Bytový dům
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Predmetom tejto bakalárskej práce je navrhnúť a vypracovať projektovú dokumentáciu novostavby bytového domu. Parcela sa nachádza v katastrálnom území Brno-Židenice a parcelné číslo pozemku je 7652/22. Budova sa nachádza na rovinatom teréne. Objekt sa skladá z piatich nadzemných poschodí, pričom v prvom nadzemnom poschodí sa nachádzajú spoločenské priestory, kóje a garáže. Na druhom a tretom poschodí sú umiestnené vždy dve bytové jednotky a na štvrtok poschodí sa nachádzajú dva samostatné mezonetové byty, ktoré siahajú až do piateho poschodia. Celkovo sa tu nachádza šesť bytových jednotiek, ktoré sú určené pre štvorčlenné až päťčlenné rodiny. Konštrukčný systém je riešený z keramických tehál a stropná konštrukcia je z monolitického železobetónu. Na objekte je navrhnutá plochá strecha, ktorá je odvodnená pomocou strešnej vpuste.
The aim of my bachelor´s thesis is to design and make out a design documentation to show the look of the brand new apartment house. The plot is located in the cadastral area of Brno-Židenice and the parcel number is 7652/22. The building is located on a flat terrain. The building consists of five above-ground floors. On the first floor are social space, berths and garages. On the second and the third floor are two dwelling units and on the fourth floor are located two separate duplex apartments which are extended up to the fifth floor. In the building is six residential units, that are designed for families with four or five members. The construction system is made of ceramic bricks and the ceiling is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. It is designed with a flat roof wich is drained by with roof gully.
The aim of my bachelor´s thesis is to design and make out a design documentation to show the look of the brand new apartment house. The plot is located in the cadastral area of Brno-Židenice and the parcel number is 7652/22. The building is located on a flat terrain. The building consists of five above-ground floors. On the first floor are social space, berths and garages. On the second and the third floor are two dwelling units and on the fourth floor are located two separate duplex apartments which are extended up to the fifth floor. In the building is six residential units, that are designed for families with four or five members. The construction system is made of ceramic bricks and the ceiling is made of monolithic reinforced concrete. It is designed with a flat roof wich is drained by with roof gully.
KUŠNIR, J. Bytový dům [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2018.
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Pozemní stavby
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení