Haviarová, Kristína
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění
V mojej tvorbe je pre mňa doležitá rukodielnosť, konceptuálny prístup k sochárstvu, vnímanie priestoru, estetická a intuitívna práca s materiálom. Pokúšam sa o vyjadrenie stavu, ktorý nie vždy dokáže popísať slovami. Všetky poznatky a skúsenosti, ktoré som získala počas štúdia by som rada aplikovala na moju bakalársku prácu. Takmer počas celého štúdia som sa intenzívne venovala práci so sádrou, ako jednému zo základných sochárskych materiálov. Pri zveličení možme hovoriť o akejsi obsesi materiálom. Roznymi sposobmi sa zaoberám farebnými ale aj štrukturálnymi odchýlkami v jednotlivých druhoch. Pracujem s ňou nielen ako s hutnou hmotou, ale aj ako s krechkým materiálom, s hrubou šturktúrou ale aj jemnou plochou. Ide o akési prevtelenie do tohto materiálu a skrz subtílne objekty a priestorové inštalácie vyjadrujem vnútorný stav, reakcie na zmeny a postoj k okoliu. Moja záverečná práca bude súbor objektov so vzájomnou návaznosťou ale bez hierarchického usporiadania. Bude sa jednať o vytvorenie bezvýchodiskových situácii, variácií stavu jakéhosi mŕtveho bodu. Súčasťou jednoduchých objektov budú sádrové "figúry" ako hlavní aktéri už spomínanej situácie, s ktorou sa musia sami vysporiadať. Vkladám do nich očakávania, ktoré sa nikdy nevyplnia (jedná sa o statickú inštaláciu), vzniká určitý druh napatia. Sádra avšak nemusí zohrávať len rolu hlavného hrdinu, može byť čisto len súčasťou objektu na základe estetického alebo pocitového výberu. Nepokúšam sa o žiadnu interakciu. Divák je len pozorovatel, voajér, ktorý vstupuje do zamrznutého deja. Može nasať atmosféru a pomyslene sa prevteliť do situácie hlavných hrdinov diela.
In my work there is a great deal of handcuffing, conceptual approach to sculpture, space perception, aesthetic and intuitive work with material. I try to express a state that she can not always describe by words. All the knowledge and experience I have gained during my studies, I would like to apply to my bachelor work. Almost throughout my studies, I have been intensively engaged in plaster work as one of the basic sculptures. In exaggeration, we can talk about some obsession with the material. I deal with colorful but also structural deviations in different species. I work with it not only as a dense material but also as a material with a crust, but with a rough surface. It is some sort of rewinding into this material and through subtle objects and spatial installations I express the inner state, reaction to change and attitude to the environment. My final thesis will be a set of objects with interrelations but without a hierarchical arrangement. It will be about creating a stateless situation, variations in the state of a dead end. As part of the simple objects, gypsum "figures" will be the main actors of the already mentioned situation, with which they have to deal with themselves. I put in expectations that are never filled (static installation), a certain kind of tension occurs. However, gypsum does not have to play only the role of the main hero, it can be purely a part of an object based on aesthetic or sensual choice. I'm not trying to interact. The viewer is just an observer, the voyager who enters the frozen already. It can take the atmosphere and make a deliberate change into the situation of the main heroes of the work.
In my work there is a great deal of handcuffing, conceptual approach to sculpture, space perception, aesthetic and intuitive work with material. I try to express a state that she can not always describe by words. All the knowledge and experience I have gained during my studies, I would like to apply to my bachelor work. Almost throughout my studies, I have been intensively engaged in plaster work as one of the basic sculptures. In exaggeration, we can talk about some obsession with the material. I deal with colorful but also structural deviations in different species. I work with it not only as a dense material but also as a material with a crust, but with a rough surface. It is some sort of rewinding into this material and through subtle objects and spatial installations I express the inner state, reaction to change and attitude to the environment. My final thesis will be a set of objects with interrelations but without a hierarchical arrangement. It will be about creating a stateless situation, variations in the state of a dead end. As part of the simple objects, gypsum "figures" will be the main actors of the already mentioned situation, with which they have to deal with themselves. I put in expectations that are never filled (static installation), a certain kind of tension occurs. However, gypsum does not have to play only the role of the main hero, it can be purely a part of an object based on aesthetic or sensual choice. I'm not trying to interact. The viewer is just an observer, the voyager who enters the frozen already. It can take the atmosphere and make a deliberate change into the situation of the main heroes of the work.
HAVIAROVÁ, K. Hřiště [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění. .
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Výtvarná tvorba
prof. akad. soch. Jan Ambrůz (předseda)
doc. Mgr. Pavel Korbička (člen)
doc. Mgr. Art. Svätopluk Mikyta (člen)
MgA. Katarína Magid Hládeková, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. MgA. Vasil Artamonov (člen)
MgA. Tomáš Hlavenka (člen)
doc. MgA. Luděk Rathouský (člen)
MgA. Ondřej Homola (člen)
prof. MgA. Petr Kvíčala (člen)
MgA. Břetislav Malý (člen)
Mgr. Miloš Vojtěchovský (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení