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Recent Submissions

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    Effectiveness of the use of compensation bonuses in the Czech Republic
    (Magnanimitas, 2024-07-01) Talíř, Milan; Straková, Jarmila; Chytilová, Ekaterina; Chamrada, Daniel
    Aim: This paper focuses on the evaluation of the impact of the use of compensation bonuses during a pandemic on the economic situation of companies. Methods: In order to achieve this objective, a primary quantitative survey in the form of a questionnaire survey was conducted in Czech enterprises and two research questions were set. The research questions were answered by testing four hypotheses, which focused on testing the relationship between the use of compensation bonuses and the nature of the change in the economic situation of the enterprise in terms of sector, size and prevailing business relationship. The parametric two-sample one-factor ANOVA and Pearson's Chi-squared test were used to test the hypotheses. Main findings: The results showed that the use of compensation bonuses was associated with a negative change in the economic situation of the firms. Differences in the magnitude of the effect were observed in terms of the prevailing business relationship and the size of the enterprises. The business sector did not affect the strength of the association between bonus use and change in economic situation. Limitations of the paper: the paper focuses on observing the short-term trend and is limited to Czech enterprises during the pandemic period.
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    Companies' performance and behaviour responding to crisis during Covid-19 pandemic: a case study of the Czech Republic
    (Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center, 2024-03-30) Chytilová, Ekaterina; Talíř, Milan
    The aim of the paper is to find out whether the behaviour of B2B and B2C enterprises differed in the pandemic period in terms of disruption, the extent of measures taken and the financial situation in the following period. To achieve the main objective, a questionnaire survey was conducted in Czech companies with a predominantly B2B or B2C business relationship. Two research questions were defined, which were answered by testing a total of 6 hypotheses. The parametric two-sample one-factor ANOVA and Pearson's Chi-squared test were used to test the hypotheses. The test results suggest that the correlation between the number of operation barriers and the level of disruption is more pronounced for B2C than for B2B. B2C businesses were more likely to use tools such as simplifying organisational structure or changing product offerings to combat the impact of pandemic. In contrast, B2B businesses used tools such as working from home and moving online to a greater extent. The correlation between the level of disruption and the use of remedial measures is only valid for the B2B group. The link between the measures taken and the economic situation after the pandemic was confirmed for both B2B and B2C businesses (to a greater extent). The survey results are valid only for B2B or B2C businesses in the Czech Republic. The results are limited to these measures only, other measures were considered irrelevant for the purpose of the study. The results are limited to the crisis period; results may differ in other periods.
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    Digitalization of BSR in the recession
    (Growing Science, 2024-03-01) Chytilová, Ekaterina; Talíř, Milan
    Digitalization of BSR (buyer supplier relationship) is generally one of the effective tools to strengthen the supply chain. This study aims to establish the correlations between the perceived importance of BSR, investment in BSR digitalization and ER (economic result) change. Data collecting was realized in the form of a questionnaire survey. This survey was carried out in Czech enterprises of different focuses and sizes. Hypotheses are tested using Pearson's Chi-squared test. The study confirmed that correlation between the perceived importance of BSR and investment to BSR digitalization is stronger for producers than for service providers. The investment in BSR digitalization brings about ER development in the short term only for services providers. Enterprises do not associate the development of ER and the importance of BSR. BSR is considered an important area as part of the SCM whole, but ER development is not associated with this area, nor does investment in this area have a clear economic effect in a recession. Thus, the logical triad of "importance of the process- investment in process development – process effect" is unprovable in the case of BSR digitalization in a recession.
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    Development of a Smart Manufacturing Execution System Architecture for SMEs: A Czech Case Study
    (MDPI, 2021-09-12) Pfeifer, Marcel Rolf
    This study investigates the application of a smart manufacturing exectuion system (SMES) based on the current controlling structure in a medium-sized company in the Czech Republic. Based on existing approaches on the architecture of SMES, this paper develops a sample architecture grounding on the current controlling structure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). While only a few papers on approaches in the given topic exist, this approach makes use of operative production controlling data and uses a standardisation module to provide standardised data. The sample architecture was validated with a case study in a Czech SME. This case study was conducted in two different entities of one production companies suggesting differences in the entities due to the nature of production. The research showed, that simple tasks with intelligent welding equipment allow for a working SMES architecture, while complex assembly works with a high extend of human labor and a high amount of components still remain an obstacle. This research contributes to gathering additional understanding on SMES architectures in SMEs by making use of a standardisation module.
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    Structural Equation Modelling in the Research of Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Systematic Literature Review
    (Univerzita Tomase Bati ve Zline, 2021-09-27) Hrubý, Vojtěch
    Objective: To systematically review recent research of the entrerpreneurial orientation utilising structural equation models. In particular, to review trends in number of research papers on these subjects, assess the methods used, number and type of the entrepreneurial orientation's dimensions and measures used. Method: Web of Science database was first searched separately for the terms 'entrepreneurial orientation' and 'structural equation modelling' between 2011 and 2020 to look for trends in number of articles, countries where the research had been conducted and categores it was assigned to. In the second phase the Web of Science was serched for the combinateion of the two terms between 2019 and 2020 in title, abstract, key words, adn key words plus. Exclusion and inclusion criteria were applied and data from selected articles was extracted using an extraction form and statistically analysed. Results: The number of articles on both the entrepreneurial orientation and the structural equation modelling has been growing and the growth has accelerated in the last three years. 20 (39%) articles were selected out of 51 hits resulting from the combined search. Research had taken place in 14 countries of which 5 amounted to 55% of all studies. 89% of studies were clasified in at least one of the three Web of Science categories: business, management, economics. Average sample size was 278 companies and the most frequently used method was PLS-SEM. 85% articles propoesed recommendations for future research. The entrepreneurial orientation had mostly been measured with (Covin and Slevin, 1989) measure (46%) and 3 dimensions had been used in 90% of studies. Conclusions: the theoretical concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation has been gaining popularity and structural equation modelling has been frequently used to analyse various correlations. PLS-SEM is the most frequetnly used method as well as the selection of 3 dimensions measured by the original (Covin and Slevin, 1989) measure.