Modernita a holocaust
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Diplomová práca s názvom Modernita a Holokaust sa zaoberá návrhom Dokumentačného centra Holokastu na Morave. Projektu predchádzala analytická časť vo forme preddiplomového projektu, ktorá skúmala mesto Brno v spojitosti s problematikou modernistického myslenia spoločnosti. Výsledkom tejto teoretickej práce bola okrem definovania schématu pojmu „Otherness“ aj mapa tzv. „druhého“ častokát odmietaného Brna. Diplomový projekt sa venuje predovšetkým prepojenosti Holokaustu a modernej spoločnosti. Na otázky tejto problematiky sa snažím nachádzať odpovede hlavne skrz architektúru a a myšlienky aplikujem práve na návrhu dokumentačného centra. Práca sa vďaka poznatkom z predošlých analýz dostáva k tematike regulovanosti a neregulovanosti priestorov, z ktorej vychádza práve koncept celého objektu. Objekt je tak rozdelený na dva funkčné celky. Spodná časť funguje ako neregulovaná živelná štruktúra, ktorá sa stáva životom stavby. Prepája jednotlivé funkcie a ponúka mnoho možností pohybu a členenia priestoru. Táto časť je tvorená oceľovou konštrukciou a pôsobí na rozdiel od časti druhej omnoho rozvoľnenejšie. Druhou časťou je hmota expozície, ktorá je vyzdvihnutá do najvyššej časti objektu. Táto časť je kontrolovaným a regulovaným priestorom. Pôsobí vďaka svojej masívnej hmote a fasáde z betónu veľmi ťažko a vytvára tak kontrast nie len v rovine prevádzky, ale aj v rovine vizuálnej. Tieto časti fungujú vo vzájomnom vzťahu a vytvárajú tak jeden celok, ktorým je spojenie výstavného priestoru expozície a doplňujúceho programu ako sú kaviareň, detské centrum, knižnica či reštaurácia.
The diploma thesis entitled Modernity and the Holocaust deals with the design of the Holocaust Documentation Center in Moravia. The project was preceded by an analytical part in the form of a pre-diploma project, which examined the city of Brno in connection with the issue of modernist thinking in society. The result of this theoretical work was, in addition to defining the scheme of the term "Otherness", also a map of the so-called "second" often rejected Brno. The diploma project focuses on the interconnectedness of the Holocaust and modern society. I try to find answers to the questions of this issue mainly through architecture and I apply my ideas to the design of the documentation center. Thanks to the findings from previous analyzes, the work gets to the topic of regulated and unregulated spaces, which the concept of the whole building is based on. The building is thus divided into two functional units. The lower part functions as an unregulated elemental structure, which becomes the life of the building. It interconnects individual functions and offers many possibilities of movement and division of space. This part is made of steel and, unlike the other part, looks much looser. The second part is the mass of the exhibition, which is lifted to the highest part of the object. This part is a controlled and regulated area. Thanks to its massive mass and concrete facade, it works looks hard and thus creates contrast not only in the level of operation, but also in the visual level. These parts work in a mutual relationship and thus create one unit, which is a combination of exhibition space and additional program such as a cafe, children's center, library or restaurant.
The diploma thesis entitled Modernity and the Holocaust deals with the design of the Holocaust Documentation Center in Moravia. The project was preceded by an analytical part in the form of a pre-diploma project, which examined the city of Brno in connection with the issue of modernist thinking in society. The result of this theoretical work was, in addition to defining the scheme of the term "Otherness", also a map of the so-called "second" often rejected Brno. The diploma project focuses on the interconnectedness of the Holocaust and modern society. I try to find answers to the questions of this issue mainly through architecture and I apply my ideas to the design of the documentation center. Thanks to the findings from previous analyzes, the work gets to the topic of regulated and unregulated spaces, which the concept of the whole building is based on. The building is thus divided into two functional units. The lower part functions as an unregulated elemental structure, which becomes the life of the building. It interconnects individual functions and offers many possibilities of movement and division of space. This part is made of steel and, unlike the other part, looks much looser. The second part is the mass of the exhibition, which is lifted to the highest part of the object. This part is a controlled and regulated area. Thanks to its massive mass and concrete facade, it works looks hard and thus creates contrast not only in the level of operation, but also in the visual level. These parts work in a mutual relationship and thus create one unit, which is a combination of exhibition space and additional program such as a cafe, children's center, library or restaurant.
CINGEĽ, A. Modernita a holocaust [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. .
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Document version
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bez specializace
prof. Ing. arch. Monika Mitášová, Ph.D. (předseda)
Ing. arch. Jaroslav Sedlák (člen)
Ing.arch. Petra Vojtasíkova (člen)
Ing. arch. Jan Vojtíšek (člen)
Ing. Zdeněk Vejpustek, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
- Student prezentoval vlastní koncept – propojení tzv „Otherness“ s architekturou, návrhem dokumentačního centra holokaustu, otázku regulovatelného a neregulovatelného.
- Otázky oponenta zodpověděl přesvědčivě
- Otázky vedoucího práce zodpověděl a doložil ilustračními vizualizacemi
- Komise žádala detailnější popis rozdílu v předchozích tezích a uvedení tezí na praktickém fungování provozu stavby, objasnění rozdílu návrhu a standartní architektury, např. v čem se neregulovatelnost projevuje ve fixním půdoryse a konstrukci.
- Bouřlivá debata nad modelem vedla studenta k úvaze nad mírou jistější interpretace kladů projektu.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení