Fakulta strojního inženýrství


Recent Submissions

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    Reported Hydration Beliefs and Behaviors without Effect on Plasma Sodium in Endurance Athletes
    (Frontiers, 2017-05-02) Chlíbková, Daniela; Rosemann, Thomas; Nikolaidis, Pantelis T.; Knechtle, Beat; Bednář, Josef
    Purpose: Little information is available on the association of hydration beliefs and behaviors in endurance athletes and exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH). The aim of the present study was to determine hydration beliefs and behaviors in endurance athletes. Method: A 100 and 38 recreational athletes [107 mountain bikers (MTBers) and 31 runners] competing in seven different endurance and ultra-endurance races completed pre- and post-race questionnaires, and a subgroup of 113 (82%) participants (82 MTBers and 31 runners) also provided their blood samples. Result: More than half of the participants had some pre-race (59%), mid-race (58%), and post-race (55%) drinking plan. However, the participants simultaneously reported that temperature (66%), thirst (52%), and plan (37%) affected their drinking behavior during the race. More experienced (years of active sport: p = 0.002; number of completed races: p < 0.026) and trained (p = 0.024) athletes with better race performance (p = 0.026) showed a more profound knowledge of EAH, nevertheless, this did not influence their planned hydration, reported fluid intake, or post-race plasma sodium. Thirteen (12%) hyponatremic participants did not differ in their hydration beliefs, race behaviors, or reported fluid intake from those without post-race EAH. Compared to MTBers, runners more often reported knowledge of the volumes of drinks offered at fluid stations (p < 0.001) and information on how much to drink pre-race (p < 0.001), yet this was not associated with having a drinking plan (p > 0.05). MTBers with hydration information planned more than other MTBers (p = 0.004). In comparison with runners, more MTBers reported riding with their own fluids (p < 0.001) and planning to drink at fluid stations (p = 0.003). On the whole, hydration information was positively associated with hydration planning (n = 138) (p = 0.003); nevertheless, the actual reported fluid intake did not differ between the group with and without hydration information, or with and without a pre-race drinking plan (p > 0.05). Conclusion: In summary, hydration beliefs and behaviors in the endurance athletes do not appear to affect the development of asymptomatic EAH.
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    Coherence-controlled holographic microscopy enabled recognition of necrosis as the mechanism of cancer cells death after exposure to cytopathic turbid emulsion.
    (Journal of Biomedical Optics SPIE, 2015-11-01) Čolláková, Jana; Křížová, Aneta; Kollárová, Věra; Dostál, Zbyněk; Slabá, Michala; Veselý, Pavel; Chmelík, Radim
    Coherence-controlled holographic microscopy (CCHM) in low-coherence mode possesses pronounced coherence gate effect. This offers an option to investigate the details of cellular events leading to cell death caused by cytopathic turbid emulsions. CCHM capacity was first assessed in model situations that showed clear images obtained with low coherence of illumination but not with high coherence of illumination. Then, the form of death of human cancer cells induced by treatment with biologically active phospholipids (BAPs) preparation was investigated. The observed overall retraction of cell colony was apparently caused by the release of cell-to-substratum contacts. This was followed by the accumulation of granules decorating the nuclear membrane. Then, the occurrence of nuclear membrane indentations signaled the start of damage to the integrity of the cell nucleus. In the final stage, cells shrunk and disintegrated. This indicated that BAPs cause cell death by necrosis and not apoptosis. An intriguing option of checking the fate of cancer cells caused by the anticipated cooperative effect after adding another tested substance sodium dichloroacetate to turbid emulsion is discussed on grounds of pilot experiments. Such observations should reveal the impact and mechanism of action of the interacting drugs on cell behavior and fate that would otherwise remain hidden in turbid milieu.
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    Structure Tuning and Electrical Properties of Mixed PVDF and Nylon Nanofibers
    (MDPI, 2021-10-15) Černohorský, Petr; Pisarenko, Tatiana; Papež, Nikola; Sobola, Dinara; Ţălu, Ştefan; Částková, Klára; Kaštyl, Jaroslav; Macků, Robert; Škarvada, Pavel; Sedlák, Petr
    The paper specifies the electrostatic spinning process of specific polymeric materials, such as polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), polyamide-6 (PA6, Nylon-6) and their combination PVDF/PA6. By combining nanofibers from two different materials during the spinning process, new structures with different mechanical, chemical, and physical properties can be created. The materials and their combinations were subjected to several measurements: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to capture topography; contact angle of the liquid wettability on the sample surface; Raman spectroscopy; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS); and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy ({FT-IR}) to describe properties and their changes at the chemical level. Crystallization events were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Furthermore, the contact angle of the wettability of the liquid on the surface was measured for the materials, and the permittivity was measured to observe the dielectric properties. The advantage of the addition of co-polymers was to control the properties of PVDF samples and understand the reasons for the changed functionality. The innovation point of this work is the complex analysis of PVDF modification caused by mixing with nylon PA6. Here we empathize that the application of nylon during the spin influences the properties and structure (polarization, crystallization) of PVDF.
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    SEM imaging and XPS characterization of doped PVDF fibers
    (EDP Sciences, 2021-06-10) Smejkalová, Tereza; Ţălu, Ştefan; Dallaev, Rashid; Částková, Klára; Sobola, Dinara; Nazarov, Anton
    Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is one of the most promising electroactive polymers; it exhibits excellent electroactive behaviours, good biocompatibility, excellent chemical resistance, and thermal stability, rendering it an attractive material for biomedical, electronic, environmental and energy harvesting applications. This work aims to further improve its properties by the inclusion of powders of piezoactive materials. Polyvinylidene fluoride was formed by electrospinning into fibres with a thickness of 1.5-0.3 µm and then examined in a scanning electron microscope. The work offers a description of the current procedure in the preparation of samples and their modification for examination in a scanning electron microscope, characterizes the individual components of doped fibres and deals with specific instruments used for various analytical methods. The work contains a theoretical introduction to the analytical methods to which the samples will be further subjected, such as energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The obtained excellent properties of doped PVDF could be used in the design of sensors
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    Overview of the Current State of Gallium Arsenide-Based Solar Cells
    (MDPI, 2021-06-04) Papež, Nikola; Dallaev, Rashid; Ţălu, Ştefan; Kaštyl, Jaroslav
    As widely-available silicon solar cells, the development of GaAs-based solar cells has been ongoing for many years. Although cells on the gallium arsenide basis today achieve the highest efficiency of all, they are not very widespread. They have particular specifications that make them attractive, especially for certain areas. Thanks to their durability under challenging conditions, it is possible to operate them in places where other solar cells have already undergone significant degradation. This review summarizes past, present, and future uses of GaAs photovoltaic cells. It examines advances in their development, performance, and various current implementations and modifications.