EÚ-odbor energetického inženýrství


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    Seasonal Variability of Resuspension
    (EDP Sciences, 2022-11-04) Linda, Jakub; Köbölová, Klaudia; Uhlík, Ondřej; Pospíšil, Jiří; Apeltauer, Tomáš
    Particulate air pollution in cities is caused by a variety of sources. One of the less-studied contributors is wind-induced particle resuspension. As the wind speed increases, particles are removed from surfaces. These particles cause an increase in the total concentration in the air. It is known that particles of 10-2.5 m in size can be resuspended (PM10-2,5). Modern emission monitoring in cities also allows the monitoring of fine particles of 10, 2.5 and 1 m in size. The size fractions can then be sorted into PM10-2,5, PM2,5-1 and PM1. When breathed in, particles of different sizes cause various serious health risks. This paper focuses on the identification of the resuspension process of different particle size fractions by a data processing method. Data measured by automatic emission monitoring are used. It is confirmed that the concentration increase can be dominated by the fraction PM10-2,5. However, a concentration increase of fractions PM2,5-1 and PM1 is also evident with increasing wind speed. Although the increase in the PM1 fraction is smaller than PM10-2,5, it is more severe due to the respiratory deposition dose. The resuspension of particles of different fractions has different behaviours during the year. PM10-2,5 particles are dominantly resuspended in the summer months. In winter, on the other hand, the proportion of PM2.5-1 and PM1 particles increases, which may be related to the heating season
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    Experimental Study on Spray Breakup in Turbulent Atomization Using a Spiral Nozzle
    (MDPI, 2019-12-03) Krištof, Ondřej; Bulejko, Pavel; Svěrák, Tomáš
    Spiral nozzles are widely used in wet scrubbers to form an appropriate spray pattern to capture the polluting gas/particulate matterwith the highest possible efficiency. Despite this fact, and a fact that it is a nozzle with a very atypical spray pattern (a full cone consisting of three concentric hollow cones), very limited amount of studies have been done so far on characterization of this type of nozzle. This work reports preliminary results on the spray characteristics of a spiral nozzle used for gas absorption processes. First, we experimentally measured the pressure impact footprint of the spray generated. Then effective spray angles were evaluated from the photographs of the spray and using the pressure impact footprint records via Archimedean spiral equation. Using the classical photography, areas of primary and secondary atomization were determined together with the droplet size distribution, which were further approximated using selected distribution functions. Radial and tangential spray velocity of droplets were assessed using the laser Doppler anemometry. The results show atypical behavior compared to different types of nozzles. In the investigated measurement range, the droplet-size distribution showed higher droplet diameters (about 1 mm) compared to, for example, air assisted atomizers. It was similar for the radial velocity, which was conversely lower (max velocity of about 8 m/s) compared to, for example, effervescent atomizers, which can produce droplets with a velocity of tens to hundreds m/s. On the contrary, spray angle ranged from 58 degrees and 111 degrees for the inner small and large cone, respectively, to 152 degrees for the upper cone, and in the measured range was independent of the inlet pressure of liquid at the nozzle orifice.
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    Performant and Simple Numerical Modeling of District Heating Pipes with Heat Accumulation
    (MDPI, 2019-02-16) Kudela, Libor; Chýlek, Radomír; Pospíšil, Jiří
    This paper compares approaches for accurate numerical modeling of transients in the pipe element of district heating systems. The distribution grid itself affects the heat flow dynamics of a district heating network, which subsequently governs the heat delays and entire efficiency of the distribution. For an efficient control of the network, a control system must be able to predict how “temperature waves” move through the network. This prediction must be sufficiently accurate for real-time computations of operational parameters. Future control systems may also benefit from the accumulation capabilities of pipes. In this article, the key physical phenomena affecting the transients in pipes were identified, and an efficient numerical model of aboveground district heating pipe with heat accumulation was developed. The model used analytical methods for the evaluation of source terms. Physics of heat transfer in the pipe shells was captured by one-dimensional finite element method that is based on the steady-state solution. Simple advection scheme was used for discretization of the fluid region. Method of lines and time integration was used for marching. The complexity of simulated physical phenomena was highly flexible and allowed to trade accuracy for computational time. In comparison with the very finely discretized model, highly comparable transients were obtained even for the thick accumulation wall.
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    Particulate Matter Produced by Micro-Scale Biomass Combustion in an Oxygen-Lean Atmosphere
    (MDPI, 2018-12-01) Poláčik, Ján; Šnajdárek, Ladislav; Špiláček, Michal; Pospíšil, Jiří; Sitek, Tomáš
    This article extends earlier research by the authors that was devoted to the experimental evaluation of ultra-fine particles produced by the laboratory combustion of beechwood samples. These particles can have severe influence on human health. The current paper presents a parametrical study carried out to assess the influence of the composition of the atmosphere and the temperature on the production of ultra-fine particles during the micro-scale combustion process. The paper presents a laboratory procedure that incorporate the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and detailed monitoring of the size distribution of the produced fine particles. The study utilises the laboratory scale identification of the formation and growth of the fine particles during the temperature increase of beech wood samples. It also compares the particle emissions produced by beech heartwood and beech bark. The size of the emitted particles is very strongly influenced by the concentration of light volatiles released from the heated wood sample. From the experimental study, decreasing oxygen content in the atmosphere generally results in higher particulate matter (PM) production.
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    Identification of Wind-Induced Particle Resuspension in Urban Environment Using CFD Modelling
    (MDPI, 2023-01-01) Linda, Jakub; Pospíšil, Jiří; Köbölová, Klaudia
    Air pollution caused by particulate matter (PM) is a current problem in many cities. With the introduction of strict emission limits and electric cars, lower particle production is expected in the future. However, there are sources of particles that cannot be easily influenced. These include resuspension, where particles deposited on surfaces re-enter the air, causing pollution multiple times. Resuspension can account for up to 18% of the total emissions in some cases. The present paper focuses on the use of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools to describe the flow in a street canyon where resuspension by wind occurs. Based on the calculated flow, a resuspension model is applied to see where resuspension occurs and how far the particles can travel. The shear stresses on the surfaces and the character of the flow field in the boundary layer are evaluated. Different building configurations and flow parameters are tested using a simple 2D model. The model makes it possible to see in which parts of the street canyon resuspension can occur. It shows that the particles leave the street canyon only from the surfaces where the conditions are suitable for resuspension. These particles then enter the mainstream. However, most of the particles stay in the canyon, which can cause resuspension to pollute the air repeatedly. This effect can have a severe impact on human health. The total dispersion of particles in the urban environment is evaluated. The results may be useful for cities that clean the streets, as it is clear which areas will benefit most from the cleaning.