Bytový dům s provozovnou
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem novostavby bytového domu s provozovnou. Obsahem je projektová dokumentace pro provedení stavby. Objekt se nachází v katastrálním území Náchod a je členěn na provozovnu – maloobchod a obytnou část – dva byty určené pro čtyřčlennou rodinu. Obytná část se nachází ve druhém podlaží. Provozovna má jak samostatný vstup, tak i vstup možný přímo z chodby bytové části a má také oddělené parkování. Bytový dům také disponuje suterénem, kde se nachází sklepní kóje a multifunkční místnost. Objekt je řešen jako samostatně stojící bytový dům se suterénem a třemi nadzemními podlažími. Jedná se o prefabrikovanou stavbu ze systému POROTHERM, suterén je prefamonolitický z tvárnic BEST (ztracené bednění), obdélníkového půdorysu. Celý objekt je zastřešen plochou střechou se sklonem 5 %.
My bachelor thesis deals with construction of apartment house with an office. The content of the thesis is a project documentation for building construction. The object is located in the cadastral territory of Náchod and it is divided into an establishment – a retail and a living quarters. Two apartments are designed for four member family. The living quarters is located on the second floor. The establishment has its own entrauce and entrauce from the hallway of the living quarters and it also has separate parking. The apartment building also has a basement with cellar cubicles and multifunction room. The object is designed as a self standing apartment house with basement and three floors, It is a prefabricated building from the POROTHERM system, the basement is prefamonolitic from blocks BEST (sacrificial formwork) and i tis has rectangular plan. The whole object is covered with a flat roof with a slope of 5 %.
My bachelor thesis deals with construction of apartment house with an office. The content of the thesis is a project documentation for building construction. The object is located in the cadastral territory of Náchod and it is divided into an establishment – a retail and a living quarters. Two apartments are designed for four member family. The living quarters is located on the second floor. The establishment has its own entrauce and entrauce from the hallway of the living quarters and it also has separate parking. The apartment building also has a basement with cellar cubicles and multifunction room. The object is designed as a self standing apartment house with basement and three floors, It is a prefabricated building from the POROTHERM system, the basement is prefamonolitic from blocks BEST (sacrificial formwork) and i tis has rectangular plan. The whole object is covered with a flat roof with a slope of 5 %.
PROVAZNÍKOVÁ, P. Bytový dům s provozovnou [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2018.
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Pozemní stavby
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení