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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Hlavným zámerom je architektonicko-urbanistickou štúdiou ukázať spôsob, akým môže gymnázium v Mikulove prekonať svoju zložitú existenčnú situáciu. Riešené územie je vymedzené areálom školy, ulicou Piaristů, Komenského a Pod platanem. V tomto trojuholníku je aj pamätný strom, kostol, pomník padlým, park, 3 autobusové zastávky, zmiešaná občianska vybavenosť a rodinná zástavba. Návrh ich rešpektuje, prípadne podporuje. Najproblematickejšie atribúty, na ktoré návrh reaguje, sú znižujúci sa záujem o štúdium na gymnáziu, nevyužitý obojstranne prospešný potenciál aktívnejšieho vzťahu kraj/mesto a neľudské prostredie okolo areálu školy spojené s nevyhovujúcou dopravnou situáciou v meste. Výsledkom riešenia má byť pozitívna priestorovo-funkčne-prevádzková transformácia miesta na strategicko-urbanisticko-architektonickej úrovni s dlhodobým účinkom.
The main purpose is to show the way, how gymnasium in Mikulov can overcome its difficult existence situation by the architectural and urban study. The solved territory is defined by the campus of the school, Piarist Street, Comenius Street And Under the platter street. In this triangle is also a memorial tree, church, fallen memorial, park, 3 bus stops, mixed civic amenities and family housing. The proposal respects or supports them. The most problematic attributes that the design reacts to are the declining interest in grammar schooling, the untapped potential of a more active relationship between region and city and also non-human environment surrounding the school grounds associated with an inconvenient traffic situation in the city. The result of the solution is to be a positive spatial-functional-operational transformation of the site at a strategic-urban-architectural level with a long-term effect.
The main purpose is to show the way, how gymnasium in Mikulov can overcome its difficult existence situation by the architectural and urban study. The solved territory is defined by the campus of the school, Piarist Street, Comenius Street And Under the platter street. In this triangle is also a memorial tree, church, fallen memorial, park, 3 bus stops, mixed civic amenities and family housing. The proposal respects or supports them. The most problematic attributes that the design reacts to are the declining interest in grammar schooling, the untapped potential of a more active relationship between region and city and also non-human environment surrounding the school grounds associated with an inconvenient traffic situation in the city. The result of the solution is to be a positive spatial-functional-operational transformation of the site at a strategic-urban-architectural level with a long-term effect.
FILO, K. REVITALIZACE A PROSTOROVÁ KULTIVACE PIARISTICKÉHO GYMNÁZIA V MIKULOVĚ [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2017.
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prof. Ing. arch. Bohumil Kováč, Ph.D. (předseda)
Ing. arch. Michal Krištof (člen)
Ing. arch. Iveta Ludvíková (člen)
Ing. Stanislav Mikeš (člen)
Ing. arch. Marek Štěpán (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení