Interakce hyaluronanu s hydrofobními soluty
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Diplomová práce se zabývá hydrofobními interakcemi nativního hyalorunanu s vybranými soluty. Na základě literárních rešerší byly vybrány fluorescenční sondy a fluoreskující biologicky aktivní látky, které se využívají právě ke studiu koloidních roztoků biopolymerů, a to 6-(p-toluinido)-2-naftalensulfonová kyselina (polaritní sonda), lipofilní vitamín (±)-alfa-tokoferol, pyren (polaritní sonda) a hydrofilní vitamín riboflavin. V experimentální části byl studován vliv rozpouštědel s různou polaritou, respektive relativní permitivitou, na emisní spektra. Byly studovány interakce nativního hyaluronanu s TNS, dále interakce s vlivem iontové síly, které však nebyly prokázány, což bylo pravděpodobně způsobeno dostatečně silným solvatačním obalem hyaluronanu. Prokázání interakce se podařilo až po procesu lyofilizace a následné rehydratace vzorků. Další studium interakcí bylo prováděno se biologicky aktivní látkou riboflavinem, a to pomocí měření REES efektu v nativním hyaluronanu o různých koncentracích a různých molekulových hmotnostech. Nedocházelo však k posunům emise, a tak se nepodařilo prokázat interakce riboflavinu s HA v rámci zvolených koncentrací. Použitím další biologicky aktivní látky - alfa-tokoferol bylo zkoumáno asociativní chování hyalorunanu a také byla sledována anizotropie fluorescence alfa-tokoferolu v různých koncentracích a molekulových hmotnostech nativního hyaluronanu. Anizotropie fluorescence dosahovala vysokých hodnot v porovnání s referenčním roztokem směsi glycerol-ethanol, která však závisela více na molekulové váze než na koncentraci hyaluronanu. Prokázání interakcí hyaluronanu bylo studováno také pomocí polaritní sondy pyren v různých koncentracích a molekulových hmotnostech hyaluronanu. Poměr 1:3 nevykazoval koncentrační závislost v rámci vybraných koncentrací až na molekulovou hmotnost 253,9 kg mol–1. Jak alfa-tokoferol, tak i pyren byly podrobeny lyofilizaci a následné rehydrataci, což vedlo ke zlepšení interakcí těchto sond s hyaluronanem.
The diploma thesis is based on the study of hydrophobic interactions of the native hyaluronan with selected solutes. On the basis of a literature search were chosen fluorescent probes and fluorescing biologically active substances, which are useful for investigation of colloids as 6-(p-toluidino)-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid (polarity probe), lipophilic vitamin (±)-alpha-tocopherol, pyrene (polarity probe) and finally hydrophilic vitamin riboflavin. In the experimental part of this thesis was studied the influence of solvents with different polarities, or more precisely dielectric constant, on the emission spectra, as well. There were investigated interactions of native hyaluronan with TNS and then interactions, which were influenced by the ionic strength. Such influenced interactions were not observed, that was probably due to the strong solvation´s wrapping of the hyaluronan. Interactions were observed after the process of lyophilisation followed-up by the rehydratation of the samples. For the next study of interactions the riboflavin was chosen and was investigated the REES effect in the native hyaluronan in different concentrations of its different molecular weights. In this case were not observed any shifts in the emission maximum with the excitation wavelenght shift and that is why the interactions of hyaluronan with riboflavin were not demonstrated in the field of chosen concentrations. By using another probe alpha-tocopherol was investigated the associative behaviour of hyaluronan and moreover was observed anisotropy of alpha-tocopherol in different concentrations of different molecular weights of native hyaluronan. The anisotropy reached high values in contrast to the reference solute that was the mixture of glycerol and ethanol. The anisotropy depended more on the molecular weight than on the concentration of hyaluronan. Interactions of hyaluronan were also studied by using the polarity probe pyrene in different concentrations of different molecular weights of the hyaluronan. The pyrene 1:3 ratio did not show the concentration dependence within the chosen concentrations except for the molecular weight 253.9 kg mol–1. Both probes alpha-tocopherol and pyrene were performed by the process of lyophilisation followed-up by the rehydratation, which improved interactions of these probes with hyaluronan.
The diploma thesis is based on the study of hydrophobic interactions of the native hyaluronan with selected solutes. On the basis of a literature search were chosen fluorescent probes and fluorescing biologically active substances, which are useful for investigation of colloids as 6-(p-toluidino)-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid (polarity probe), lipophilic vitamin (±)-alpha-tocopherol, pyrene (polarity probe) and finally hydrophilic vitamin riboflavin. In the experimental part of this thesis was studied the influence of solvents with different polarities, or more precisely dielectric constant, on the emission spectra, as well. There were investigated interactions of native hyaluronan with TNS and then interactions, which were influenced by the ionic strength. Such influenced interactions were not observed, that was probably due to the strong solvation´s wrapping of the hyaluronan. Interactions were observed after the process of lyophilisation followed-up by the rehydratation of the samples. For the next study of interactions the riboflavin was chosen and was investigated the REES effect in the native hyaluronan in different concentrations of its different molecular weights. In this case were not observed any shifts in the emission maximum with the excitation wavelenght shift and that is why the interactions of hyaluronan with riboflavin were not demonstrated in the field of chosen concentrations. By using another probe alpha-tocopherol was investigated the associative behaviour of hyaluronan and moreover was observed anisotropy of alpha-tocopherol in different concentrations of different molecular weights of native hyaluronan. The anisotropy reached high values in contrast to the reference solute that was the mixture of glycerol and ethanol. The anisotropy depended more on the molecular weight than on the concentration of hyaluronan. Interactions of hyaluronan were also studied by using the polarity probe pyrene in different concentrations of different molecular weights of the hyaluronan. The pyrene 1:3 ratio did not show the concentration dependence within the chosen concentrations except for the molecular weight 253.9 kg mol–1. Both probes alpha-tocopherol and pyrene were performed by the process of lyophilisation followed-up by the rehydratation, which improved interactions of these probes with hyaluronan.
Fluorescence, fluorescenční sondy, 6-(p-toluinido)-2-naftalensulfonová kyselina, (±)-alfa-tokoferol, pyren, riboflavin, relaxace rozpouštědla, REES efekt, emisní anizotropie., Fluorescence, fluorescent probes, 6-(p-toluidino)-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, (±)-alpha-tocopherol, pyrene, riboflavin, solvent relaxation, REES effect, emission anisotropy.
SLEZÁKOVÁ, D. Interakce hyaluronanu s hydrofobními soluty [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2008.
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Spotřební chemie
prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc. (předseda)
prof. Ing. Michal Čeppan, CSc. (místopředseda)
prof. RNDr. Marie Kaplanová, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Pavel Kovařík, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Václav Prchal, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Michal Veselý, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Oldřich Zmeškal, CSc. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Diplomantka seznámila členy komise s obsahem své diplomové práce. Po přečtení posudků vedoucího a oponenta odpověděla na dotazy:
prof. Kaplanová - chyby v popisu obrázků; chyby v textu
doc. Veselý - chyby v citaci literatury
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení