Číslo 26, ročník X
Recent Submissions
- ItemIdentification and Comparison of Requirements Placed on Brand Managers(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2016-09) Wroblowská, ZuzanaThe purpose of the article: Building a strong brand is difficult, even when viewing brands as an essential asset of the company is a lasting trend. So for brand managers to succeed in their job roles, they must possess knowledge, skills, and relevant personality traits. The purpose of the author´s work was to provide the insight into the offering of brand manager´s posts in the Czech Republic and to analyze the collected data with the special interest in finding the answer, whether the employers see a brand manager as a knowledge worker. Methodology/methods: For a successful empirical research, the content analysis method by Berelson was used to study the texts in recruitment advertisements. The statistical verification of results was conducted using the chi-squared test. Scientific aim: The goal of the primary survey was to provide answers to the research questions, which arise from the following research assumption: (1) the set of requirements for candidates for the job of Brand Manager will confirm that a brand manager is one of the workers who have skills and personality prerequisites expected for knowledge workers and (2) after the period of economic recession and despite the oncoming recovery, employers do not concede their requirements placed on candidates for the job of Brand Manager. Findings: The results of the actual research project confirmed a fundamental need of excellent communication skills (69.6 %), a high degree of creativity (51.8 %) and analytical ability (42.9 %) of candidates for the position “Brand Manager”. During the comparison of the data results gathered in 2007 there were recorded some differences. Statistical verification confirmed the shift of requirements in the group of traits and skills connected to motivation and self-control. The results also showed significant differences in the analysed group of ads for the position of “Brand Manager” and “Product Manager” in almost all groups of psychological requirements. Conclusions: The findings confirmed that employers are looking for workers possessing personal dispositions and skills of knowledge workers. Comparison of frequencies of requirements placed on candidates for the position of "Brand Manager" in 2007 and in 2015 indicates changes, but it does not mean that employers are less demanding. The differences in employers´ expectations supported by the set of psychological requirements placed on candidates for the post “Brand Manager” and “Product Manager” inspire the discussion and are the reason for deeper investigation in the role of employees in product management.
- ItemEmergence of Industrial Ecosystems in Post-Authoritarian Contexts(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2016-09) Grumadaite, Kristina; Jucevicius, GiedriusPurpose of the article: This article analyses cluster emergence in post-authoritarian countries with immature socio-economic context by adapting the approach of industrial clusters as industrial ecosystems and analysing cluster emergence cases. Methodology/methods: review of scientific literature, case analysis. Scientific aim: This article presents the different scenarios of cluster emergence based on cases of industrial clusters in a Lithuanian context and provides solutions for cluster emergence in post-authoritarian countries. Findings: The analysis of scientific literature revealed the following solutions of cluster emergence in post-authoritarian contexts: 1) Large firm(s) acting as anchors for attracting smaller companies into cluster; 2) Cluster emergence as a means to serve the needs of large customer outside the cluster; 3) Cluster emergence via professional associations; 4) Cluster emergence via local business entrepreneurs; 5) Cluster emergence via local science representatives; 6) Cluster emergence through community mobilising; 7) Government as the main agent for change. The analysis of industrial clusters emergence in Lithuania revealed four different combinations of planned/unplanned non-equilibrium phenomena and the first explicit/inexplicit initiatives toward the emergence of self-organising industrial systems by analysing the cases of cluster emergence in Lithuanian context. These cases highlighted the importance of leaders-initiators that were local large or simply very experienced enterprises, groups of managers of small and medium sized enterprises, mediators-communication facilitators from non-business enterprises. These actors helped to cope with unplanned and planned non-equilibrium phenomena. Conclusions: Since the empirical analysis concentrated only in the first stage of cluster emergence of post-authoritarian context, a further research is needed to take a deeper look at the development of industrial clusters as industrial ecosystems in post-authoritarian contexts and thus evaluate the aspects of emergence emphasised in the theoretical part of the article.
