Využití odpadů rostlinného původu
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Produkce celulasy a polygalakturonasy pomocí Aspergillus niger a Aureobasidium pullulans byla sledována při kultivaci solid state fermentation (SSF) a submerzní (SmF). Jako substrát byly použity hroznové výlisky a slupky z mandarinek. Pomocí Aspergillus niger byla celulasa na hroznových výliscích detekována po 72 hodinové SSF kultivaci a po 24 hodinách u SmF. Celulasová aktivita byla vyšší u systému SmF. Větší produkce polygalakturonasy byla u SmF kultivace zaznamenána ke konci období. Polygalakturonasová aktivita byla vyšší u SmF kultivace. SSF fermentace na slupkách z mandarinek byla podobná, nejvyšší aktivita byla detekována po 72 hodinách. Produkce polygalakturonasy u SSF systému byla odlišná od produkce u SmF. Srovnáním produkce enzymu na hroznových výliscích a slupkách z mandarinek vyplývá, že polygalakturonasová aktivita je nejvyšší u kultivace SmF se slupkami z mandarinek. U Aureobasidium pullulans byla celulasa na hroznových výliscích detekována u obou fermentací po 48 hodinách. Aktivita celulasy byly vyšší u kultivace SSF. Vyšší hodnoty polygalakturonasy byly detekovány ve druhé půli kultivačního období. Polygalakturonasová aktivita byla vyšší u kultivace SmF. SSF kultivace se slupkami z mandarinek byla podobná – nejvyšší celulolytická aktivita byla zaznamenána po 48 hodinách. Produkce polygalakturonasy byla rozdílná, ale nejvyšší aktivity bylo dosaženo na slupkách z mandarinek u SmF způsobu. Pro oba systémy a oba odpadní materiály byla sledována i produkce mangan-dependentní peroxidasy. Její nejvyšší aktivity bylo dosaženo na počátku kultivace. Rozdíly v produkci enzymů pomocí Aspergillus niger a Aureobasidium pullulans jsou závislé nejen na použitém substrátu, ale také na způsobu fermentace.
Production of cellulase and polygalacturonase by Aspergillus niger and Aureobasidium pullulans was studied in submerged (SmF) and solid state fermentation (SSF) systems. Substrates used in fermentation systems were mandarin peels and grape pomace. With Aspergillus niger used on grape pomace as a sole carbon source, cellulase production was detected after 72 hours in SSF and after 24 hours in SmF systems. The activity of cellulase per gram of substrate was higher in a submerged than in a solid state fermentation system. The longer time for higher polygalacturonase production was necessary in submerged fermentation systems and polygalacturonase activity was higher in SmF. The SSF fermentation with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source was similar, the highest detected activity of cellulase was determined after 72 hours. Different production of polygalacturonase was observed on mandarin peels in SmF systems. A comparison of enzyme productivities on grape pomace and mandarin peels showed that polygalacturonase activity per gram of substrate is highest in SmF system with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source. With Aureobasidium pullulans used on grape pomace as a sole carbon source, cellulase production was detected after 48 hours in SmF and SSF fermentation systems. The activity of cellulase per gram of substrate was higher in solid state system than in a submerged fermentation system. Longer time for higher polygalacturonase production was necessary in both fermentation systems. Polygalacturonase activity was higher in SmF. The SSF fermentation with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source was similar, the highest detected activity of cellulase was determined after 48 hours. Different production of polygalacturonase was observed on mandarin peels in SmF systems. A comparison of enzyme productivities on grape pomace and mandarin peels showed that polygalacturonase activity per gram of substrate is highest in SmF system with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source. For both systems and both substrates manganese-dependent peroxidase was detected for the first time. Differences in the enzyme synthesis by Aspergillus niger and Aureobasidium pullulans depend on both the substrates used as well as on the fermentation system.
Production of cellulase and polygalacturonase by Aspergillus niger and Aureobasidium pullulans was studied in submerged (SmF) and solid state fermentation (SSF) systems. Substrates used in fermentation systems were mandarin peels and grape pomace. With Aspergillus niger used on grape pomace as a sole carbon source, cellulase production was detected after 72 hours in SSF and after 24 hours in SmF systems. The activity of cellulase per gram of substrate was higher in a submerged than in a solid state fermentation system. The longer time for higher polygalacturonase production was necessary in submerged fermentation systems and polygalacturonase activity was higher in SmF. The SSF fermentation with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source was similar, the highest detected activity of cellulase was determined after 72 hours. Different production of polygalacturonase was observed on mandarin peels in SmF systems. A comparison of enzyme productivities on grape pomace and mandarin peels showed that polygalacturonase activity per gram of substrate is highest in SmF system with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source. With Aureobasidium pullulans used on grape pomace as a sole carbon source, cellulase production was detected after 48 hours in SmF and SSF fermentation systems. The activity of cellulase per gram of substrate was higher in solid state system than in a submerged fermentation system. Longer time for higher polygalacturonase production was necessary in both fermentation systems. Polygalacturonase activity was higher in SmF. The SSF fermentation with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source was similar, the highest detected activity of cellulase was determined after 48 hours. Different production of polygalacturonase was observed on mandarin peels in SmF systems. A comparison of enzyme productivities on grape pomace and mandarin peels showed that polygalacturonase activity per gram of substrate is highest in SmF system with mandarin peels as a sole carbon source. For both systems and both substrates manganese-dependent peroxidase was detected for the first time. Differences in the enzyme synthesis by Aspergillus niger and Aureobasidium pullulans depend on both the substrates used as well as on the fermentation system.
HABÁNÍKOVÁ, K. Využití odpadů rostlinného původu [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2010.
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Document version
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Study field
Potravinářská chemie a biotechnologie
prof. Ing. Peter Šimko, DrSc. (předseda)
doc. Ing. Jiřina Omelková, CSc. (místopředseda)
prof. RNDr. Ivana Márová, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Bohuslav Rittich, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Michal Rosenberg, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. RNDr. Alena Španová, CSc. (člen)
Date of acceptance
1. Diplomantka seznámila členy komise s náplní a cílem diplomové práce.
2. Byly přečteny posudky na diplomovou práci.
3. Diplomantka akceptovala všechny připomínky oponenta a na všechny otázky odpověděla v plné šíři.
doc. Márová: Proč byly použity mandarinky jako matrice ?
doc Rosenberg: Byl sledován obsah vody v odpadu a jakým způsobem ?
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení