Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií


Recent Submissions

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    Smart City Concept, Applications and Services
    (Hilaris, 2014-11-11) Novotný, Radovan; Kuchta, Radek; Kadlec, Jaroslav
    The purpose of this article is to summarize the current state of understanding the smart city concept and to present a proposed communication platform for the development of city services.
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    Monometalic Textile Electrodes for "Green" Batteries
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2014-11-08) Vojtěch, Lukáš; Hájek, Jiří; Neruda, Marek; Zatloukal, Miroslav
    This papes focused on design and manufacture of monometalic textile electrodes for "green " batteries, using ecological technologies.
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    Thermoresistant Newcastle disease vaccine effectivelyprotects SPF, native, and commercial chickens inchallenge with virulent virus
    (Wiley-VCH, 2023-03-07) Abdoshah, Mohammad; Hassanzadeh, Mohammad; Masoudi, Shahin; Ashtari, Abbas; Yousefi, Alireza; Partovi Nasr, Minoo
    Background: Due to the more stability and a better homogenecity in immune response, the use of thermoresistant vaccines in different chicken types has been increased. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a newly developed Newcastle disease vaccine (ND.TR.IR ) originating from 1-2 strain in specific pathogen-free (SPF) and native and broiler chickens. Methods: Following determination of pathogenicity indices on the candidate seed, three efficacy examinations were conducted. In the first experiment, 120 1-day-old SPF chickens were randomly allocated to six groups and either vaccinated with ND.TR.IR via eye drop at 1, 7, and 21 days of age (V-1, V-7, and V-21), or considered as non-vaccinated control groups (C-1, C-7, and C-21). At 20th post-vaccination day, sera hemag-glutination inhibition (HI) antibody titres against ND virus (NDV) were measured and then the chickens were challenged by virulent NDV (vNDV). In the second and third experiments, the efficacy of ND.TR.IR vaccine was compared to routine vaccination program (B1 and LaSota) in native and broiler chickens that were vaccinated at 10 and 20 days of age, respectively. The HI antibody titres were measured on 10, 20, 30, and 40 days of age, and also challenge efficacy test with vNDV was conducted on 30 days of age. Results: The studied virus, as a vaccinal seed, complied with the pathogenicity indices of avirulent NDV and molecular identity of 1-2 strain. In the efficacy evaluation trials, the vaccinated chickens had higher HI antibody titres against NDV compared with their corresponding control chickens (p < 0.05). Results of the challenge tests indicated 95% and 100% protection against vNDV in native, SPF, and broiler-vaccinated chickens, respectively. Conclusions: The present findings indicated that administration of ND.TR.IR induced appropriate HI antibody titres against NDV in SPF, native, and broiler chickens associated with good protection in efficacy test.
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    Photoelectric Properties of Solar Cells Based on Perovskites
    (Czech Technical University in Prague, 2018-03-13) Novák, Vítězslav; Vanýsek, Petr; Weiter, Martin
    Here we discuss materials and construction of particular solar cells that could be possible replacement for the current silicon-based photovoltaic cells, and methods of studying their performance. Solar cells based on the general perovskite structure (ABX3) attracted in recent years much attention. These materials, due to the possible variability of both cations and anions in their composition, offer almost endless possibilities for synthetic preparation. For the active layer of a solar cell is often used the CH3NH3PbI3-2Cl2 perovskite structure, i.e., a structure containing an organic component. We have built photovoltaic cells with such an active layer and tested them by static and dynamic methods using the unique photoelectric research instrument by Zahner using the method CIMPS (Controlled Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy).