Číslo 24, ročník IX


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 6
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    McDonald’s as a Cultural Brand in the Landscape of Attitudes of Polish Customers
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015-12) Komańda, Marcin
    Purpose of the article: The analysis of the attitudes of Polish customers towards McDonald's based on the identification of opposite social attitudes towards globalisation processes and perception of cultural brands. Methodology/methods: The qualitative analysis of the record of Internet users' discussion has been conducted. The record of the discussion shall be regarded as an expression of opinion by an incidental group of respondents. For the purposes of the conducted research programmes weftQDA 1.0.1 and QSR NVIVO 10 have been used. Scientific aim: Utilization of postmodern interpretation of the socio-cultural context of running business for purposes of strategic management. Findings: The main differences between the supporters of the attitudes towards McDonald's were related to two problems. Firstly, the discussion concerns what McDonald’s really is (how its service should be classified). Secondly, the thread of the discourse concerns the quality of McDonald's offer. Further discussion involved the issues of impact of McDonald's on the domestic business, and lifestyle of contemporary Poles and their dining habits. Conclusions: The landscape of attitudes of Polish customers towards McDonald's is the issue of uncertainty in the strategic management within this company. It seems there is a need for paying attention to national cultural features of Poles and different attitudes of contemporary society expressed as a postmodern response to globalisation. Each group of problems mentioned may become an opportunity or a threat for McDonald's business activity in Poland.
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    Leadership during Crisis: Threat Identifcation and Solution Proposal
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015-12) Mazánek, Lukáš
    Purpose of the article: In the current dynamic market environment, companies are vulnerable to many problems of different character, which could result into a real business crisis. The submitted study summarizes possible approaches to leading through crisis situation. Therefore proposal of solutions which tools leader could use during crisis was made. Purpose of this study is to create theoretical background for the future research, in the field of application right leadership concept during crisis. Methodology/methods: For the purpose of the illustration possible threats which can lead to a business crisis was chosen the Ishikawa diagram. Next up review of scientific publication focused on leadership during crisis was made. With emphasis especially on research studies published in last 10 years in the Leadership Quarterly Journal. These results was precisely analyzed and then the most useful informations synthesized into proposed solutions. Scientific aim: The aim of this study, is to identify possible threats which could be a source of corporate crises. Subsequently propose solutions within the competence of corporate leader, how to prevent those threats or lower the intensity of crisis which already occur. Findings: Proposed solutions was found in the field of HR leadership, crisis communication, leader´s behavior connected with leadership style used during crisis and increasing effectivity of leading crisis team. The application of mentioned approaches, contribute to preparedness on the possible negative future development and reduce the intensity of crisis, which has already af-fected the corporation. Conclusions: The contribution of this study is creation of synoptic overview of corporate threats and proposal of corresponding solutions of those. The implication is to summarize results from previous empirical studies to create enough theoretic foundation for the future research
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    IT Tools and their Use in Strategy Creation in Respect of Economic Results of a Company
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015-12) Pálka, Ladislav; Hajkrová, Romana
    Purpose of the article: The article analyzes the current state of information technology in terms of their use in a strategy creation of a company in relation to monitoring the economic results of a company. It investigates, identifies and evaluates the overall situation of the concept and principles of these tools, their effectiveness in drawing up the strategy and strategic company goals, the ability to perform a variety of economic analysis without the need of a complex operation and understanding, but also for an effective evaluation of data for a planning support, management and deciding of management components, leading to the overall success of a company. The reason for this monitoring is a considerable difference between strategic company planning and its real results. Methodology / methods: In terms of methodology, the literature review of the current state of the issue has been used. - Primary: interviews, observations, expert estimation. - Secondary: evaluation of the data from the database of IS, documentation of seminars. - Quantitative Research: mapping the orientation of the issue, the confrontation with the theory. - Qualitative research: projective, structured interview (by users and suppliers). Scientific aim: The main aim of the work is to solve the problems of management and evaluation of the economic process in respect of information technology tools in connection with the formation of corporate strategy and monitoring of financial results of the company. The reason for selecting of the above-mentioned issue is the fact that information technology resources are currently not used in the creation of corporate strategy, specifically in the area of economic goals. Findings: To describe the situation in the region and to clearly define the basic problems used as a basis for the use of IT support tools in creation of corporate strategy, namely economic goals and the use of feedback of information support tools for assessing the economic results of the company; To identify individual problems and compare them with the perception of this issue at the level of professionals in science and information technology. Conclusions: (limits, implications etc.) Based on the evaluation of information support used for creation of economic objectives within the corporate strategy and the use of factors of an economic evaluation of the company, to define the issue of the application of these instruments by both users and suppliers.
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    Challenges of Regulatory Agencies Consolidation while Reducing Administrative Burdens for Business: Case of Lithuania
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015-12) Davidaviciene, Vida; Vengriene, Elena
    Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to summarize the approaches used and to research the challenges for regulatory agencies consolidation in order to reduce administrative burdens for business. This article analyses the activity of Lithuanian and EU regulatory agencies which are supervising business with regard to identify potential and arising challenges of optimising the performance of regulatory agencies. Methods: review of academic and legal literature, comparison, synthesis, statistical data analysis. Scientific aim: The aim of this article is to analyse the activities of regulatory agencies of Lithuania and European Commission and evaluate the actions in order to reduce administrative burdens as well as to identify the consolidation problem areas of regulatory agencies. Findings: The results of the analysis shows, that a unified list of regulatory agencies is not in use and the research and other reform action taken by supervising authorities is being done using different sets of regulatory agencies, what leads to increasing of administrative burdens and ineffective regulatory agencies consolidation. Conclusion: The results of research shows that it is necessary to compile a clear, united and unified list of regulatory agencies. Also it is important to carry on consolidation of controlling institutions and merging regulatory agencies to achieve a clear responsibility for the controlled areas and new ways to implement information technologies should be provided.
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    Mutual Fund Performances of Polish Domestic Equity Fund Managers
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015-12) Tan, Ömer Faruk; Ünal, Gözde
    Purpose of the article: The main purpose of the paper is empirically evaluating selectivity skills and market timing ability of Polish fund managers during the period from January 2009 to November 2014. After the global financial crisis of 2008, in this period of quantitative easing (QE), thanks to an increase in the money supply, a capital flow from developed countries to developing countries was observed. In this study, we try to analyse that although the financial market in Poland made an incredible progress, whether fund managers show better or worse performance than the market. Methodology/Methods: In order to evaluate fund manager performances, Jensen alpha (1968) is computed, which depicts selectivity skills of fund managers. For determining market timing ability of fund managers, Treynor&Mazuy (1966) regression analysis and Henriksson&Merton (1981) regression analysis are applied. Fund performances are evaluated using Warsaw Stock Exchange Index as the benchmark index. Scientific aim: In this study, we have tried to evaluate selectivity skills and market timing ability of Polish fund managers. A total of 14 equity fund managers’ performances are analysed. The study can be guiding especially for investors who are interested in Polish equity fund performances in a period where emerging stock markets outperformed with quantitative easing. Findings: Jensen (1968) alphas indicate that over this period fund managers did not have selective ability, as none of the 14 funds had statistically significant positive alphas. Furthermore, Treynor&Mazuy (1966) and Henriksson&Merton (1981) regression analysis indicate that over the same period fund managers did not also have market timing ability, as again none of the 14 funds had statistically significant positive coefficients. Conclusion: In this work, we can detect that in the era of quantitative easing, although the financial market in Poland made an incredible progress, the fund returns were generally lower than the stock market and Polish fund managers could not display a good performance both in selectivity skills and market timing abilities.