10th Annual on Architecture and Urbanism Conference 2021

The 10th International Conference for Doctoral Students of European Schools of Architecture and Urbanism was hosted online by the Faculty of Architecture of the Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic on November 10, 2021. This international meeting provided a relevant platform for discussion and exchange of experiences on new knowledge in architecture, urbanism and spatial planning, landscape and monument conservation, theory and history of architecture, ecology and sustainable urban development from Czech and European educational and research institutions.
The event was opened by an invited architect, educator, theorist and researcher Ben Sweeting, PhD. from the University of Brighton, School of Architecture and Design, UK, with an introductory talk on Transience and Place in Research. The international dimension and quality of the event is also evidenced by the participation of experts from 12 countries and the submissions received.
The papers printed in full in these proceedings have also been published in the university repository dspace.vutbr.cz in Open Access mode, have been assigned a DOI and have been simultaneously indexed in the Google Scholar database and submitted for consideration for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics).
The Conference of Doctoral Studies in this field and format is a unique event in the Czech Republic and was made possible thanks to the collaboration of a number of experts. Our thanks go especially to the scientific committee and reviewers for their excellent work and invaluable comments. We would also like to thank our native speaker Mr. Simon Botten for

Název: 10th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2021
Podnázev: Contemporary Research as a Response to Transience
Vydalo: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Editoři: doc. Ing. arch. Jiří Palacký, Ph.D., Ing. arch. Kateřina Dokoupilová-Pazderková, Ph.D.
Jazyková korektura: Simon Botten,
Zpracovala: Fakulta architektury, Poříčí 5, 639 00 Brno, Tel.: 541 146 603
Místo a rok vydání: Brno, 2021

© Fakulta architektury VUT v Brně 2021
ISBN: 978-80-214-6003-4


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 14
  • Item
    The Jewish architect Zoltán Egri and his work
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2021-11-29) Ragulová, Zuzana
    Zoltán Egri (born 1894) belonged to the group of interwar Jewish architects in Brno. Almost all of them studied at the German Technical University in Brno and were active mainly in the 1930s, focusing primarily on a Jewish clientele. Egri specialized in interior design and shopfronts. Some of them were destroyed or rebuilt, others preserved. In my paper, I will discuss not only his particular designs but also general specifics of his work and often-used materials.
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    The Role and the Responsibility of the Architect in the Current and Future Sustainable Design of Buildings
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2021-11-29) Marek, Aleš
    This paper deals with the role and responsibility of the architect in the sustainable design of buildings in their lifelong cycle: in construction, operation, modernisation, and removal. The aim is to analyse and define requirements for the architect’s activities in the design stages. The paper discusses the demands and methods of integrated design, digitisation and robotics in the construction industry, and the use of BIM. The starting point is design practice and international requirements for the complex evaluation of buildings.
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    An exploratory study of Nantou Ancient Village revitalisation focusing on visual, cognitive and structural aspects
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2021-11-29) Nikodijevic, Jaksa; Grujic, Milica
    In the absence of spatial diversity, there is a need for additional elements that will enable the recognition of the space in which we are. These elements are landmarks. In order for a certain thing to be considered a landmark, it must be unique and recognisable either by its properties (size, shape, colour, materialisation, etc.) or by the location where it is located in space. Landmarks and zones with a strong character provide a strong identification of the space with its peculiarity. This paper analyses the identity of the urban settlement of Nantou Old Town as a historical cluster located in the attractive location in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen City, with over 800 residential and commercial units. The study was conducted experimentally on a number of respondents who are regular or occasional consumers in Nantou settlement, through a closed questionnaire, from which we got answers to the initial questions: how successful is the revitalisation of this cultural-historical settlement, what are the landmarks, how simple is orientation through the settlement and what method is most common in wayfinding (landmark or navigation app), does a consumer’s choice in wayfinding device and landmark physical characteristics (colour, texture and form) depend on personal dimensions (gender, age, educational level and familiarity with environment).
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    Traditionalism in Architectural Education
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2021-11-29) Adamec, Emil
    This paper summarizes a current doctoral thesis aiming to analyse the possibilities of applying concepts inspired by traditionalism in the education of 21st century architects, and the theoretical preparation for its implementation in architectural training. The aim is to highlight the theoretical basis supporting the thesis proposal for a studio of traditionalism, which would offer theoretical and practical courses, promote interdisciplinary cooperations, and provide a specific space for this.
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    The Architecture of the City: Aldo Rossi’s notion of permanence in a Czech context using the example of the Letná development in Prague
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2021-11-29) Stoklásek, Rostislav
    By the extent of its observation, Aldo Rossi’s notion of permanence, from his book „The Architecture of the City”, shows the potential for its contemporary application. The paper describes the modern development of Letná using Rossi’s concept of permanence. Letná is an area with a well-documented evolution of plans, expectations, and constructions. The paper shows how Rossi’s work enables the linking of individual stages of Letná’s development, being able to also describe its non-physical artifacts. This case study analysis proves the usability of the applied terminology for further research on permanence in Czech urban structures.