PhD Workshop 2015

3 – 10 června 2015, galerie MINI, FA VUT v Brně

PhD Workshop byl setkáním studentů doktorského studia, uspořádaným za účelem vzájemné výměny zkušeností a poznatků. Poprvé se uskutečnil ve dnech 3.–10. června 2015 v prostoru galerii MINI na Fakultě architektury VUT v Brně a byl doprovázen výstavou autorských posterů. Studenti ve dvou tematických okruzích Architektura a Urbanismus prezentovali dosavadní výsledky svého výzkumu se zaměřením na téma svojí disertační práce.
Uspořádání workshopu, výstavy a vydání sborníku bylo podpořeno z prostředků Institucionálního rozvojového projektu RP9052100105 Workshop doktorandů FA VUT v Brně 2015.

The doctoral workshop that took place at the Faculty of Architecture, Brno University of Technology in June created a new discussion platform for our PhD students. While our focus was on people and the spaces in which they live, the variety of urban and architectural topics under discussion provided intersections and overlaps into a number of related fields.
The workshop was an opportunity for scientific exploration, where new perspectives could be compared with the students’ own experiences and common Czech architectural practices. Some presentations inspired comparisons, others pointed to potential crises, and still others warned of the possible long-term impact of problems which have been neglected or overlooked in recent history.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 21
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    Vliv sakrální architektury na urbanismus měst
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury, 2015) Veselý, Josef
    Since the beginnings of urban development, church buildings have been integral parts of cities, integral parts of Central European urban societies. For most of the time the Church fulfilled not only its pastoral function, but also played an important economic and educational role. As a result, church buildings became centres around which urban societies were organised.
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    Dopravní infrastrukturou proti městskosti
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury, 2015) Stříteský, Pavel
    The building of traffic infrastructure, needed to serve growing single-purpose zones, is one of the main features of a modern city. In Brno, this urban trend has been present since the late 1960s up to the present day. Conflicts between the city and its traffic infrastructure arise specifically in places where different directions and modes of transport intersect. Segregation of road transport within the city creates impenetrable areas generating noise and pollution.
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    Aspekty bydlení ve výškových budovách, definované na základě analýzy a pozorování čínských měst
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury, 2015) Toman, Radek
    “Throughout the city, whole blocks are being flattened, turning parts of the former “Paris of the East” into huge construction sites - a chorus of cranes, jack-hammers and bulldozers chiselling out the foundations of skyscrapers, elevated expressways and subway tunnels. Architects are having their fling with modernism - designing huge glass-faced office complexes and luxury apartment Blocks.” [1]
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    Aspekty světla v sakrální architektuře
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury, 2015) Šťasta, Jiří
    Light is an element that is symbolically present in any religion for its life-giving and revealing function. The paper focuses on the use of light in the Christian milieu and in both historical and contemporary Christian architecture. Different approaches to light characterise each period and its social and cultural aspects. Building materials develop, their properties improve over time, but light is an eternal architectural element – a necessary condition.
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    Proměny veřejných prostranství
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury, 2015) Strašilová, Zdeňka
    In Czech towns and cities, public space has become a widely discussed topic, with growing social demand for high-quality public spaces. In spite of this, we still often see public spaces – both new and created by transformation of existing ones – that do not fulfil their purpose and lack sufficient quality, despite significant spending. Yet the successful functioning of a public space is the main indicator of its quality. Today, leading world theoreticians agree that public spaces need to be adapted to people visiting them, and should provide room for social activities.