ExFoS 2015

Název: Sborník příspěvků konference Expert Forensic Science Brno 2015

Sestavili: Ing. Jan Schejbal, Ing. Albert Bradáč, Ph.D.
Vydalo: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Ústav soudního inženýrství, Údolní 244/53, 602 00 Brno
Vyšlo: Leden 2015
Vydání: první
ISBN: 978-80-214-5100-1


Recent Submissions

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    Česká znalecká činnost nevzkvétá
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2015-01) Ševčík, Petr
    The article discusses the current state of expert activities in the Czech Republic. The author tries through article to highlight some systemic deficiencies and, in most cases, trying to find possible ways of solution.
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    Povinné celoživotní vzdělávání znalců
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2015-01) Pivoňková, Kateřina
    In her thesis, the author deals with the issue of lifelong learning of experts with the aim of creating a uniform education system (hereafter called UES). It will be possible to use UES in all expert fields, branches and specializations and it will be systematic and lucid and will result from already known and in practise proven methods (e.g. certification, courses, specialized studies etc.). UES will be comprised of the knowledge of judicial engineering branch, its four fields of expert activities and the current methodology. It will integrate the newly suggested approaches which will define the lifelong learning of experts systematically and broadly, both on a theoretical level, the legal one especially, and on a professional level, i.e. practically focused on particular expert disciplines. The model example will include the lifelong learning of experts before their appointing to the office and also a credit system of learning for the whole time of carrying out the function of an expert while taking andragogical approaches into consideration.
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    Možnosti získavania kompetencií ako predpoklad efektívneho riadenia rizík
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2015-01) Sinay, Juraj; Vargová, Slavomíra
    New approaches in the safety management systems in all of its forms require that every person was aware of this risk, with which he must live, both in the workplace as well as in daily life. It is important even at the stage where the man is the creator of the resources (e.g. machines, machinery, systems, sites) for use in various industrial technologies, i.e. has the ability to affect the risks already at the beginning of their technical life. Knowledge of the complex relations creates the essence for defining the risk and gives the presumption of effective solutions to the complex security of the enterprise. Experts in the field of risk management, therefore, must constantly educate themselves and thus expand their competencies for the area of risk management.
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    Systémový přístup k hodnocení rozsahu škod na životním prostředí z pohledu rizikového inženýrství
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2015-01) Schüllerová, Barbora; Adamec, Vladimír; Tragan, Tomáš
    Road accidents have resulted not only in loss of human life, health and material damage, but also in the environmental damages caused by leaks of operating fluids or transported hazardous substances. Determining the severity and extent of the occurred accident is based on the expertise of experts. Besides the common methods, the risk engineering methods can be applied while resolving this issue. The contribution introduces the possibilities of using selected methods of risk analysis, which are the core of risk engineering, as a support tool for determining the extent of the damage incurred on the environmental components, including recommended procedures, combinations and applications of these methods.
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    Používání pojmů cena a hodnota při oceňování majetku
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Ústav soudního inženýrství, 2015-01) Kledus, Robert
    Article deals with the analysis of problem, which has been existing since 1989 under conditions of the Czech Republic. After ages of communism, the Czech Republic started to integrate to European Union and wider European and International structures. In connection with usage of recommendation resulted from International Valuation Standards the emphasis is put on distinguishing of terms price and value at evaluation. On the contrary the legal regulations keep working with terms, which do not use such distinguishing. There is nonstandard situation which causes the lack of terms clarity. With this lack of clarity the problem in interpretation of evaluation results can be related as well. Article deals with analysis of terms of price and value, shows differences in their understanding according to International Valuation Standards and Czech legal system and article also looks for possible means of clarification in this area.