Číslo 13, ročník VII


Recent Submissions

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    Koncepce úspěchuschopnosti: Konkurenceschopnost – vítězství, nebo účast v soutěži?
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-03) Pirožek, Petr
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    E-government v České republice, právní a technologické aspekty
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-03) Kodl, Jindřich
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    Hodnocení bankrotních modelů litevských společností
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-03) Jurevičienė, Daiva; Bercevič, Evelina
    Purpose of the article: Is to analyze the theoretical aspects of bankruptcy, to identify reasons of company’s bankruptcy and its consequences both for the company itself and national economy. After comparison of chosen bankruptcy prediction models they were applied for five failed and five currently operating companies providing similar services. Methodology/ methods: The methods of analyses and synthesis, description and comparison were applied in the article. Linear discriminant (Liss, Taffler&Tisshaw, Springate, and Altman) and logistic regression (Zavgren, Chesser) bankruptcy prediction models have been used to enable to judge the best of them for carrier companies. Graphical visualization is used for demonstration of results. Scientific aim: Is to evaluate applicability of linear discriminant and logistic regression bankruptcy prediction models for Lithuanian carrier companies. Over the last few years the carrier industry was the fourth in Lithuania according to the number of failed firms, so, bankruptcy prediction for this industry is particularly relevant. Findings: Obtained results show that in spite that Lithuanian companies’ often use Altman model to predict possible bankrupt, Springate and Taffler&Tisshaw models are also appropriate for Lithuanian companies to predict possible failure. Unfortunately Liss, Zavgren and Chesser models are inappropriate for carrier enterprises. Conclusions: The results confirmed that three from six analyzed models are fitting to predict failure of carrier sector companies’, while three models are inadequate. Taffler&Tisshaw model is the most reliable for bankruptcy Prediction.
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    Použití nástrojů projektového řízení v České republice
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-03) Koleňák, Jiří; Smolíková, Lenka
    Purpose of the article: is to present results of the research realized in the framework of the project: CZ. 1.07/2.2.00/15.0433 Innovation of the selected subjects in the field of preparation, management and implementation of development, education and research projects realized by the Faculty of Business VUT in Brno. Methodology/methods: The research was conceived as quantitative, i.e. after formulation of the expected declarations was drawn up a set of questions verifying the effects of individual factors upon the implementation of development projects in enterprises. Survey respondents were project managers most of whom are members of the Society for project management. Scientific aim: The objective of the project is to improve and increase the education level in the field of preparation, management and implementation of development, education and research projects. This should increase the qualification of the graduates; provide them with better employability and a better position in the labour market. The project emphasizes in particular the practical aspects of the education, where the participants will prepare in the form of a training model projects under real terms and conditions from announced calls and will be informed about all the essential aspects for a successful preparation and implementation of the projects. Findings: The aim of this research was to determine the level of technical and behavioural competences during the implementation of the development projects in companies in the Czech Republic. The purpose was disclosure of the opportunities for innovation of study programs on the Faculty of Business VUT in Brno by the elements of the project management. The article presents a part of the research oriented to the field of projects implementation, the individual stages of the project, tools, methods and the benefits of the project management. Further it points out the most common causes of projects failure. Conclusions: The realized research supports the allegation about a move of the importance of usage of the instruments of project management from the implementation stage in the pre-project stage, which is assessed at the same time as the hardest one. The project organization is most frequently used in fields of products innovations (products and services) and in information technology. The article further presents the level of use of various instruments and methods of the project management. The research results will be used in the proposals for innovation of study subjects in the Faculty of Business VUT in Brno.
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    Value drivers podniků zpracovatelského průmyslu České republiky v letech 2007–2011
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-03) Strnadová, Michala; Karas, Michal; Režňáková, Mária
    Purpose of the article: The article strives to identify quantitative factors that positively or negatively influence the performance of enterprises and thus also their value (the so-called value drivers). Research was performed in processing industry enterprises in the Czech Republic which contribute about 25 per cent to the gross value added in the CR. Methodology/methods: The principal research method is the logarithmic decomposition of the ROE. In the analysis, data from the processing industry enterprises from the years 2007–2011 were used. The data were aggregated for the purposes of the calculation. Because Grubbs test confirmed the existence of extreme outliers in the sample, a 5% Winsorized mean was used in the aggregation. This approach makes it possible to identify the most important factors responsible for changes in enterprise performance. Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to identify value drivers of processing industry enterprises in the CR, i.e. factors that are responsible for the growth or decline in enterprise value. In view of the positive correlation between the value of an enterprise and its return on equity, the return on equity decomposition was used in the analysis. Findings: The results show that performance of industrial enterprises in the CR decreased as early as in 2008, the reason being lower profit rates (measured by operating margin). The decrease in profit rates was also evident in the negative effect of the debt load on the decrease in the ROE between 2008 and 2009, in spite of the decreasing interest rates. This leads to an unambiguous conclusion that industrial companies failed to adjust their cost structure to the decrease in demand, which caused a marked decrease in their performance. Conclusions: Research results identified the decisive factors influencing the change in the performance of enterprises in the years 2007 to 2011, which can be considered positive or negative value drivers.