Využití vodních toků a ploch v urbanizovaném území venkovského prostoru
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Voda je nedílnou součástí našeho života a vodní toky a plochy byly a stále jsou neodmyslitelnou součástí veřejného prostoru našich měst a obcí. V každém sídle najdeme veřejný prostor a na mnoha z nich se setkáme s vodou. Voda se ve veřejných prostorech objevuje v různé formě. Ať už se jedná o drobné prvky, jako jsou například fontány, kašny, pítka, nebo o větší vodní toky a plochy. Voda má ve veřejném prostoru svoji nezastupitelnou roli. Je všeobecně známo, že její přítomnost má velký vliv na pohodu člověka. I přesto, že je voda v interiéru lidských sídel důležitá, v průběhu historie z veřejných prostorů, kvůli urbanistickému a technickému vývoji sídel, na mnoha místech zmizela. Vývoj lidských sídel a veřejných prostranství probíhá od jejich založení neustále. V posledních letech se výrazně mění pohled na význam veřejných prostranství a hodně sídel si uvědomuje jejich důležitost. Veřejný prostor je jakýmsi obývacím pokojem města, tedy reprezentativním místem. Proto v posledních letech často probíhají rekonstrukce veřejného prostoru s využitím vodních prvků. Fenomén vodních ploch je ovlivňujícím faktorem udržitelného rozvoje a kvality života. Veřejný prostor není důležitým funkčním prvkem jen ve velkých městech. Svůj velký význam má i pro menší obce. A právě na ty se ve své práci zaměřuji. Veřejný prostor obcí i vodní prvky v jeho okolí jsou často v nevyhovujícím stavu, zanedbané nebo zaniklé. Voda, ať již ve formě vodních toků nebo vodních ploch, má v sobě velký potenciál, se kterým je možné v urbanizovaných územích pracovat. Cílem práce je nalézt novou funkci pro vodní toky a plochy, aby se začlenily do veřejného prostoru a veřejný prostor se díky nim stal opět reprezentativní a funkční součástí obce.
Water is an integral part of our life and waterways and areas were and still are an essential part of the public space of our cities and municipalities. We can find public space in every seat and we meet with the water on many of them. The water in public spaces appears in a different form. Whether these are minor elements, such as fountains, drinking water features, or larger water flows and water area. The water in the public space has its indispensable role. It is well known that its presence has a great impact on the well-being of man. Despite the fact that water is really important in the Interior of human settlements, over the years, water has disappeared on many places from public spaces, due to the technical development and development of settlements. The development of human settlements and public spaces takes place constantly from the time they were established. In recent years, the viewpoint of their importance is significantly changing and lot of the seats are aware of their value. The public space is like a living room of the city, thus a representative place. That´s why, the reconstructions of public space are quite often in recent years with use of water elements. The phenomenon of water surfaces is a factor which affecting the sustainable development and quality of life. Public space is not only an important functional element in the big cities. It has a great importance for smaller municipalities too. And just on them the thesis is focused. Their public space is often neglected. As well as water features in the surrounding area, which are uncared-for or extinct. Water in the form of water courses or water bodies have a great potential, in which a lot of possibilities is hidden, with which you can work in the urbanized areas. The goal of this thesis is to find a new role for the watercourses and water areas to be integrated into public space and public space, thanks to this, become a representative and functional part of the village once again.
Water is an integral part of our life and waterways and areas were and still are an essential part of the public space of our cities and municipalities. We can find public space in every seat and we meet with the water on many of them. The water in public spaces appears in a different form. Whether these are minor elements, such as fountains, drinking water features, or larger water flows and water area. The water in the public space has its indispensable role. It is well known that its presence has a great impact on the well-being of man. Despite the fact that water is really important in the Interior of human settlements, over the years, water has disappeared on many places from public spaces, due to the technical development and development of settlements. The development of human settlements and public spaces takes place constantly from the time they were established. In recent years, the viewpoint of their importance is significantly changing and lot of the seats are aware of their value. The public space is like a living room of the city, thus a representative place. That´s why, the reconstructions of public space are quite often in recent years with use of water elements. The phenomenon of water surfaces is a factor which affecting the sustainable development and quality of life. Public space is not only an important functional element in the big cities. It has a great importance for smaller municipalities too. And just on them the thesis is focused. Their public space is often neglected. As well as water features in the surrounding area, which are uncared-for or extinct. Water in the form of water courses or water bodies have a great potential, in which a lot of possibilities is hidden, with which you can work in the urbanized areas. The goal of this thesis is to find a new role for the watercourses and water areas to be integrated into public space and public space, thanks to this, become a representative and functional part of the village once again.
ŠÍMOVÁ, J. Využití vodních toků a ploch v urbanizovaném území venkovského prostoru [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2017.
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práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení