
Recent Submissions

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    Geodetické činnosti při stavbě podchodu pod železniční tratí
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, ) Adámať, Martin; Bureš, Jiří; Bárta, Ladislav
    Diploma thesis describes geodetic works in the construction of a subway under the railway track in Trenčín. Foundation for geodetic works in the construction is decree 300/2009 from the body of laws. The thesis describes these works in the order in which they were executed during the construction process. These works are: prepration of project documents, stake-out, control measurement, measurement of real building execution, quantification of executed building works, creation of real building execution documents. Part of the thesis describes the stake-out evaluation of each building phase and the evaluation of the building execution. The subway is a part of the railway modernization Nové Mesto nad Váhom – Púchov in city Trenčín.
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    Dokumentace stavebního objektu
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, ) Machová, Miroslava; Hanzl, Vlastimil; Berková, Alena
    The subject of diploma thesis is geodetic survey of real state of object with historical meaning in municipality Vikantice and subsequent creation of drawing documentation and 3D model of that building. The purpose was to create documentation that will serve as remembrance for owner of thebuilding. Text part of thesis describes locality, measurement procedures and processing methods, process of creation drawing documentation of building and 3D model. Overall result of thesis include drawings of floor plans and sections in electronical and printed form, 3D model in electronical form and preview of elevations in printed form.
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    Využití laserového skenování v informačním modelování budov
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, ) Staufčík, Jakub; Volařík, Tomáš; Machotka, Radovan
    Diplomová práce se zabývá tvorbou modelu BIM s využitím laserového skenování. V první části práce jsou popsány základní informace týkající se problematiky informačního modelování budov (BIM). V další části je popsán postup prací tvorby modelu BIM konkrétní budovy od sběru dat až po vlastní modelování. Model byl vytvořen v programu Revit.
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    Geodetické činnosti při rekonstrukci povrchu dálnice D1
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, ) Gunár, Peter; Bureš, Jiří; Švábenský, Otakar
    The main goal of the diploma thesis is the description of geodetic and construction activities and work processes dealing with reconstruction of the D1 highway surface in the section Rosice – Brno. The thesis is focused within the sphere of engineering geodesy and address the issue of creation of point field, stake-out, control measurement and the measurement of real building execution documents. Used survey procedures are analyzed in the context of the standard deviation listed in the project documentation or ČSN. The geotetic documentation is compiled for the chosen measured data.
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    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, ) Šuplata, Matej; Dýr, Petr; Myslín,, Jiří
    Nikolsburg Mikulov Winery The diploma thesis is elaborated as an architectural study on the theme of Nikolsburg Mikulov Winery. The town Mikulov is considered as one of the wine centers in South Moravia. The location Turold is situated in the unbuilt part of Mikulov. This unique cave complex is surrounded by vineyards on the south-facing hillside of Pálava. The location with a magnificent view of the city of Mikulov offers the possibility of building a wine house in the countryside. The wine house will serve as a representative object of the Nikolsburg Winery for the purpose of trainings, selling and tasting selected varieties of wine, as well as apartment accommodation for guests associated with regional gastronomy and luxury wellness services. There is also a large terrace with a fountain, from which there is a beautiful view of the countryside and the significant dominants of Mikulov.