- ItemEstimation of social discount rate for Lithuania(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2016-09) Kazlauskiene, Vilma; Stundziene, AlinaPurpose of the article: The paper seeks to analyse the problematics of estimation of the social discount rate (SDR). The SDR is the critical parameter of cost-benefit analysis, which allows calculating the present value of cost and the benefit of public sector investment projects. Incorrect choice of the SDR can lead to the realisation of ineffective public project or conversely, cost-effective project will be rejected. The relevance of this problem analysis is determined by discussions and different viewpoints of scientists on the choice of the most appropriate approach to determine the SDR and absence of methodically based the SDR on the national level of Lithuania. Methodology/methods: The research is performed by the scientific and methodical literature analysis, systematization, time series and regression analysis. Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to calculate the SDR based on the statistical data of Lithuania. Findings: The analysis of methods of SDR determination, as well as the researches performed by foreign researchers, allows stating that the social rate of time preference (SRTP) approach is the most appropriate. The SDR, calculated by the SRTP approach, reflects the main purpose of public investment projects, i.e. to enhance social benefit for society, the best. The analyses of SDR determination practice of the foreign countries shows that the SDR level should not be universal for all states. Each country should calculate the SDR based on its own data and apply it for the assessment of public projects. Conclusions: The calculated SDR for Lithuania using the SRTP approach varies between 3.5 % and 4.3 %. Although it is lower than 5 % that is offered by European Commission, this rate is based on the statistical data of Lithuania and should be used for the assessment of the national public projects. Application of the reasonable SDR let get the more accurate and reliable cost-benefit analysis of the public projects.
- ItemRelationship of reverse logistics and marketing communication in Czech Republic(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2016-09) Milichovský, FrantišekPurpose of the article: The paper deals with question if the final customers are interested in reverse logistics in marketing campaigns, acceptable in the market of Czech Republic. Methodology/methods: Paper is based on primary research, on which participated final consumers in Czech Republic through the questionnaire survey. Results of the paper are based on testing of dependence between individual variables by Pearson chi-square test. Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to show relationship of marketing communication and reverse logistics, and their correlation. Findings: Main result of research provide relationship between marketing communication tools and reverse activity. The research was aimed at random chosen group of 585 people in the Czech Republic. The result of the research can be used for the companies that operate in the Czech or Central European market. Conclusions: The primary research provides possible approaches for companies in communication green services to final consumers. Limitation for this research because of the chosen sample. Own data for primary research was gained only in Czech Republic.
- ItemRisk related behaviour under different ambient scent conditions(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2016-09) Gagarina, Alina; Pikturniene, IndreThe article analyses the effect of two ambient scents (peppermint and vanilla) and their intensiveness on risk related behaviour that is expressed through selected decision making heuristics. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to identify the relationship of ambient scent type and intensiveness with risk related behaviour that is expressed through selected decision making heuristics. Methodology/methods: 2x2 factorial experiment with control group was run. Ambient scent type (vanilla vs. peppermint) and intensiveness (8 (1mg) vs. 16 sprays (2mg) of scent concentrate in the same room) were manipulated as between subject variables. Risk aversion, effect of anchoring heuristic on bidding, and affect (risk and benefit) heuristics were tracked as dependent variables. Scientific aim: To identify whether ambient scent type and intensiveness have effect on risk related behaviour. Findings: Evidence suggests that there are effects of ambient scent on risk related behaviour, thus fulfilling the missing gap to relate ambient environment to decision making heuristics when risks are involved. However, not all heuristics were affected by experimental conditions. Subjects were bidding significantly higher amounts under low anchor conditions, when peppermint scent was around (if compared to vanilla group). Affect risk was perceived as lower in peppermint ambient scent conditions, if compared to the control group. Intensity of ambient scent also had influence on affect risk: subjects perceived less risk under high scent intensity conditions. Conclusions: By manipulating ambient scent, marketers may reduce or increase consumers risk perception and behaviour and as a consequence influence their purchase decisions. Marketers could use peppermint scent in high intensiveness in the situations where they want consumers to undertake higher risks (expensive purchases, gambling, insurance), since stakes were higher under peppermint ambient scent condition, and risk was perceived as lower.