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- ItemEvaluation of Sintering Behavior of Premix Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy Powder(Hindawi, 2015-05-09) Rudianto, Haris; Jang, Gwang Joo; Sun, Yang Sang; Kim, Yong Jin; Dlouhý, IvoSintering of light aluminium alloys powder has been investigated as a way to substitute steels in automotive and aerospace industries. Premix Al-5.5Zn-2.5Mg-0.5Cu composite powder called Alumix 431D was analyzed in this research. Sintering was carried out under ultra high purity nitrogen gas and before reaching sintering temperature, green samples were delubricated at 400 degrees C for 30 min. The powder possesses high sinterability by reaching 96% relative density at 580 degrees C sintering temperature. Formation of liquid phase seems to support achieving high sintering density. Optimum mechanical properties also were obtained under those conditions. T6 heat treatment was done to improve the mechanical properties by formation of precipitation strengthening, and MgZn2 appears to be dominant strengthening precipitate. X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, and SEM-EDS were used to characterize powder, and sintered and heat treated samples.
- ItemEvaluation of pump characteristic from measurement of fast deceleration(EDP Sciences, 2014-11-18) Habán, VladimírArticle describes an experiment where a pump connected to the simple hydraulic circuit is decelerated. Since the deceleration is fast enough the operating point of the machine moves from the initial steady position to the breaking zone, turbine zone and back to the new steady position. A dependence of the specific energy and the torque on the flow rate was evaluated from the measurement of the input and output pressure, torque and rotational speed recorded during the deceleration. Obtained characteristic is much wider than curves obtained from regular measurement of steady state.
- ItemEffect of Ultrasonication Dispersion Technique on Sintering Properties of CNT Reinforced Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Powder(Polish Academy of Sciences, 2017-01-01) Rudianto, Haris; Dlouhý, Ivo; Šoukal, FrantišekCNT has been researched significantly due to its properties especially mechanical and conductivity properties. Due to strong affinity between particles, dispersion has been remained a problem for its applications. Ultrasonication technique was used to disperse CNT on aluminum powder. Ultrasonication has successfully dispersed CNT on aluminum powder in ethanol. Low energy ball milling for 1h under argon gas with 5: 1 ball to powder ratio was used to optimize dispersion of CNT on aluminum. CNT concentration in this research is ranged from 0.1 up to 3wt%. Premix Al-5.5Zn-2.5Mg-0.5Cu powder was used as matrix for this research. Sintering at 580 degrees C for 1h under argon gas was carried to produce high density materials. Pores are still remained on material and it is possibility that pores were caused by agglomeration of CNT. Dispersion high content of CNT is still remained obstacle on this research. Aluminum carbide, Al4C3 is recognized as a ` bridge between aluminum and CNT for stress transfer was investigated in this research. Raman Spectroscopy, XRD and SEM-EDS were carried out to characterize materials.