Ústav chemie
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- ItemPhysico-Chemical Properties of Lithium Silicates Related to Their Utilization for Concrete Densifiers(MDPI, 2023-03-08) Kalina, Lukáš; Bílek, Vlastimil; Sedlačík, Martin; Cába, Vladislav; Smilek, Jiří; Švec, Jiří; Bartoníčková, Eva; Rovnaník, Pavel; Fládr, JosefProtection of concrete against aggressive influences from the surrounding environment becomes an important step to increase its durability. Today, alkali silicate solutions are advantageously used as pore-blocking treatments that increase the hardness and impermeability of the concrete’s surface layer. Among these chemical substances, known as concrete densifiers, lithium silicate solutions are growing in popularity. In the present study, the chemical composition of the lithium silicate densifiers is put into context with the properties of the newly created insoluble inorganic gel responsible for the micro-filling effect. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used as a key method to describe the structure of the formed gel. In this context, the gelation process was studied through the evolution of viscoelastic properties over time using oscillatory measurements. It was found that the gelation process is fundamentally controlled by the molar ratio of SiO2 and Li2O in the densifier. The low SiO2 to Li2O ratio promotes the gelling process, resulting in a rapidly formed gel structure that affects macro characteristics, such as water permeability, directly related to the durability of treated concretes.
- ItemHygric and mechanical parameters of ternary binder based plasters lightweighted by expanded perlite(IOP Publishing, 2018-07-12) Čáchová, Monika; Koňáková, Dana; Vejmelková, Eva; Vyšvařil, Martin; Bayer, PatrikThis article is focused on modern plasters with improved thermal insulating ability. The studied plasters were composed of lime, cement, ceramic powder, expanded perlite and silica sand. Regarding the matrix, three kinds of binders were used. Lime was partially replaced by ceramic powder. These waste materials show good pozzolanic reactivity and thus bring economic and ecological benefits. Portland cement was added as a third component to the mixture for the purpose of improving mechanical performance of the studied plasters. In this article, mechanical properties of designed plasters are presented. It was proved that matrix strengthening brought positive effect and eliminated the deterioration of mechanical behaviour; the final values of compressive strength were over 3 MPa. Due to desired high porosity of the studied plasters, their durability can be strongly affected by presence of the water. Therefore, in this article, the hygric parameters were studied too. Namely, the water absorption coefficient, apparent moisture diffusivity, the water vapour diffusion resistance factor and sorption and desorption isotherms belong among studied hygric characteristics. In this article, pore size distribution curves, which affect the discussed parameters, are presented.
- ItemEffect of chitosan ethers on fresh state properties of lime mortars(IOP Publishing, 2017-10-25) Vyšvařil, Martin; Žižlavský, TomášThe fresh state properties of mortars are eminently important since determine the material workability and also have a great influence on its hardened state characteristics. In this paper, the behaviour of fresh lime mortars modified by etherified derivatives of chitosan (hydroxypropylchitosan (HPCH) and carboxymethylchitosan (CMCH)) is assessed with the purpose of exploring a new application of such derivatives as lime mortar admixtures. The rheological parameters (relative yield stress, consistency coefficient and fluidity index) and viscoelastic properties were correlated with flow table tests, relative density measurements, water retention abilities of mortars and air content in mortars. Results were seen to be strongly dependent on substituents of the chitosan. Non-ionic derivative (HPCH) had a plasticizing influence on the mortars; the ionic CMCH showed the thickening effect. The effect of chitosan ethers was found to be dosage-dependent. CMCH had low impact on water retention, while HPCH displayed high water retention capability. It was concluded, that the ionic derivative (CMCH) is very similar by its viscosity enhancing effect to starch ether.
- ItemEffect of particle size of waste brick powder on the properties of alkaline activated materials(IOP Publishing, 2018-07-12) Brînduş-Simuţ, Jiřina; Vyšvařil, Martin; Bayer, Patrik; Keppert, Martin; Rovnaníková, PavlaThe properties of alkaline activated brick dust mixed with water glass with a silicate modulus (Ms) of 1.0 were studied in fresh mixtures as well as hardened products in connection with the particle size of the dust. The brick dust (ground waste brick) was separated into 5 fractions according to particle size. The influence of particle size on the rheological properties of the fresh mixtures was studied via measurements of the yield stress and viscosity. The flexural and compressive strengths of the hardened products were determined after storage under laboratory conditions for 7, 14 and 90 days; the influence of 7 days of curing at 65°C on strength was evaluated as well. The microstructure of the hardened products was studied by means of porosimetry and SEM.
- ItemTernary binder based plasters with improved thermal insulating ability(IOP Publishing, 2017-10-25) Čáchová, Monika; Koňáková, Dana; Vejmelková, Eva; Vyšvařil, MartinNew kind of plasters with improved thermal insulating ability are presented in this article. Improvement was reached by utilization of lightweight expanded perlite with high porosity. The second used aggregate was silica sand. Regarding the binder, three kind were combined for the reason of better plaster performance. Pure lime, Portland cement and pozzolanic ceramic powder were employed. Basic physical properties and thermal characteristics were determined. The porosity of plasters reached desired higher value about 50% and the thermal conductivity in dry state was lower than 0.16 Wm1K1.