Snižování hlučnosti leteckých motorů
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství
Letecká doprava ovplyvňuje v modernej spoločnosti každodenný život, a to nielen úžitkom z efektívneho cestovania, ale aj negatívnym dopadom na životné prostredie, teda nás ľudí. Pre tento dôvod som sa rozhodol zaoberať v mojej práci znižovaním hlučnosti leteckých motorov. Výskum v tejto oblasti pomáha zvyšovať komfort cestovania, no nemalým ukazateľom sú aj obydlia v okolí letísk, kde sú ľudia zasiahnutí leteckým hlukom v najväčšej miere. Aby sme dokázali problematiku pochopiť, je dôležité poznať ako je vlastne hluk definovaný. Prvá časť bakalárskej práce obsahuje vysvetlenie zvuku a z neho spôsobeného hluku. V práci sú zahrnuté tiež spôsoby merania hluku a opatrenia, ktorými sa hluk darí znižovať. Najväčší úspech zaznamenala metóda tzv. variabilných Chevronov, ktoré sa dokážu prispôsobiť rôznym letovým režimom, a tým pomáhajú nielen znížiť hluk, ale aj zachovať ťah motoru, či znížiť spotrebu paliva v konštantnej letovej hladine. V štvrtej kapitole práce sa dočítate o predpisoch, ktoré upravujú podmienky pri tvorbe leteckého hluku. Dôležitým faktorom pri tvorbe noriem na hluk je samotný proces testovania lietadiel, preto som tiež zhrnul princípy a metódy testovania, akými sa riadia letecké agentúry.
Nowadays, aircraft transportation influences everyday life in our society, but not only by its advantages of efective traveling, but also by its negative impact on environment, therefore us, people. Due to this reason, I decided to concern myself about noise reducing of aircraft engines in this thesis. Research in this field helps to develop comfort of traveling, but also very important fact is noise impact on people living in surroundings near airports. To understand problem to the roots, first we need to know how is noise actually defined. First part of my bachelor’s thesis contains describtion of sound and noise. I’m also focusing on methods for noise measurement and actions, which are used for noise reduction. Greatest success have been made with Variable Geometry Chevrons, which can adjust to different flying conditions and not just reduce noise, but also can keep thrust of the engine at the same level and is also reducing fuel consumtion during level flight. In fourth chapter, you’ll come to know about regulations, which were made to adopt standards and recommended practices concerning aircraft polution. Also very important factor for setting up new standards is process of aircraft testing, so I summed up principles and procedures, which are usedby aviation organizations.
Nowadays, aircraft transportation influences everyday life in our society, but not only by its advantages of efective traveling, but also by its negative impact on environment, therefore us, people. Due to this reason, I decided to concern myself about noise reducing of aircraft engines in this thesis. Research in this field helps to develop comfort of traveling, but also very important fact is noise impact on people living in surroundings near airports. To understand problem to the roots, first we need to know how is noise actually defined. First part of my bachelor’s thesis contains describtion of sound and noise. I’m also focusing on methods for noise measurement and actions, which are used for noise reduction. Greatest success have been made with Variable Geometry Chevrons, which can adjust to different flying conditions and not just reduce noise, but also can keep thrust of the engine at the same level and is also reducing fuel consumtion during level flight. In fourth chapter, you’ll come to know about regulations, which were made to adopt standards and recommended practices concerning aircraft polution. Also very important factor for setting up new standards is process of aircraft testing, so I summed up principles and procedures, which are usedby aviation organizations.
ČIRKA, M. Snižování hlučnosti leteckých motorů [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství. 2014.
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Strojní inženýrství
doc. Ing. Jaroslav Juračka, Ph.D. (předseda)
doc. Ing. Jiří Hlinka, Ph.D. (místopředseda)
prof. Ing. Karol Fiľakovský, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Ivo Jebáček, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Miroslav Šplíchal, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Miloslav Petrásek, CSc. (člen)
Ing. Robert Popela, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Karel Třetina, CSc. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení