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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění
Been There Together je single player hra v online a offline podobe, ktorá má formu kartičiek inšpirovaných event scores. Hra je určená pre jednotlivca nachádzajúceho sa vo verejnom priestore obklopeného neznámymi ľuďmi. Slúži ako zámienka na sociálnu inklúziu. Funguje v online verzií vo formáte aplikácie do telefónu a taktiež ako DIY kartičková hra na stiahnutie. Je vytváraná ako alternatíva k mobilným hrám, ktorá namiesto toho aby vťahovala užívateľa/lku to virtuálnej reality, podnecuje k vnímaniu svojho okolia a spoločnosti v ktorej sa nachádza. Pridaním úlohy, kontextu a estetického potešenia vytvára z obyčajnej každodennej aktivity vzrušujúci zážitok. Jej účelom je prekonať odcudzenie jedinca v spoločnosti. Jednoduchými otázkami a úlohami sa hráč/ka dostáva do magického kruhu hrania sa v realite, v priestoroch, ktoré nie sú bežne na hru určené. Vytvára dočasný svet uprostred obyčajného sveta. Transformuje tak každodenný zážitok ako aj vnímanie verejného priestoru. Vizuálne má pôvod v "event scores", ktoré boli tvorené skupinou Fluxus. Inšpiruje sa aj Situationistickým dérive - metódou neplánovanej cesty urbánnym priestorom. Na základe 4 rozdielnych levelov hry, si hráč/ka môže zvoliť akú intenzitu hrania preferuje. Nenápadné prevedenie, dovoľuje hráčom/kam hrať hru bez zmeny ich správania na verejnosti a záleží iba na ich rozhodnutí či sa chcú verejnosti priznať, že hru hrajú. Vďaka zámienke hry by sa hráč/ka mal/a cítiť bezpečne osloviť cudzieho, poprosiť o spoluprácu, klásť otázky aj ľuďom, s ktorými je v kontakte prvý krát. Pomocou hry sa vytvára reálna sociálna interakcia, ktorá má svoje legálne a ekonomické dôsledky a tým vykračuje z magického kruhu hier.
Been There Together is a single player game in an online and offline form of cards inspired by event scores. The game is designed to be played by individuals in public spaces, while they are surrounded by strangers. It serves as a pretext for social inclusion. The game can be played online, as a mobile phone application and as a DIY card game for download. The game was designed as an alternative to mobile games, and instead of pulling the player into a virtual reality, it encourages their perception of society and the surroundings. By providing challenges, context and aesthetic pleasure, it creates an exciting experience that contrasts with ordinary daily activities. Its purpose is to overcome the individual's alienation in society. By simple questions and tasks, the player is drawn into a magic circle of play in reality, in areas that are not normally intended for play. It creates a temporary world in the midst of an ordinary world, transforming everyday experience and the individual's perception of public spaces. The game is inspired by Fluxus group's "event scores" as well as by the Situationist International's concept of "dérive", a method of unplanned journeying through urban landscapes. The player can choose between 4 difficulty levels and decide which intensity of play they prefer. Its unobtrusive design allows the player to play the game without noticeably changing their behaviour in public, and it is entirely their decision if they want to admit that they are playing the game to bystanders. Thanks to the guise of a game, the player feels safe to interact with a stranger, to ask for help or to ask questions of people whom they are encountering for the first time. The game creates real social interaction, with legal and economic consequences that reach beyond the magic circle.
Been There Together is a single player game in an online and offline form of cards inspired by event scores. The game is designed to be played by individuals in public spaces, while they are surrounded by strangers. It serves as a pretext for social inclusion. The game can be played online, as a mobile phone application and as a DIY card game for download. The game was designed as an alternative to mobile games, and instead of pulling the player into a virtual reality, it encourages their perception of society and the surroundings. By providing challenges, context and aesthetic pleasure, it creates an exciting experience that contrasts with ordinary daily activities. Its purpose is to overcome the individual's alienation in society. By simple questions and tasks, the player is drawn into a magic circle of play in reality, in areas that are not normally intended for play. It creates a temporary world in the midst of an ordinary world, transforming everyday experience and the individual's perception of public spaces. The game is inspired by Fluxus group's "event scores" as well as by the Situationist International's concept of "dérive", a method of unplanned journeying through urban landscapes. The player can choose between 4 difficulty levels and decide which intensity of play they prefer. Its unobtrusive design allows the player to play the game without noticeably changing their behaviour in public, and it is entirely their decision if they want to admit that they are playing the game to bystanders. Thanks to the guise of a game, the player feels safe to interact with a stranger, to ask for help or to ask questions of people whom they are encountering for the first time. The game creates real social interaction, with legal and economic consequences that reach beyond the magic circle.
MIKUŠKOVÁ, N. COMMUNITY OF EVERYDAY [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění. .
Document type
Document version
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Study field
Intermediální a digitální tvorba
doc. Mgr.A Lenka Klodová, Ph.D. (předseda)
doc. MgA. Jan Šrámek, Ph.D. (člen)
prof. akad. soch. Tomáš Ruller (člen)
MgA. Jennifer Helia De Felice, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Mgr. Jan Zálešák, Ph.D. (člen)
MgA. Pavel Sterec, Ph.D. (člen)
MgA. Veronika Šrek Bromová (člen)
Mgr. Marek Pokorný (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení