Student EEICT 2018


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 157
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    The Importance Of Specifying Rr Interval Normalization Method
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018) Milek, Jakub
    The main objective of this article is to bring attention to RR intervals resampling. Many researchers dealing with HRV problematic neglect to mention which algorithm they are using in their research. Some of the commonly used methods are presented here and how an algorithm choice can affect final results of HRV spectral analysis is shown. Power spectrum for each method was computed and power of commonly used measures (HF & LF) is presented in table to highlight the possible differences.
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    Verification And Adjustment Of Hf-Ecg Preprocessing In Experimental Cardiology
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018) Novotna, Petra
    The aim of this article is to propose an approach to High-Frequency ECG (HF-ECG) preprocessing with an intention to verify the settled methods of signal preprocessing in the perspective of the new requirements and possibilities in the area of signal processing. The method using Butterworth filters is often used. Nevertheless, for the presented type of analysis is not suitable. FIR filtering alongside with clustering and signal averaging were used for preprocessing of data from isolated rabbit hearts. Frequency bands for further analysis were chosen according to the estimated SNR (signal-to-noise ratio).
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    Pixel-Wise Segmentation Of The Blood Vessels Using Random Forests
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018) Hesko, Branislav
    This paper presents segmentation of the blood vessels in retinal images. First, a serie of feature detectors is applied in form of multiple filters. Then, each pixel is classified using random forests, which was trained on labeled images. Promising results have currently been achieved.
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    Robust Cell Nuclei Tracking Using Gaussian Mixture Shape Model
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018) Vičar, Tomáš
    The life cell microscopic imaging is a standard approach for studying of cancer cell morphology and behaviour during some treatment. In the dense cell cultures, tracking each cell nucleus is challenging task due to cell overlap and interactions. Moreover, for time-lapse sequences (lasting typically 20-30 hours) the robust automatic cell tracking is needed. This paper describes new method for fluorescence nuclei tracking based on Gaussian mixture model (GMM), and additionally, GMM modification allowing application to the images is also introduced. Method is mainly designed for robustness - tracking the highest possible number of nuclei in the whole sequence. Proposed algorithm proved to by very reliable with 80% of correctly tracked nuclei.
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    Spectral Change Based Optical Sensors
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2018) Eliáš, Josef
    This paper is focused on optical sensors based on spectral characteristics change. Optical sensors are widely used for industrial, robust and noise proof measurement. There are measurement techniques for mechanical tension, temperature, pressure, displacement, vibration and so on. This article provides brief description of selected optical sensors based on Fabry-Perot and fiber Bragg grating principle. The article includes basic sensor description, theory of operation and measurement setup and expected measurement ranges and resolutions.