermal fields were created, by which it is possible to define zones with high and low potential usage of energy. Documents serve for the design way of energy use and for experimental verification of current state of thermal fields.
Bachelor thesis ,,Boundary conditions for the operation of thermal energy distribution” is primarily focused on the analysis of the boundary conditions of balneotherapy operation at Slovak Health Spa Piešťany, a. s.. Due to its content, thesis is structurally divided to the analysis of internal and external boundary conditions. In the part of experimental analysis of internal boundary conditions, the incrust was taken from distribution pipelines of natural healing water and subsequently subjected to chemical analysis and to differential thermal analysis. Partial conclusion of this part lists the recommended material list and procedures, leads to elimination of incrustation form on the surface of materials from natural healing water. The second part is focused on the analysis of thermal fields in the subsoil at Slovak Health Spa Piešťany, a. s. and on usage possibilities of ground energy. For initial state, based on measured temperatures in the drills and project documentations, 2D thermal fields were created, by which it is possible to define zones with high and low potential usage of energy. Documents serve for the design way of energy use and for experimental verification of current state of thermal fields.
FLOREKOVÁ, S. Boundary conditions for the operation of thermal energy distribution [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2018.
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