

Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 13
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    Analysis of Dense-Mesh Distribution Network Operation Using Long-Term Monitoring Data
    (MDPI, 2019-11-14) Ptáček, Michal; Vyčítal, Václav; Toman, Petr; Vaculík, Jan
    The technical and economic aspects and the possibility of the mesh network topology offering many radial configurations lead to the fact that large municipal networks are generally under radial operation. However, it is very important to analyze the operation and control of the mesh networks, especially in terms of their safety and durability and in the frame of the smart grid concept, respectively. The article deals with the analysis of the operation of the dense-mesh municipal distribution network of E.ON Distribuce a.s. based on the long-term data from power quality monitors. It also shows a brief view of the current lack of data usability from monitors installed in distribution networks in the context of smart grid.
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    Evaluation of Harmonics Impact on Digital Relays
    (MDPI, 2018-04-11) Wannous, Kinan Hasan Wafaa; Toman, Petr
    This paper presents the concept of the impact of harmonic distortion on a digital protection relay. The aim is to verify and determine the reasons of a mal-trip or failure to trip the protection relays; the suggested solution of the harmonic distortion is explained by a mathematical model in the Matlab Simulink programming environment. The digital relays have been tested under harmonic distortions in order to verify the function of the relays algorithm under abnormal conditions. The comparison between the protection relay algorithm under abnormal conditions and a mathematical model in the Matlab Simulink programming environment based on injected harmonics of high values is provided. The test is separated into different levels; the first level is based on the harmonic effect of an individual harmonic and mixed harmonics. The test includes the effect of the harmonics in the location of the fault point into distance protection zones. This paper is a new proposal in the signal processing of power quality disturbances using Matlab Simulink and the power quality impact on the measurements of the power system quantities; the test simulates the function of protection in power systems in terms of calculating the current and voltage values of short circuits and their faults. The paper includes several tests: frequency variations and decomposition of voltage waveforms with Fourier transforms (model) and commercial relay, the effect of the power factor on the location of fault points, the relation between the tripping time and the total harmonic distortion (THD) levels in a commercial relay, and a comparison of the THD capture between the commercial relay and the model.
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    Analysis of IEC 61850-9-2LE Measured Values Using a Neural Network
    (MDPI, 2019-04-28) Wannous, Kinan Hasan Wafaa; Toman, Petr; Jurák, Viktor; Wasserbauer, Vojtěch
    Process bus communication has an important role to digitalize substations. The IEC 61850-9-2 standard specifies the requirements to transmit digital data over Ethernet networks. The paper analyses the impact of IEC 61850-9-2LE on physical protections with (analog-digital) input data of voltage and current. With the increased interaction between physical devices and communication components, the test proposes a communication analysis for a substation with the conventional method (analog input) and digital method based on the IEC 61850 standard. The use of IEC 61850 as the basis for smart grids includes the use of merging units (MUs) and deployment of relays based on microprocessors. The paper analyses the merging unit’s functions for relays using IEC 61850-9-2LE. The proposed method defines the sampled measured values source and analysis of the traffic. By using neural net pattern recognition that solves the pattern recognition problem, a relation between the inputs (number of samples/ms—interval time between the packets) and the source of the data is found. The benefit of this approach is to reduce the time to test the merging unit by getting the feedback from the merging unit and using the neural network to get the data structure of the publisher IED. Tests examine the GOOSE message and performance using the IEC standard based on a network traffic perspective.
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    Measurements of 181Ta(n,2n)180Ta reaction cross-section at the neutron energy of 14.78 MeV
    (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, 2020-04-30) Soni, B.; Parashari, S.; Mukherjee, S.; Makwana, R.; Mehta, M.; Chauhan, Rakesh; Suryanarayana, S.V.; Pasha, I.; Danu, L.S.; Naik, H.; Nayak, B.K.; Varmuža, Jan; Katovský, Karel
    The cross-section of the 181Ta(n,2n)180Ta reaction has been measured with respect to the 197Au(n,2n)196Au monitor reaction at the incident neutron energy of 14.78± 0.20 MeV, using neutron activation analysis and off-line -ray spectrometric technique. The present measurement has been done at the energy where discrepant measured results are available in the EXFOR data library. The result has been compared with evaluated data libraries JEFF-3.3 and ENDF/B-VII.1. The present result has also been supported by theoretical predictions of nuclear model code TALYS1.8 and TALYS-1.9. The uncertainty and the correlations among the measured cross-section has been studied using co-variance analysis.
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    On Minimisation of Earthing System Touch Voltages
    (MDPI, 2019-10-11) Vyčítal, Václav; Ptáček, Michal; Topolánek, David; Toman, Petr
    Finding cost efficient earthing system design with acceptable level of safety might be quite tedious work. Thus, many earthing system engineers try to find the most suitable design either by employing only their best experience or taking advantage of some more complex optimisation programs. Although both approaches might work well under certain circumstances, they might fail either due to counter-intuitiveness of the specific situation or by misunderstanding of the applied optimisation method, its limitations etc. Thus, in this paper, the earthing system design optimisation problem was addressed by analysing optimisation simulation results together with conducted sensitivity analysis. In the paper, a simple double ring earthing system was optimised while using five different optimisation methods. The earthing system was placed in different horizontally stratified soil models and the earthing system was optimised by minimising touch voltages instead of commonly minimised earth potential rise. The earthing system was modelled by Ansys Maxwell software. Apart from using Ansys Maxwell built-in optimisers, the possible solution space has also been mapped by performing sensitivity analysis with changing the earthing system design dimensions and the results of optimisation were compared and validated. It was found out that the Sequential Non-Linear Programming Optimisation technique was quite superior to the other techniques. Additionally, in most cases, the Ansys Maxwell optimiser was able to found optimal solution; however, in some cases, based on the initial conditions, it might get stuck in local minima or the results might be influenced by the solution noise. Additionally, some quite non intuitive dependencies of earthing system electrodes positions had been found when different spatial dimensions constraints are used.