Využitie LLS pri ochrane krajiny pamiatkovej zóny banských diel v Kremnici
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební
Kremnica bola v minulosti významným uhorským banským mestom. Vzhľadom na ťažbu zlata, sa stala už v stredoveku sídlom kráľovskej mincovne, ktorá pracuje dodnes. Mincovňa je, s výnimkou drobnej ťažby v štôlni Andrej, posledným z fungujúcich komponentov, na ktorých bolo postavené hospodárstvo a význam mesta. Relikty banskej činnosti prešli procesom sukcesie a splynuli s lesnatou krajinou v okolí mesta. Napriek tomu, že toto územie je pamiatkovo chránené ako pamiatková zóna krajinného typu už od roku 1999, kvôli členitému terénu a sukcesii neboli doteraz jeho hodnotné krajinné komponenty dostatočne známe a chránené. To sa prejavilo okrem iného aj v tom, ako bola stanovená hranica chráneného územia. Tá v mnohých miestach pretína priebeh zachovaného banského poľa, či ponecháva cenné krajinné relikty tesne za svojou hranicou. Na území Slovenskej Republiky je od roku 2017 sprístupňované letecké laserové skenovanie (LLS) krajiny. LLS vyniká vysokou hustotou skenovania a aj výškovou a polohovou presnosťou. Zdrojové dáta LLS, preto umožňujú vytvárať digitálny model povrchu (DMP) vo veľmi vysokom rozlíšení 25 cm/px, ktoré je 4-násobne vyššie ako väčšina bežne prístupných dát. DMP je vizualizovaný špecializovaným postupom zvýrazňujúcim relikty prvkov kultúrneho dedičstva. LLS terénu prišlo práve v čase, kedy bolo nutné pristúpiť k aktualizácii zásad ochrany pamiatkového územia. To pomohlo k nastaveniu nového prístupu k vyhodnoteniu tejto lokality založenej na kombinácii interpretácie LLS, historických máp a podrobného terénneho prieskumu. Na prezentáciu poznatkov a praktické účely výkonu štátnej správy bol vytvorený účelný GIS model a pripravuje sa interaktívny 3D model územia, ktorý bude dôležitým nástrojom najmä pre navrhovanie a posudzovanie nových stavebných vstupov v chránenom území.
Kremnica was an important mining town in the kingdom. Because of the gold mining it has become since the Middle Ages the seat of the royal mint, which works until today. The mint is the last of the working components with the exception of minor mining in the Andrej shaft upon which the economy and the importance of the town were built. The remnants of the mining activities went through the process of natural succession and blended into the wooded landscape. Despite the area is a protected heritage zone since 1999 its valuable landscape components were not sufficiently known and protected because of broken topography and natural succession. It became visible among others in the way the border of the heritage zone was established. In several places it leaves valuable relicts without protection. Slovakia's landscape is gradually airborne laser scanned (ALS). The source data allow to create a digital surface model (DMP) in very high resolution, which is 4 times higher than most of the commonly available data. DMP is visualized by a specialized workflow highlighting relics of cultural heritage. Full-area ALS of Slovak landscape came just when the regulations of the protected heritage zone needed to be updated. This facilitated the configuration of a new assessment approach for this site using a combination of LLS interpretation, historical maps and field surveys. For presentation and practical use of state administration a practical GIS model was created and an interactive 3D model of the area is being prepared as an important tool mainly for consideration of new building inputs in the protected zone.
Kremnica was an important mining town in the kingdom. Because of the gold mining it has become since the Middle Ages the seat of the royal mint, which works until today. The mint is the last of the working components with the exception of minor mining in the Andrej shaft upon which the economy and the importance of the town were built. The remnants of the mining activities went through the process of natural succession and blended into the wooded landscape. Despite the area is a protected heritage zone since 1999 its valuable landscape components were not sufficiently known and protected because of broken topography and natural succession. It became visible among others in the way the border of the heritage zone was established. In several places it leaves valuable relicts without protection. Slovakia's landscape is gradually airborne laser scanned (ALS). The source data allow to create a digital surface model (DMP) in very high resolution, which is 4 times higher than most of the commonly available data. DMP is visualized by a specialized workflow highlighting relics of cultural heritage. Full-area ALS of Slovak landscape came just when the regulations of the protected heritage zone needed to be updated. This facilitated the configuration of a new assessment approach for this site using a combination of LLS interpretation, historical maps and field surveys. For presentation and practical use of state administration a practical GIS model was created and an interactive 3D model of the area is being prepared as an important tool mainly for consideration of new building inputs in the protected zone.
Prostor pro život: Sborník mezinárodní konference Krajina Sídla Památky 2023, s. 96-105. ISBN 978-80-214-6158-1.
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Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License